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===Guitar Skill===
===Guitar Skill===
For more information about the guitar skill see [[Game_Help:Sims_3_Guitar]]
! Opportunity
! Opportunity

Revision as of 02:02, 11 July 2009

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Opp generic.png
Opportunity Panel
Opportunities will appear from time to time for your sim to complete. There are three different types of opportunities that you can encounter: career, skill, and special. You can only have one opportunity in each category at a time, i.e. if you currently have an athletic skill opportunity that you have not completed, you will not get a chance to do another skill opportunity until that one is done, but you can still get career or special opportunities. You can choose to accept the opportunities and complete them for a reward, or decline them with no negative consequences. Some opportunities are timed and must be completed by a deadline to get the reward.
Opportunity Panel

After you accept an opportunity it will appear in the opportunity panel. This will show you the status of your current opportunities. If you chose to abandon an opportunity you accepted, you can right click on the icon and the opportunity will go away.

From the neighborhood view of the map, you can often find locations to visit or people you need to talk to for specific opportunities. If you need to talk to a specific Sim to finish an opportunity, an icon will follow them around the map. If you click on the icons it will give you options. The options will be grayed out if you have not met the requirements yet, it is not the correct day or time, or the Sim is unavailable.

Career Opportunities

Opp work.pngOpportunities related to your career will pop up as you progress along your career path. Not accepting these will not cause your Sim to get Demoted or fired. However, completing them will almost always lead to improved performance at work and/or a promotion. If any opportunity requires you to read a book, the book will appear in your Sim's inventory.

For timed opportunities; yes means there is a deadline, no means it can be completed at anytime, immediate directly follows your current work shift, and restrictions means it has to be completed during specific hours or days and usually before a deadline. Be sure to check your opportunities panel for details.

For more information about specific careers see Game_Help:Sims_3_Careers

Business Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2
The Wright Opinion Read the Wright Papers No $500
The Goth Way? Read The Goth Account No $500
Graab it Up Read Landgraab Financial No $500
Squabbling Scientist Settlement Hold meeting at the Science Facility Restrictions $500 + Job Performance
Hospitality A Conscious Choice Hold meeting at the Hospital Restrictions $1,000 + Job Performance
The Status of Statues Hold meeting at City Hall Restrictions $1200 + Job Performance
Military Intelligence Hold meeting at the military base Restrictions $2000 Raise
Marketing Material Paint a picture and bring it to work No + Job Performance $500
The Face of the Company Paint a picture worth at least a set amount and bring it to work No + Job Performance $2000
Making Coffee the Executive Way Read Caffeine Culture No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
A Farewell Paper Read Going Paperless No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Inflate Away Read Bloviation on Hyperinflation No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Special Is, Special Does Read You Are Special No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
You're Liable for This Read Limiting Liability No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
No Whistles Here Read Woes of Whistle Blowing No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
No Shelter Here Read Yay, Tax Shelters! No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Handling The Restructure Read ABC's of Downsizing No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Making Nice with the Newsies Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No + Job Performance
Outflanking The Military Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No + Job Performance
Boardroom Beautification Paint a picture worth at least a set amount and bring it to work No Raise
Sealing the Deal Sign an Acquisition Deal at the Business Office Restrictions Raise $2000
Hospital Delivery Deliver Dossier to the Hospital Restrictions Raise
Scientific Documents Deliver Dossier to the Science Facility Restrictions Raise
Political Influence Deliver Dossier to City Hall Restrictions Raise
Top, Top Secret Deliver Dossier to the Military Base Restrictions Raise
Seeking More Favorable Taxes Lobby for Tax Reforms at City Hall Yes Raise
It's All About Who You Know Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No Raise
Schmoozing the Political Machine Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No Raise
Branding Bonanza Brainstorm Hold Meeting at the Stadium Restrictions + Coworker Relationship
Merging Toward Overtime Stay at work until closing time Immediate + Coworker Relationship
A Fun Gathering of Suits Throw a party and invite (Sim Name) No + Coworker Relationship

