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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at
Neighborhood ID
DWORD : Version (3 = TS2, 5 = EP1, 7 = EP2) DWORD : FilePrefix Length PRI : FilePrefix DWORD : Neighborhood ID if (Version >= 5) DWORD : HoodType (1 = main hood, 2 = campus, 3 = downtown) DWORD : AreaPrefix Length (only non-zero in Uxxx and Dxxx packages) PRI : AreaPrefix (e.g. "U001", "U002", "D001", etc.) if (Version >= 7) DWORD : IsDowntown (Dxxx) Hood? (0 = false, 1 = true) DWORD : unknown (always 2?)