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This is for ALL Ordinance files, saved game files [Type ID's are as follows]: 00D0723D,02BF1DFA,22F6E80C, 22F6E81B,40D07236,42BF1E18,62BF1DAA,62BF1DB9,62F6E7CF,815B4CEF,82B9999B,A0D07129,A2BF1DDC,A2BF1DE5,A2BF1E43,C2BF1DC5,C2BF1E04,C2F6E81F,E0D0722E,E0D07233.
Dword - Filesize Qword - Unknown, always changing. perhaps timestamp? 3 bytes - Unknown, always the same. Dword - Type ID of file/Ordinance ID. Dword - Lenght of Ordinance Name. String - Ordinance Name. Dword - Lenght of Ordinance Description. String - Ordinance Description. DWord - Year available. Dword - Prior to City Incorporation, this is Monthly Chance. After Incorporation, it changes. Qword - Enactment Income. Qword - Retractment Income. Qword - Monthly Constant Income/Expense. Dword - Monthly Income factor. Dword - Unknown Byte - Available to Enact [In other words, is it actually showing up in the Ordinance screen]. Byte - Ordinance On/Off (That is, whether the Ordinance has actually been enacted or not by the user). Byte - Unknown byte/QWord - Dual Purpose. for Byte-City nonincorporated it's always 01: for QWord-Current Monthly Income/Expense. Once a city becomes incorportated it reverts to Qword for monthly Income/Expense. byte - Ordinance Category; Income/Expense. 8 Bytes Unknown DWORD - Group ID of Ordinance Exemplar. DWORD - Type ID of Ordinance Exemplar. DWORD - Instance ID of Ordinance Exemplar &/or Ordinance ID [seems to also be the same as the Type ID of the file itself that it is in].