Content List:Hacks and Hacked Objects/Business, Jobs, and Finance
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This content is focused on items and hacks relating to jobs, careers, finances, business (including Open for Business-specific or useful items) and money.
Open for Business
- For community objects buyable on residential lots, or residential objects buyable on community lots, please see: Hacks and Hacked Objects: Building, Buying, and Lots.
- Anti Business Decay: JM Pescado at MATY
- Automatic Open Sign: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Bladderfull Fountain (Increases all sims bladder except current selectable sim/family): Inge Jones at SimLogical (useful with Inge's pay toilet)
- Business Macros (Business Controls You!): JM Pescado at MATY
- Crafting - Craft Cheaper: anger_management at MTS2
- Crafting - Craft Objects from OfB Buyable: Windkeeper at MTS2
- Crafting - Craftable Objects Supplier (Buyable): Monique at MTS2
- Crafting - Flowers Buyable: Lucas at AussieTopenders
- Customer Generator: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Customer Limit Adjuster: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Custom Objects Placeable on Open for Business Shelves: By a hack - Numenor at MTS2 or by a batch fix (better - recommended) - Instructions by Numenor at MTS2
- Employee Only Coffee Maker: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Car Restoration Controller (Assign employees to repair the restorable car): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Digging Controller (Assign employees to dig): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Fairly Paid Regulator: Monique at MTS2
- Employees - Fishing Controller (Assign employees to fish): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Gardening Controller (Assign employees to garden): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Maintenence Controller (Assign an employee to do maintenence chores): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Massage Controller (Assign an employee to sell and perform massages): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Musician Controller (assign employees to play musical instruments): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - No employee door (keep employees out of home areas on home business lots): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Vocational Training Controller (Assign employees to train other sims in skills or badges): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Faster Browse & Buy for Customers: Monique at MTS2
- Fish Packing Station: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Limit Employees To Basic Sell: Paladin's Place
- Managers - Missing Manager Fix: JM Pescado at MATY
- Mood Check For Sales Interactions: Paladin's Place - If a sim is in a bad mood, the NPC sales people will stay clear of them.
- No Employee Door (prevents employees from using it): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Numbered Business Ranks: BoilingOil at
- Open/Closed Sign - Place Anywhere: Custom version by Numenor at MTS2 and Global (replacement) version by Numenor at MTS2
- Pay Buffet: Paladin at SimWardrobe, Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Buffet - Pizza: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Pay Arcade Games: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Gym Machines: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Toilet: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Produce Packing Station: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Sellable Aspiration Rewards mike_1102 at MTS2
- Shoppers Respect Privacy: BoilingOil at
- Simulated Sales: BoilingOil at
- The Hungernator (Make customers hungry on business lots): Paladin at SimWardrobe - Sims 2/Objects/Business Facilitators
- Time Clock (calls in/sends home employees at the time you specify): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Wage Adjuster (allows you to set an employee's wage to an exact simolean amount): Paladin at SimWardrobe - Sims 2/Objects/Business Facilitators
- Mannequins for Clothing Stores:
- Pay Door: Inge at SimLogical
- Career Uniform Outfit Templates (for creating custom career outfits): Vagrant at MTS2
- Career Rewards - Unlock All Rewards: Monique at MTS2
- Elders Can Have Adult Jobs JM Pescado at MATY (no age discrimination)
- Get any job at any time (including custom careers): Monique at MTS2
- Job Info Tool (check salary, skill and friends requirements, carpool time, end hour, for various career levels including custom careers and change job performance level): christianlov at sims2graveyard
- No Friends Required for Career Advancement/Promotions: TwoJeffs at Simbology
- Random Job Offer (changes how many jobs are offered each day): BoilingOil at
- Retire (works for Teen, Adult, and Elder: Monique at MTS2
- Stop Skill Building and Go to Work: Monique at MTS2
- ATM: Monique at MTS2
- Automatic Payment Mod (set up individual payments between sims): monique at MTS2
- Banking/Loans: Monique at MTS2
- Bills and/or Rent Paid Automatically: Paladin at SimWardrobe (Sims2/Objects/Home Life Improvements)
- Donate Money: Monique at MTS2
- Lottery Tickets: Monique at MTS2
- Money Order (Send money to other sims): JM Pescado at MATY
- Rent/Mortgage: Inge at SimLogical
- Tenant/Landlord Hack: Monique at MTS2
- Tin Can Bank (withdraw and deposit money): Carrigon at S2W
- Work at Home (write articles in different categories your sim gets paid for): Monique at MTS2