Neighbor id

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This is a flavour of the Set to Next (0x001F) primitive.

It will cycle through all Sims, not just on the lot, but in the whole neighbourhood. In order to return a value that represents a Sim that is not instantiated on the current lot, which means they have no object ID, there is also what is known as a Neighbor ID, for each Sim. This is the value that is used for this flavour. Neighbor IDs and Object IDs are not interchangable. You can easily find a Sim's Neighbor ID from its object ID, but not in the other direction (well most neighbor IDs will not have an object ID as they are not on the lot).

If you want to only find the Sims that are on the current lot, you can use Set to Next (0x001F) person instead.

There are some varients on finding all the Neighbor IDs.

Neighbor of Family in temp0

In this varient, you first place the Family Number you want to find members of in temporary variable 0, and then iterate round your Set to Next loop.

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