Contains all the helper enums for figuring out which Resource type or group is considered by what groupId the pack is or what it is. These groups and types can be seen in S3PE as well, where on the top we see 'name', 'Type', 'Group', 'Instance'. See additional information below each Enum to figure out how to find these groups/types back in s3pe.
Enum: ProductFlag_CS
This enum seems to figure out which GroupID fits with what pack, and should only be used if you want to make your own resource types (not recommended).
Used primarily by:
Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceUtils Sims3.SimIFace.SocialFeatures.Accounts
[ComVisible(false)] public enum ProductFlag_CS : uint { kProductFlag_Basegame = 1u, // S3PE displays this as 0x00000000 however. But most VPYX resources and xml resources do use 0x00000001 as 'basegame' kProductFlag_EP01 = 2u, kProductFlag_SP01 = 4u, kProductFlag_EP02 = 8u, kProductFlag_SP02 = 0x10, kProductFlag_EP03 = 0x20, kProductFlag_SP03 = 0x40, kProductFlag_EP04 = 0x80, kProductFlag_SP04 = 0x100, kProductFlag_EP05 = 0x200, kProductFlag_SP05 = 0x400, kProductFlag_EP06 = 0x800, kProductFlag_SP06 = 0x1000, kProductFlag_SP07 = 0x2000, kProductFlag_EP07 = 0x4000, kProductFlag_EP08 = 0x8000, kProductFlag_SP08 = 0x10000, kProductFlag_EP09 = 0x20000, kProductFlag_EP10 = 0x40000, kProductFlag_SP09 = 0x80000, kProductFlag_EP11 = 0x100000, kProductFlag_All_SPs = 603476u }
Most of these are converted properly. However, in order to read 'kProductFlag_EP01 = 2u,' we can easily convert it to a proper hex notation. The Group inside S3PE has the following format: 0x00000000. This means 2u will become: 0x00000002
Another example of this: kProductFlag_SP08 = 0x10000, as a groupId inside S3PE will be: 0x00010000
This is also the reason why we can easily make 'pack required' objects base game compatible, by just changing the groupId to 0x00000000 ;)
Enum: ProductID_CS
A helper Enum that flags the productId with the correct ProductFlag_CS, eventually. This can especially be seen happening inside the Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceUtils.ProductID_CS FlagToProductID(ProductFlag_CS flag) function.
Used primarily by:
[ComVisible(false)] public enum ProductID_CS : uint { kProductID_Invalid, kProductID_BaseGame, kProductID_EP01, kProductID_SP01, kProductID_EP02, kProductID_SP02, kProductID_EP03, kProductID_SP03, kProductID_EP04, kProductID_SP04, kProductID_EP05, kProductID_SP05, kProductID_EP06, kProductID_SP06, kProductID_SP07, kProductID_EP07, kProductID_EP08, kProductID_SP08, kProductID_EP09, kProductID_EP10, kProductID_SP09, kProductID_EP11, kNumProductID }
Enum: ResourceTypes
Are all the Types of resources we can find within the game, but inside a helper enum. The resource types are decimals that need to be converted to hex for you to figure out what the proper type is in S3PE.
Used primarily by:
[ComVisible(false)] public enum ResourceTypes : uint { kAnimatedTextureResourceID = 1671642791u, kAssemblyManifestID = 140796009u, kAviVideoResourceID = 187479104u, kBlendGeometryResourceID = 108833297u, kBlendUnitResourceID = 3039776853u, kBodyBlendResourceID = 103580164u, kBoneDeltaPoseResourceID = 55959718u, kCASColorInfoResourceID = 103965168u, kCASMaterialResourceID = 15415682u, kCASPartDataResourceID = 55242443u, kCASPartResourceID = 46981753u, kCatalogObjectResourceID = 329217425u, kChecksumResourceID = 2192848260u, kClipResourceID = 1797309683u, kCoatSetResourceID = 3735196956u, kColorInfoResourceID = 103817841u, kComplatePresetResourceID = 72016144u, kCompositorCacheEntryID = 64504770u, kCompositorCacheMRUID = 81276304u, kCompoundBlendResourceID = 85848797u, kCTProductExportResourceID = 100201945u, kCTProductObjectResourceId = 832458525u, kDataClassResourceID = 47638553u, kDBCacheIndex = 1987244229u, kDreamsAndPromisesTreeResourceID = 100969434u, kDynamicChallengeResourceId = 206550257u, kEffectsObjectResourceID = 765562755u, kExpressionBlendResourceID = 168000986u, kFacialBlendResourceID = 56144010u, kFootprintResourceID = 3548561239u, kFurBlendResourceID = 2480425025u, kGeometryResourceID = 22681673u, kHairColorInfoResourceID = 103965146u, kHairToneResourceID = 55925672u, kHouseholdExportResourceID = 188367198u, kIniResourceID = 529034925u, kInGameAdTextureResourceID = 2415624438u, kInteractionTuningResourceID = 62078431u, kInventoryExportResourceID = 203281819u, kInventoryResourceID = 3034411371u, kKeyNameMapResourceID = 23462796u, kLevelResourceBinID = 1486262296u, kLevelResourceXmlID = 1482613520u, kLightingDataResourceID = 62178845u, kLightSetResourceBinID = 1342185768u, kLightSetResourceXmlID = 1343759936u, kLotExportResourceID = 1131408972u, kMakeupColorInfoResourceID = 979742505u, kMaterialDefResourceID = 30467933u, kMaterialSetResourceID = 27185975u, kModelResourceID = 23466547u, kModularObjectResourceId = 3482995406u, kNameGuidMapResourceID = 4087579504u, kObjectColorInfoResourceID = 103965203u, kObjectResourceID = 47985727u, kObjectSlotResourceID = 3540272417u, kPackageManifestResourceID = 1944665835u, kPassportChallengeResourceId = 206550265u, kPatternResourceID = 3571055589u, kPhysicsResourceID = 3583541280u, kPrototypeResourceID = 47637849u, kProductIDResourceID = 359101189u, kRecordType_WorldFileNotPackaged = 74956138u, kRecordType_DownloadedResourceList = 117730105u, kResourceLookupTableResourceID = 204973493u, kRigResourceID = 2393838558u, kRigResourceFallbackID = 203705141u, kSignatureResourceID = 2495992138u, kSignedAssemblyID = 121612807u, kSimBinOutfitResourceID = 83169331u, kSimExportResourceID = 83396964u, kSimOutfitResourceID = 39769844u, kSims3BundleResourceID = 137167721u, kSkinControllerResourceID = 11431015u, kSkinTonePresetResourceID = 1919433749u, kSkinToneResourceID = 55867754u, kSpeciesDefinitionResourceID = 156595936u, kSpeedTreeDataResourceID = 35487372u, kSpeedTreeResourceID = 11883242u, kSSLCertificateResourceID = 147361542u, kStateMachineResourceID = 47570707u, kStringTableID = 570775514u, kTextResourceID = 3694651748u, kTextureCompositorResourceID = 54137909u, kTextureFabricResourceID = 54635721u, kTextureResourceID = 11720834u, kThumbnailValidationResourceID = 851980437u, kThumbnailExpirationResourceID = 380729964u, kTrackMaskResourceID = 53633251u, kTriggerMapResourceID = 2465693650u, kTrueTypeFontResourceID = 103718624u, kTuningOverrideResourceID = 439484877u, kUIImageJPEGResourceID = 796721154u, kUIImagePNGResourceID = 796721156u, kUIImageTGAResourceID = 796721158u, kUIImageCustomThumbnailResourceID = 779470692u, kUILayoutResourceID = 39622070u, kUITextureUVMap = 796721160u, kUrlImageResourceID = 3692018064u, kUserPresetListResourceID = 93434287u, kVideoResourceID = 2982943478u, kVisualProxyResourceID = 1936229617u, kWorldMetadataDetailsResourceID = 107542056u, kWorldMetadataHashResourceID = 899890729u, kWorldMetadataImagePathResourceID = 107542073u, kWorldMetadataImageResourceID = 107542069u, kWorldMetadataNameResourceID = 3653044489u, kWorldMetadataNameHashResourceID = 36402540u, kWorldMetadataNumLotsResourceID = 107542064u, kWorldMetadataResourceID = 694837848u, kWorldExportResourceID = 112992146u, kWorldMetaDataResourceID = 114182148u, kWorldPackageIdResourceID = 4127849824u, kXMLResourceID = 53690476u, kWorldTexturesResourceID = 142361223u, kStoreBuffResourceID = 3711050663u, kStoreSkillsResourceID = 2832567269u, kStoreTraitsResourceID = 3843051616u, KStoreDnPPrimtiveXMLResourceID = 3162301119u, kStoreSetObjectsResourceID = 3843051617u, kStoreInsectsButterfliesResourceID, kStoreInsectsBeetlesResourceID, kStoreInsectsGlowBugResourceID = 209652431u, kStoreInsectsSpawnersResourceID = 3843051620u, kStoreIngredientsResourceID = 3843051622u, kStoreRecipesResourceID, kStorePlantsResourceID, kStoreTextBlob = 1287087065u, kStoreSuperBundleInfo = 1719767350u }
To convert the Uint (decimal) to a hex version of it for us to search in s3pe with eventually (or to check ;)), you'll need to do as follow:
1. Open your calculator and set it to 'programmer' mode. 2. Click the 'Decimal' option 3. Paste the resource Decimal you want to convert (In my case, I'll go with kXMLResourceID = 53690476u, so, I'll convert '53690476' from decimal to hex) 4. This comes back as 333406C, which needs to be seen as 0x333406C really.
Now, if we use the search option inside S3PE (which is, tick the Filter active checky box and the 'ResourceType' check box, then dump the hex version in the resourec type box and click 'set'), then we see it returns as an XML resource! :)
This page can also be your friend when it comes to double checking: Files by type code