City Historical Data file [a save game file]: Specs File contains historic & current data for a wide range of things. This spec is complete with the execption of two Header DWORDS (see Info 2)
[File Header]
Dword - File length. Dword - Unknown1 (commute time related) Dword - Unknown2 (commute time related) Word - Version of Data Sets (always 2) Dword - Number of DataSourceID Sets
[End of File Header]
[Repeating chunks] [Start DataSourceID Header]
Dword - Data Source ID. These are mostly found in the [Graph/Trend] Exemplars. There are other ones that exist though [there's an attached [file] list of IDs to this post]. Dword- Graph Type Flag (See Table 1) Dword = the number of Timing & Data sections below. It's the number of Qwords that follow from here [for the given DataSourceID].
[End of DataSourceID Header]
[Start of Timing & Data sections for a given DataSourceID]
Dword - Date/Timing - Date that data is from (See Info 1) Dword - Data. This is the actual data, for the given Date/Timing for the given Data Source ID. More on this below
[End of Timing & Data section-Repeat this section; See the number of Timing & Data sections Dword value above for the number of repeated sections here]
Repeat 'Repeating Chunk' for Every DataSourceID ID Value [see tropod's file for a current list of known/unknown IDs].
Info 1: Date/Timing
Dates are stored in JD (Julian Dates) format (Thanks sawtooth). This format works differently than the standard date times in EA games and can be converted using the program here http:aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/JulianDate.html or by likewise using our own conversion tools (we'd have to make one first obviously). Julian Dates start for sc4 at 1/1/2000 which is the opening date for cities. - See comment for original info.
Table 1:
Flag Type Data Timeframe Graph --------------------------------------------- 00000000 Multiyear Data Per Year Line 01000000 Single Current Day Single Value 02000000 DoubleBar Last two Months Bar, IE demand etc. Only last value displayed 0d160000 SingleYear Daily for year Line (I think only line, but not sure)
Info 2:
Unknown1 and Unknown2 appear to be some kind of Timstamp or other Marker, but change too rapidly to be a normal timestamp. They dont APPEAR to be locations, and I really cant see consistency in them
DATASOURCEID list is found here!