Sims 3 Talk:0x6B20C4F3

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Revision as of 23:02, 30 December 2011 by Dd764ta (Talk | contribs)

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Dd764ta 17:02, 30 December 2011 (EST) Actor/Slots(IKChain/Targets) My take on this: Each outer entry corresponds to an IK chain in the _RIG file. Each sub entry(IK Target) is a slot target for that chain(The namespace(actor) comes from the SACS actor name allowing sim x to have targets on sim y, itself, or another object). The target index refers to the InfoNode on that rig IK chain. The "position" frames for that InfoNode have a z-value from 0.0 to 1.0 that represents the influence the target has on the chain; the x,y values here appear unused. The bones affected are also keyed, but without removal of the IK targets and/or the animation keys associated with the ik chains, I suspect the game will attempt to use IK to resolve bone positions.

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