WDB, or World Database, is a Sims 2 data type which contains multiple, arbitrary data blocks containing a variety of information. This format is similar in structure to RCOL files, but is not nearly as complex.
The file is composed of a 64-byte filename and one or more data blocks. Each data block can have multiple sections or can even be recursive in nature.
After reading the filename, each data block must be read according to its own specification. The specifications for each possible type of data block follow the first part of this specification.
64-byte : Filename
Data Block
DWORD : Block ID DWORD : Block Version 7BITSTR : Block name ARBIT : Data Section
[Data Section Specifications]
Each block ID# has a unique block name. Following are links to specifications for each known block type, by their TypeID and the translated type code (i.e. 0xCAC4FC40/SMAP).
Known Data Blocks
6B943B43 : ""c2DArray"" (2DARY)
2A51171B : ""c3DArray"" (3DARY)
AB4BA572 : ""cFencePostLayer"" (FPL)
CAC4FC40 : ""cStringMap"" (SMAP)
BA353CE1 : ""cTSSGSystem"" (TSSG)
CB4387A1 : ""cVertexLayer"" (VERT)
0A284D0B : ""cWallGraph"" (WGRA)
8A84D7B0 : ""cWallLayer"" (WLL)
49FF7D76 : ""cWorldDB"" (""WorldDB"")
FA1C39F7 : ""cObject"", ""cPerson"", or ""cAnimatable"" (objt)
Internal data blocks FD4F2EC7 : ""cLocomotable""
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