Game Help:TS3 Patching Find Gameversion
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How to find your GameVersion and region code
There are a few ways for you to find your GameVersion and region code (last digit in GameVersion), depending on your OS:
Control Panel 
This method is easiest to see all version in one shot without opening various files.
However, this method does not show the region codes and game levels.
The most reliable way to find out the individual versions of each installed game or pack, on Windows systems, is to look inside this text file. Just double-click the file to open it with your text program of choice.
This file is located in (choose your Operating System)
- Windows (32-bit):
- \Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\ or
- \Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 <EP or SP name>\Game\Bin\
- Windows (64-bit):
- \Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\ or
- \Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 <EP or SP name>\Game\Bin\
To use this method,
- look in the bottom left corner of the Sims3Launcher screen.
- the current patch version of last installed game or pack only for those with patch 1.11.7 and below.
- separate game icons if you're running patch 1.12.70 onwards. Hover over each icon for each game you have installed, to view the current gameversion number.

Version.tag only shows the version of the most recent The Sims 3 product ran. It is a standard text file and can be opened with any text editor (e.g. Notepad or TextEditor). Only available in patch series 1.5 and higher.
This file is located in (choose your Operating System)
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\
- Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\
- Mac OS: /Users/<username>/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/
Mac OS:
This file is located in
- /Applications/The Sims 3/The Sims 3
- /Applications/The Sims 3/The Sims 3 <EP or SP name>
For Base Game:
- Right click / Show Package Contents
- Expand Contents, open info.plist file in TextEdit.
For Each EP:
- Right click and select "Show Original" then Right click / Show Package Contents
- Expand Contents, open info.plist file in TextEdit.
Your version number is inside the "string" brackets.
<key>ClientBuild</key> <string></string>
- Note that the value in <string> will be your version number and may be different than what is listed here.
How to find your Create-A-World version
- Go to
- Windows (32-bit): \Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create a World Tool
- Windows (64-bit): \Program Files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create a World Tool
- Double-click on "worldbuilder.ini" file and it would open in Notepad. You should see the following at the bottom of the file. Then match it with the version in the Game Help:Patch_Table.
- If your games and your CAW versions are on different levels (rows), you won't be able to run CAW.
; ************** Shipping Build Versioning Data ************************ [Version] WBVersion =
- Note that the value in <WBVersion> will be your version number and may be different than what is listed here.
- Close Notepad.