From SimsWiki
Revision as of 16:26, 15 February 2010 by MogHughson (Talk | contribs)
These functions serve as the base upon which all other instructions are built. They are the core commands that are built into the game engine, and cannot be viewed or edited. Primitives can be called from any SimAntics procedure using the OpCodes listed below. Many of these instructions have an instruction wizard () to assist with programming the instruction.
- 0x0000: Sleep
- 0x0001: Generic Sims Call
- 0x0002: Expression
- 0x0003: Find Best Interaction
- 0x0004: ~(old)Grab
- 0x0005: ~(old)Drop
- 0x0006: ~(old)Change Suit
- 0x0007: Refresh
- 0x0008: Random Number
- 0x0009: ~(old)Burn
- 0x000A: Tutorial
- 0x000B: Get Distance To
- 0x000C: Get Direction To
- 0x000D: Push Interaction
- 0x000E: Find Best Object for Function
- 0x000F: Break Point
- 0x0010: Find Location For
- 0x0011: Idle for Input
- 0x0012: Remove Object Instance
- 0x0013: Make New Character
- 0x0014: Run Functional Tree
- 0x0015: ~Show String
- 0x0016: Turn Body Towards
- 0x0017: Play / Stop Sound Event
- 0x0018: ~(old)Relationship
- 0x0019: Alter Budget
- 0x001A: Relationship
- 0x001B: Go To Relative Position
- 0x001C: Run Tree by Name
- 0x001D: Set Motive Change
- 0x001E: Gosub Found Action
- 0x001F: Set to Next
- 0x0020: Test Object Type
- 0x0021: Find 5 Worst Motives
- 0x0022: UI Effect
- 0x0023: Camera Control
- 0x0024: Dialog
- 0x0025: Test Sim Interacting With
- 0x0029: ~(old)Set Balloon/Headline
- 0x002A: Create New Object Instance
- 0x002B: ~(old)Drop Onto
- 0x002C: ~(old)Animate Sim
- 0x002D: Go To Routing Slot
- 0x002E: Snap
- 0x002F: ~(old)Reach
- 0x0030: Stop ALL Sounds
- 0x0031: Notify the Stack Object out of Idle
- 0x0032: Add/Change the Action String
- 0x0033: Manage Inventory
- 0x0034: ~unused (TSO)
- 0x0035: ~unused (TSO)
- 0x0036: ~unused (TSO)
- 0x0037: ~unused (TSO)
- 0x0038: ~unused (TSO)
- 0x0069: Animate Object
- 0x006A: Animate Sim
- 0x006B: Animate Overlay
- 0x006C: Animate Stop
- 0x006D: Change Material
- 0x006E: Look At
- 0x006F: Change Light
- 0x0070: Effect Stop/Start
- 0x0071: Snap Into
- 0x0072: Assign Locomotion Animations
- 0x0073: Debug
- 0x0074: Reach/Put
- 0x0075: Age
- 0x0076: Array Operation
- 0x0077: Message
- 0x0078: RayTrace
- 0x0079: Change Outfit
- 0x007A: On Timer
- 0x007B: Cinematic
- 0x007C: Want Satisfy
- 0x007D: Influence
- 0x007E: LUA