Criminal Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2
Grabbing the Llama Steal Llama at City Hall Restriction $4,000
Bouncer Duty Bounce competition at a set location Restriction $1,500 + Coworker Relationship
Welcome to the Family Read Dos and Don'ts of the Dons No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Wallets up for Grabs Read Adapting to the Wallet Environment No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Evolution? Read From Goon to Made Man: Thuggery Evolved No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Payment Options Read Make 'Em Pay No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Labeling Things Read Losing the Huckster Label No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Presenting a Portfolio to Clients Read Snake Oil and Other Sound Investments No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Oh, It's Advance Alright Read Advanced Combinatorials No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Irreplaceable Read Making Yourself Indispensable No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Nimble Like a Cat Read The Mythical Hot Tin Roof No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
The Coup Read Hostile Takeover: When to Make the Move No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Simoleons Under the Table Drop off a bribe at city hall Restrictions + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Case the Joint Case a joint at a set location Restriction $1,000 + Job Performance
A Package For You Deliver a package to a set location Restriction $250
Thief Like There's No Tomorrow Compete in thievery competition at set location Restriction $2,000 + Coworker Relationship
Friends for Life Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Extra Muscle Assist with a heist at a set location Yes $350
Criminals, Partners, Friends Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No + Job Performance + Boss Relationship
Shouting Contest Gain set relationship level with (Sim Name) No $1,500 + Job Performance
Counting the Loot Stay late at work Immediate + Coworker Relationship
Tools of the Trade Pick up tools from a set location and return them to work Restriction Raise Boss Relationship +
The Most Evilest Plan Execute evil plan at the military base No $4,000

Culinary Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Journalism Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Law Enforcement Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Medical Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Military Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Music Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Politics Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Professional Sports Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Science Career

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Elementary School

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

High School

Opportunity Description Timed Reward 1 Reward 2

Skill Opportunities

Opp skill.png Developing a skill leads to opportunities that will further the skill. You may not see all of the opportunities associated with a skill as you develop it. You may only see two or three. But when you do receive a skill opportunity, definitely pursue it to advance the skill.

Athletic Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Going Pro Join the Professional Sports career at the Stadium $250 + Performance
Bend and Flex Train another sim for (x amount of time) $250 + Relationship
At the Health Seminar Lecture at the hospital seminar within a specified time $250 + Relationship
Flex and Bend Train on the exercise machine for [x amount of time] to earn some cash and improve your relationship $350 Relationship w/Sim +30
The Complete Circuit Work out to the TV or stereo, jog, and swim for 30 minutes $350
Frequent Fatigue Work out until fatigued x times and report to the stadium $400
Bounce the Crowd Be a bouncer at the theater within a specified time $500
Muscle Showdown Enter the competition at the stadium within a specified time $750 + Athletic skill
Adonis in the Making Train until you can no longer maximize muscles and report to the stadium $2,400
Bursting with Energy Work out until you become pumped + Athletic skill Oddly Powerful Moodlet
Sprint to the Finish! Work out using quick burst for (x amount of time) + Athletic skill
Push It! Work out using push self for (x amount of time) + Athletic skill
No Sweat! Work out using don't break a sweat for (x amount of time) + Athletic skill

Charisma Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Just Business Give presentation at the business office within a specified time $500.00
A Charming Experiment Assist with an experiment at the science facility within a specified time $ 1,000.00
Charismatic Cash Improve your charisma skill and report to city hall $1,000.00
Tough Negotiating Teach negotiation at the Police Station within a specified time $1,000.00 + Charisma
Smooth, Like Verbal Butter Use smooth recovery $1,000.00
Star Study! Attend a concert or play at the theater $1,000.00 + Charisma
Lobster Crisis Negotiate Lobster Crisis at the supermarket within a specified time $2,000.00
Bestest Friends Make specified sim your best friend + Charisma
A Public Speaking Event Give speech at city hall within a specified time + Charisma
Allow Me to Introduce Myself Use charming introduction + Relationship w/ sim
Getting to Know...You Use get to know on a specified Sim + Relationship w/ sim
Looking for a Friend Make specified sim your friend + Relationship w/ sim

