Sims 3:0x03B4C61D
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Revision as of 00:50, 6 March 2010 by Inge Jones (Talk | contribs)
DWORD - LITE DWORD - Version DWORD BYTE - 128 Section count BYTE - 56 Section count SHORT -128 byte Sections DWORD Type? probably type of light: point, spot etc 31 Floats (light parameters. not all used at once) F1 x position in tiles (+ moves to object's left) F2 y position in metres (+ moves up) F3 z position in tiles (+ moves in front of object) F4 red 0-1 F5 green 0-1 F6 blue 0-1 F7-F31 varies according to Type Type 0x03 (point) F7 intensity Type 0x04 (spot) F7 intensity F8 (0-1) affects direction rotation about y F9 (0-1) affects direction rotation about z F10 (0-1) affects direction rotation about x F11 affects cone angle. Probably bare degrees Type 0x07 (window) F7 (I couldn't get this to do anything - ymmv) F14 width (dimension) F15 height (dimension) these two affect amount of daylight let in by window Type 0x09 (area) F7 intensity F14 width (dimension) F15 height (dimension) these affect area of the light source and thus amount of light. -56 byte Sections DWORD 13 FLOATS (light parameters. not all used at once) Notes: Intensity affects decay (how far the light reaches) rather than apparent brightness at source. Use the colour (rgb) settings to make softer lighting.