Interaction Tuning Resource
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The fields defined in an interaction tuning resource
This table is a list of all possible fields found in an interaction tuning resource.
Field Name (name[XMLType=type(t)]) | Description | Types (t) |
_saveable[V] | Unknown Purpose | enabled, disabled |
outcome[V] | Instructions on what to do after an interaction succeeds or fails | single, test_based |
outcome[V=single].single[U].actions[U] | Specifies a single action to take for the outcome | None |
outcome[V=single].single.actions.continuation[L] | Specifies an interaction to queue after this interaction completes | None |
outcome[V=single].single.actions.continuation.[U].affordance[T] | The decimal identifier of an interaction to queue | None |
outcome[V=single].single.actions.continuation.[U].si_affordance_override[T] | The decimal identifier of a super interaction to queue an interaction under | None |
outcome[V=single].single.actions.continuation.[U].target[E] | Which sim the interaction is queued for (TargetSim, Actor) | None |
outcome[V=single].single.actions.force_outcome_on_exit[T] | Species whether an outcome is forced or not upon the interaction completing (True, False) | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].potential_outcomes[L].[U].outcome[U] | Specifies a potential outcome for this interaction | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests[L].[L] | Specifies tests that must pass in order for this outcome to occur | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V] | Specifies a test | test_based_score_threshold, sim_info |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=test_based_score_threshold].test_based_score_threshold[U] | Specifies a value based test | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=test_based_score_threshold].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score[T] | The decimal identifier of something with a value a commodity, statistic, etc. | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=test_based_score_threshold].test_based_score_threshold.threshold[U] | Specifies the threshold needed to be met | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=test_based_score_threshold].test_based_score_threshold.threshold.comparison[E] | Specifies the check type (GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL) | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info[U] | Specifies sim attributes. Age, Species, etc. | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V] | Specifies a sims species test | specified, unspecified |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V=specified].specified[U].species[L] | Specifies a sim species must be in the list | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V=specified].specified[U].species[L].[E] | Enum value of species (HUMAN, DOG, CAT) | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V=unspecified].unspecified[U].species[L] | Specifies a sim species must not be in the list | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V=unspecified].unspecified[U].species[L] | Enum value of species (HUMAN, DOG, CAT) | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.ages[V] | Specifies a sims age test | specified, unspecified |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.ages[V=specified].specified[U].ages[L] | Specifies a sim ages must be in the list | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.ages[V=specified].specified[U].ages[L].[E] | Enum value of ages (BABY, TODDLER, CHILD, TEEN, YOUNGADULT, ADULT, ELDER) | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.ages[V=unspecified].unspecified[U].ages[L] | Specifies a sim ages must not be in the list | None |
outcome[V=test_based].test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].[V=sim_info].sim_info.species[V=unspecified].unspecified[U].species[L] | Enum value of ages (BABY, TODDLER, CHILD, TEEN, YOUNGADULT, ADULT, ELDER) | None |
progress_bar_enabled[U] | Enables/Disabled the progress bar on the interaction | None |
progress_bar_enabled.bar_enabled[T] | Enables/Disabled the progress bar on the interaction (True, False) | None |
Contents |
Header Example:
Resource Header(class(c), itemType(i), module(m), stringId(s))
<I c="ImmediateSuperInteraction" i="interaction" m="interactions.base.immediate_interaction" n="ExampleSuperInteractionOne" s="12345">
Property Name | Description |
class(c) | The python class that will run the interaction |
itemType(i) | The resource type, in this case interaction meaning it is an Interaction Tuning Resource |
module(m) | The python namespace to the class |
stringId(s) | The tuning resource identifier, for usage within python. It should be the resource Key in decimal notation. |
Field Examples:
NOTE: All elements below have both type(t) and name(n) (A few elements can omit the name).