Cooking Skill

For more information about the cooking skill see Game_Help:Sims_3_Cooking

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Hot Dogs, Please Cook hot dogs on the grill and then deliver them to the specified Sim $250.00
Burgelicious Cook burgers on the grill and then deliver them to the specified Sim $400.00
Borrowing Ingredients Deliver a tomato to specified Sim and use share ingredients social $500.00 + Cooking, + Relationship w/ Sim
Great Gooey Cheesesteaks Cook cheese steaks on the grill and then deliver them to the specified Sim $700.00
Swim Into the Grill Cook grilled salmon on the grill and then deliver them to the specified Sim $1,000.00
One, Two, Tri-Tip Steaks Cook Tri-tip steaks on the grill and then deliver them to the specified Sim $1,000.00
A Life Giving Recipe Prepare Ambrosia and then deliver to the hospital $3,000.00
Burgers for Sims In Uniform Cook burgers on the grill and deliver them to the police station within specified time frame + Cooking + Relationship w/ sim at Police Station
From one Chef to Another Share cooking tips with specified Sim + Relationship w/ sim + Cooking
Fresh Cookies for Sale! Bake cookies and deliver them to the school $ Varies $ Varies
Excellence You Can Taste! Prepare an excellent group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies
A Favorite Meal Prepare specified recipe and deliver it to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies Variable
The Greatest Food Ever Prepare a great group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies
Nice! Prepare a nice group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies
The Dish Showdown Prepare and enter a dish at he restaurant in te specified time frame $ Varies
That\'s Outstanding Prepare a outstanding group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies
Very Nice! Prepare a very nice group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies
Perfection From The Pan Prepare a perfect group meal and deliver to Sim within specified time frame $ Varies

Fishing Skill

For more information on the fishing skill see Game_Help:Sims_3_Fishing

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
A Plumber and Fisherman Unclog the pipes at city hall (timed) $500.00 1 Random Fish
Aquarium Fishing Enter fishing competition at the supermarket (timed) $1,000.00 5 Random Fish
Fishing for Suite Teach fishing seminar at the business office (timed) $1,000.00
Monster from the Deep Catch behemoth at the science facility (timed) $4,000.00
Say Hello to My Little Fish Catch a black golfish and sell it at the police station $ Varies $650.00
Funny Looking Fish Catch a tragic clownfish and sell it at the theater $ Varies $250.00
Piscine Perfection Catch a perfect fish and sell it at the supermarket $ Varies
An Excellent Catch Catch a excellent fish and sell it at the supermarket $ Varies
Heaps of Fresh Fish Catch 15 fish and sell them at the supermarket $ Varies
Lobsters in Demand! Catch a lobster and sell it at the supermarket $ Varies $100.00
That's a Nice Fish! Catch a nice fish and sell it at the supermarket $ Varies
Lots of Fresh Fish Catch 6 fish and sell them at the supermarket $ Varies
Fresh Fish Catch 3 fish and sell them at the supermarket $ Varies
A Fish of Life and Death Catch a death fish and sell it to the science facility $ Varies $350.00
Robot Fish v2.0 Catch a robot fish and sell it to the science facility $ Varies $350.00

