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See also: 4E474248


Neighborhood Data

File Overview


DWORD : Version (0x6F=Base Game, 0x70=EP1:University, 0xBE=EP2:Nightlife, 0xC2=EP3:Open for Business, 0xCB=EP5:Seasons)
DWORD : Reserved (unused - deprecated)
DWORD : Neighborhood Height (128)
DWORD : Neighborhood Width (128)
DWORD : Textlength n
n     : TerrainType ("concrete", "desert", "dirt", "temperate")

28byte : Reserved Header Space (unused)

Global Tokens

Associations (associates large structures to the neighbourhood such as a university)
NgbhSlot : universal (hood-wide) tokens


Lots (contains lot tokens such as food info and NPC info)
DWORD : SlotCount n
Repeat n
	--> NgbhSlot
End Repeat

Families (Family tokens such as exports and games)
DWORD : SlotCount n
Repeat n
	--> NgbhSlot
End Repeat

Sims (memories, gossip, sim info tokens and init tokens)
DWORD : SlotCount n
Repeat n
	--> NgbhSlot
End Repeat

BYTE  : Custom Hood Marker
DWORD : EP Ready Marker (from Uni on. Present in 0x70 versions up)


DWORD : InstanceID (of Lot/Family/Sim)

if Version >= 0xBE (EP2:Nightlife)
	 --> DWORD : NgbhSlot Version (apparently never used; same values as Version above)

DWORD : ItemCount n (Special Simulator tokens)
Repeat n
	 --> NgbhItem
End Repeat

DWORD : ItemCount n (Standard Tokens - memories, gossip, init, food, npc, skills, etc)
Repeat n
	 --> NgbhItem
End Repeat


WORD  : Flags 1 (bit0 = IsVisible, bit1 = IsMemory)

if Version >= 0xC2 (EP3:Open for Business)
	 --> WORD  : Flags 2

if Version >= 0xBE (EP2:Nightlife)
	 --> DWORD : Inventory Number

if Version >= 0xCB (EP5:Seasons)
	 --> WORD : Unknown

DWORD : DataCount n
Repeat n
	 WORD : DataWord
End Repeat

Data Decoding for Memory Items

Memory items have a typical count of 0x0C (for memories about an object) or 0x0D (for memories about a sim, including the owner) DataWords. The following list shows the structure of the Data:

0x0: Quality (0 = Positive (Green), 4 = Negative (Red))
0x1: Year (seems to start in 1997, or 0 for no date)
0x2: Month (1 to 12, or 0 for no date)
0x3: Day (1 to 31, or 0 for no date)
0x4: Owner Instance
0x5: Subject GUID (low-order 16 bits)
0x6: Subject GUID (high-order 16 bits)
0x7: Initial Value (typical values seen: -100, -75, -50, 0, 50, 75, 100)
0x8: Minimum Value (typical values seen: 0, 5, A)
0x9: Daily Decay (some of the values seen: 25, 42, 96)
0xA: Current Value (absolute value should be between Minimum Value and Initial Value)
0xB: Unknown
0xC: Subject Instance (Optional. Subject Instance should be present when the Subject GUID refers to a sim.)


Owner Instance and Subject Instance are the Sim Description SDSC instance number for this sim.

Gossip is a memory where the Owner (in the Memory Data) is not the Sim who owns the NgbhSlot. In this case, the Sim who owns the NgbhSlot has a memory about the Owner.

The Current Value of a memory is a relative score of how the memory affects a sim's mood. Positive values improve mood, negative values make it worse. The Current Value of a memory starts at the Initial Value and decays towards zero over time. The Minimum Value is the closest to zero a memory can decay. Minimum Value and Daily Decay are normally unsigned values; their sign appears to be taken from the Initial Value.

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game select