Sims 3:0x05CD4BB3

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World Routing
Game Version:The Sims 3


This seems to provide routing information within the world. The data for the entire map is broken up into small blocks.


DWORD version 1
DWORD count1
DWORD count2
REP count1 x count2
    DWORD offset from the end of this list to the route block location
REP count1 x count2
    -- route block

Route block

WORD vertex count
REP vertex count
    WORD offset from the end of this list to vertex data
REP vertex count
    BYTE path count
    BYTE usage
    BYTE X position (Within this block)
    BYTE Y position (Within this block) 
    REP path count
        BYTE destination vertex (Index to vertex within the destination block)
        BYTE destination block (Relative)
    REP path count
        BYTE path type

Each point defines a vertex in a graph of route information. Several different route types are used, as defined in the vertex data. The bulk of the routes are type 7, which forms a mesh over most of the area sims can get to. However it is unclear what it is actually used for.

Vertex usage number Context
65 Vertex is center of a lot
66 Vertex is part of the border of a lot
71 Vertex defines a foot path
77 Vertex defines a road
78 Vertex defines an object footprint
80 No special usage
81 No special usage - all paths end in different blocks
Path type Context
0 (Not seen)
1 Lot edge to center
2 Lot edge to edge
3 Road
4 (Not seen)
5 Foot path
6 Footprint edge
7 Unknown

The destination block defines which block the path ends in relative to the current block.

Bits Usage


North/south difference, with 3 being no change, positive is south, negative north


East/west difference, with 3 being no change, positive is east, negative west



For example, 108 (01101100) means it is in the same block, 80 (01010000) means it is north-east one block. Paths are symmetrical, so the destination vertex has an identical path going the other direction.

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