Gardening Skill

For more information about the gardening skill see Game_Help:Sims_3_Gardening

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
An Apple a Day Deliver X very nice or better apples to the restaurant $ Varies $250.00
A Just-In-Time-Harvest Harvest X very nice or better fruits and vegetables and deliver them to the supermarket $ Varies $300.00
Excellent Veggies Deliver X excellent or better apples to specified Sim $ Varies $400.00
Garlic Goodness Harvest X very nice or better bulbs of garlic and deliver them to the restaurant $ Varies $500.00
Grape-Aid Harvest X very nice or better grapes and deliver them to the restaurant $ Varies $250.00
Absolutely Great Produce Deliver X great or better fruits or vegetables to specified Sim $ Varies $300.00
Extreme Life Insurance Give death flower to specified Sim (timed) $ Varies $300.00
Lettuce Help Out Harvest X very nice or better heads of lettuce and deliver them to the restaurant $ Varies $250.00
The Fruit of Life Give life fruit to specified Sim (timed) $ Varies $500.00
Limes Are Key Deliver X very nice or better limes to the restaurant $ Varies $350.00
A Nice Harvest Deliver X very nice or better fruits or vegetables to specified Sim $ Varies
Don\'t Cry Deliver X very nice or better onions to the restaurant $ Varies $350.00
Outstanding Tasting + Painting Skill Deliver X outstanding or better fruits or vegetables to specified Sim $ Varies $400.00
Fruit Flambe Grow 6 nice flame fruits and deliver them to the business office (timed) $ Varies
Peppers on Parade Deliver X very nice or better peppers to specified Sim $ Varies $350.00
Perfect Produce Deliver X perfect fruits or vegetables to specified Sim $ Varies $350.00
Fresh Taters Deliver X very nice or better potatoes to the restaurant $ Varies $350.00
Fresh Tomato Sauce Deliver X very nice or better tomatoes to the restaurant $ Varies $250.00
Ingredients Ripe for the Eating Deliver X very nice or better fruits or vegetables to the restaurant $ Varies
Seed Spittin\' Made Easy Deliver X very nice or better watermelons to the restaurant $ Varies $300.00
The Omnificent Plant Harvest 10 outstanding steaks and deliver them to the restaurant 2 Omni Plants Seeds
A Bag of Produce Harvest X very nice or better fruits and vegetables and deliver them to the restaurant 3 Random Rare Harvestables 1 Random Special Harvestable
Uncommonly Good Harvest 20 excellent items and deliver them to the restaurant Allows for Outstandingly Rare Opportunity
Outstandingly Rare Harvest 10 excellent cheeses and deliver them to the restaurant Allows for The Omnificent Plant Opportunity

Guitar Skill

For more information about the guitar skill see Game_Help:Sims_3_Guitar

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Jammin' on the Streets Earn $X in tips to improve your relationship with specified Sim $300.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Sorting the Section Help organize music at the bookstore (timed) $450.00 New Song
In the End Perform for party at business office (timed) $500.00
Musical Assembly Perform at school assembly (timed) $500.00
Guitar in the House Play the guitar at specified Sim\'s home during their party on specified date $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
I Got Your Back...Up Perform with the symphony at the theater (timed) $1,000.00
Raise the Fun(d) Perform for fundraiser at the restaurant (timed) $1,000.00 New Song
Tons of Tips Earn $X in tips to improve your relationship with specified Sim $1,000.00 + Relationship w/ sim
The Social Event of the Season Play the guitar at specified Sim\'s home during their party on specified date $1,400.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Local Musician Showdown Enter contest at the theater (timed) $2,500.00
Some Hogan Rock Attend seminar at the bookstore (timed) Buff Moodlet Inspired Moodlet
Guitar Up! Increase your guitar skill by 1 level New Song

Handiness Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Settle an Argument Talk to specified Sim and use convince technology is great social $250.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Vegetized Plumbing Fix plumbing at the restaurant $350.00
Handiness How-To Give handiness presentation at the school (timed) $400.00
Bad Reception Repair specified Sim's TV and return it $500.00
Bring Back the Jams Upgrade specified Sim's stereo and return it $600.00
Fix Before Jail Break Fix the locks at city hall (timed) $800.00
Substitute Instructor Provide handiness instruction at the military base $800.00
No Jams, No Fun Repair specified Sim's stereo and return it $1,200.00
Broken Laptop Repair specified Sim's laptop and return it $1,200.00
Shower Upgrade Upgrade specified Sim's shower and return it $1,250.00
Fix the Election...Machines Fix election machines at city hall (timed) $1,400.00
De-Worming Stop wormholes at the science facility $2,400.00