_saveable(type(t), name(n))
<V t="enabled" n="_saveable"> <Unknown Code> </V>
<V t="disabled" n="_saveable" />
outcome(type(t), name(n))
<V t="single" n="outcome"> <U n="single"> <U n="actions"> <!-- List of actions to perform on sims --> <L n="continuation"> <U> <T n="affordance">10451411205084654091</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the interaction to push in the queue of this sim --> <T n="si_affordance_override">9553480838726705593</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the Super Interaction to make this interaction a sub of --> <!-- If the interaction is between two Teen/YA/Adult/Elder sims use sim_chat) --> <!-- If the super interaction has the field "visible" set to "false" this interaction will interaction will be invisible --> <E n="target">TargetSim</E> <!-- The target of this outcome (Actor/TargetSim) --> </U> <U> <T n="affordance">10451411205084654091</T> <T n="si_affordance_override">9553480838726705593</T> <E n="target">Actor</E> </U> </L> <T n="force_outcome_on_exit">True</T> <!-- If True, one of the above outcomes WILL be picked when the interaction ends --> </U> </U> </V>
<V t="test_based" n="outcome"> <U n="test_based"> <L n="tested_outcomes"> <U> <L n="potential_outcomes"> <U> <U n="outcome"> <E n="outcome_result">FAILURE</E> <!-- The type of this outcome (FAILURE, SUCCESS) --> <L n="continuation"> <U> <T n="affordance">17979319336372264984</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the interaction to push in the queue of this sim if this outcome occurs --> </U> </L> <V t="enabled" n="cancel_si"> <!-- Indicates if the Super Interaction should be cancelled upon picking this outcome, and which participants for --> <L n="enabled"> <!-- In this case, the Super Interaction will be cancelled for both the initiator sim and the sim they are performing the interaction on --> <E>Actor</E> <E>TargetSim</E> </L> </V> <V n="animation_ref" t="enabled"> <U n="enabled"> <T n="factory">164587</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the animation to play upon performing this interaction--> <U n="overrides"> <!-- Any animation overrides --> <V n="balloons" t="enabled"> <!-- In this case we are overriding the balloon that appears above the target sims head and setting it to pick an image from the DISTRESS category of balloons --> <L n="enabled"> <U> <L n="balloon_choices"> <U> <V n="item" t="balloon_icon"> <U n="balloon_icon"> <E n="balloon_type">DISTRESS</E> <V n="icon" t="participant"> <U n="participant"> <L n="participant_type"> <E>TargetSim</E> </L> </U> </V> </U> </V> </U> </L> <L n="balloon_target"> <E>Actor</E> </L> </U> </L> </V> <V n="reactionlet" t="enabled"> <U n="enabled"> <V n="selector" t="single_ref"> <U n="single_ref"> <T n="factory">161076</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of a reaction animation to play upon picking this outcome --> <U n="overrides"> <V n="balloons" t="enabled"> <L n="enabled"> <U> <L n="balloon_choices"> <U> <V n="item" t="balloon_category"> <T n="balloon_category">159031</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of a reaction balloon category to show upon the sim reacting --> </V> </U> </L> <L n="balloon_target"> <E>TargetSim</E> </L> </U> </L> </V> </U> </U> </V> </U> </V> </U> </U> </V> </U> </U> </L> <L n="tests"> <!-- These determine whether or not to choose this outcome --> <L> <V t="test_based_score_threshold"> <!-- This can be used to check commodities, statistics, relationship levels, anything numbers related. --> <U n="test_based_score_threshold"> <T n="test_based_score">13299080933458659880</T> <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the resource being checked (i.e. statistic tuning, commodity tuning, etc.) --> <U n="threshold"> <E n="comparison">LESS_OR_EQUAL</E> <T n="value">14</T> </U> </U> </V> <V t="sim_info"> <!-- This checks the sim info of the sim looking for an interaction outcome --> <U n="sim_info"> <V n="ages" t="specified"> <!-- This checks age, all valid ages are listed here, default value is (TEEN, YOUNGADULT, ADULT, ELDER) --> <L n="specified"> <E>BABY</E> <E>TODDLER</E> <E>CHILD</E> <E>TEEN</E> <E>YOUNGADULT</E> <E>ADULT</E> <E>ELDER</E> </L> </V> <V n="species" t="specified"> <!-- This checks species, all valid species are here --> <U n="specified"> <L n="species"> <E>HUMAN</E> <E>DOG</E> <E>CAT</E> </L> </U> </V> <E n="who">TargetSim</E> <!-- Which sim is this being check for? (Actor, TargetSim) --> </U> </V> </L> </L> </U> </L> </U> </V>
TS4PR Tuning Resources by Name | |