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Revision as of 17:01, 1 February 2021 by Lyralei (Talk | contribs)

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Pre-set enum with the priority id that can be used inside a Jazz script. This is handled with helper functions inside the Statemachine class (See 'Aquire() function) so we don't really need to use this in regular coding. This also makes it possible to 'blend' animations together, like the 'talk' animation. This animation can be done by holding a toddler/pet and even sitting down.

This enum also seemingly was used back before the big Pets switch where the rigs were replaced with a new system, but is reused in the current system.

Used primarily by:


public enum AnimationPriority
	kAPLow = 6000,
	kAPLowPlus = 8000,
	kAPNormal = 10000,
	kAPNormalPlus = 15000,
	kAPFacialIdle = 17500,
	kAPHigh = 20000,
	kAPHighPlus = 25000,
	kAPCarryRight = 30000,
	kAPCarryRightPlus = 35000,
	kAPCarryLeft = 40000,
	kAPCarryLeftPlus = 45000,
	kAPUltra = 50000,
	kAPUltraPlus = 55000,
	kAPLookAt = 60000,
	kAPUnset = 0,
	kAPBroadcast = -1,
	kAPDefault = -2
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