Logic Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Fixing the Celestial Slump Search the galaxy from your telescope $500.00
A Stimulating Experiment Participate in a study at the science facility (timed) $600.00
Logic 101 Teach a logic class at the school (timed) $600.00
Fixing the Books Assist accountants at the business office $750.00
Becoming More Logical Increase your logic skill by one point and report to the science facility $750.00
Riddle Away Compete in the contest at the bookstore $1,500.00 + Logic Skill
Logic Tutoring Skill tutor a sim and then report to the specified location $2,000.00
The Great Argyle Sinclair Watch Argyle Sinclair at the bookstore (timed) $2,000.00 + Logic Skill
Taking Down Sinclair Challenge Argyle Sinclair at the theater (timed) $2,500.00
Settle an Argument Talk to specified sim and use convince logic is great social + Logic Skill + Relationship w/ sim
Puzzle Panic Assemble puzzles at the supermarket

Painting Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
Art Class Teach an art class at the school (timed) + Painting skill Relationship w/Sims at School
Interior Decor Deliver paintings worth at least $X to the restaurant $ Varies Relationship w/Sims at Restaurant
The Business of Decor Deliver Paintings worth at least $X to the Business Office $ Varies Relationship w/Sims at Business Tower
Painting the City Deliver 15 paintings to city hall $ Varies Relationship w/Sims at City Hall
The Study of Art Deliver a Painting worth at least $1,000 to the science facility $ Varies
A Large Painting Paint a large painting and give it to specified Sim $ Varies
A Medium Painting Paint a medium painting and give it to specified Sim $ Varies
A Small Painting Paint a small painting and give it to specified Sim $ Varies
Fresco Fest Help paint at city hall (timed) Painting Value boost
Local Artists Gallery Visit the gallery at the business office (timed) Painting Value Boost + Painting skill
A Retreat to Inspiration Attend the retreat at the bookstore (timed) Pumped Moodlet

Writing Skill

Opportunity Description Reward 1 Reward 2
To Boldly Go Write a science fiction novel to improve your relationship with specified Sim $250.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Your Autobiography Write an autobiography to improve your relationship with specified Sim $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Add a Little Drama Write a drama novel to improve your relationship with specified Sim $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
Hopefully You Like Orks Write a fantasy novel to improve your relationship with specified Sim $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
A History of the Times Write a history book to improve your relationship with specified Sim $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
A Few Pages of Satire Write a satire to improve your relationship with specified Sim $500.00 + Relationship w/ sim
The Glory of Vaudeville Write a book of Vaudville to improve your relationship with specified Sim $600.00 + Relationship w/ sim
A Masterpiece Write a masterpiece to improve your relationship with specified Sim $1,200.00 + Relationship w/ sim
The prolific Writer Write enough books to earn a weekly royalty of $X + 10% Royalty
It's a Living Write enough books to earn a weekly royalty of $X + 10% Royalty
The Great Novelist Write enough books to earn a weekly royalty of $X + 10% Royalty
Correcting Past Mistakes Write a book that earns $X in weekly royalty checks + Book Qualtiy + Relationship w/ sim
A History of One Write a biography about a specified Sim and deliver a copy to them + Relationship w/ sim $ Varies
Book Donation Donate three books you wrote to city hall Charitable Moodlet

Special Opportunities

These opportunities will be presented by other Sims you know or by wondering around your town. They are not related to specific skills or your job. Some have to be completed at specific locations in a specific time period, so once again be sure to check your status in your opportunities panel. These opportunities can also be a good way to meet new Sims and build relationships.

Opportunity Location Description Possible Rewards
Oh My Ghost Science Lab Bring Remains of a recently deceased loved one to restore their ghost Playable ghost Sim
Eating Contest Diner or Bistro Enter the various Food Eating Contest Honorary title, $1000, and the stuffed moodlet
Neighborhood Grill-A-Thon Parks Grill and serve X times during a specified period Community Griller Award, $1000
Music Appreciation Day Parks Play the guitar X times Inspired Moodlet
Chess Tournament Parks Win X chess games during a specified period $650 and possibility to compete in other chess tournaments
Foosball Contest Gym Win X foosball games during a specified period $800 and honorary title
Amateur Olympics Stadium Enter Competition $1000, Pumped Moodlet, honorary title
Community Meet and Greet Varies Socialize with X Sims during a specified period Awesome Party Moodlet
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