Difference between revisions of "Game Help:Sims 3 Lifetime Rewards"

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(Updated for Generations and Pets)
(Added two missing base game lifetime rewards that were added with dating.)
Line 253: Line 253:
| 15,000
| 15,000
| Gain more social fulfillment from interacting with pets.
| Gain more social fulfillment from interacting with pets.
| [[Image:Sims3EP05 icon.png|32px|Pets|center]]
| [[Image:Sims3EP05 icon.png|32px|TS3 Pets|center]]
| [[Image:Lt_rewards_alwaysonthelist.png]]
| [[Image:Lt_rewards_alwaysonthelist.png]]
Line 307: Line 307:
| 25,000
| 25,000
| Hunger need decays slower
| Hunger need decays slower
| [[Image:TS3BasegameIcon.png|TS3 Base Game|center]]
| [[Image:Trait_cleanslate.png]]
| Clean Slate
| 25,000
| Allows you start over in the world of romance. No more reputation... No more hurt feelings!
| [[Image:TS3BasegameIcon.png|TS3 Base Game|center]]
| [[Image:TS3BasegameIcon.png|TS3 Base Game|center]]
Line 319: Line 325:
| 25,000
| 25,000
| Can't seem to ever get tired of your pets?  This reward makes it so dogs, cats, and horses live much longer lives.  Pets kept in a terrarium and birds are also less likely to die.
| Can't seem to ever get tired of your pets?  This reward makes it so dogs, cats, and horses live much longer lives.  Pets kept in a terrarium and birds are also less likely to die.
| [[Image:Sims3EP05 icon.png|32px|Pets|center]]
| [[Image:Sims3EP05 icon.png|32px|TS3 Pets|center]]
| [[Image:Body Sculptor.PNG]]
| [[Image:Body Sculptor.PNG]]
Line 356: Line 362:
| Purchase this reward to receive a handsome inheritance from a long, lost relative! The purchasing of this reward and the relative's demise are completely coincidental.
| Purchase this reward to receive a handsome inheritance from a long, lost relative! The purchasing of this reward and the relative's demise are completely coincidental.
| [[Image:Ts3ep04icon.png|TS3 Generations|32px|center]]
| [[Image:Ts3ep04icon.png|TS3 Generations|32px|center]]
| [[Image:Trait_abovereproach.png]]
| Above Reproach
| 35,000
| Public displays of affection will go more unnoticed by Sims around town.
| [[Image:TS3BasegameIcon.png|TS3 Base Game|center]]
| [[Image:Collection Helper.PNG]]
| [[Image:Collection Helper.PNG]]

Revision as of 23:53, 21 October 2011

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Lifetime Rewards

So you have spent weeks building up your Sim's Lifetime Rewards points, be it from granting wishes or keeping their Mood Bar at the top, and they've finally built up more than 5,000. This just begs the question- but what should I do with them? This is an accurate guide as to each Reward, how much it costs, and what it does.

The Rewards for Sims

Icon Name Cost Effect Expansion
Changeoftaste.png Change of Taste 5,000 Allows you to reselect your Sim's favorites.
Complimentary Entertainment.PNG Complimentary Entertainment 5,000 Free Theater visits
TS3 Base Game
Discount Diner.PNG Discount Diner 5,000 Free food from restaurants
TS3 Base Game
Eyecandy.png Eye Candy 5,000 Sim has a sparkly aura that gives all nearby Sims the "Eye Candy" moodlet.
Fast Metabolism.PNG Fast Metabolism 5,000 Don't get fat as much through eating
TS3 Base Game
Inappropriate.png Inappropriate but in a Good Way 5,000 Other Sims won't mind your Sim acting inappropriately.
Jetsetter.png Jetsetter 5,000 Trip and traveling prices are reduced for Sims with this reward.
Legendary Host.PNG Legendary Host 5,000 All invited guests show up at party, get "legendary host" moodlet for attending
TS3 Base Game
Observant.PNG Observant 5,000 Learn traits of other Sims much faster
TS3 Base Game
Office Hero.PNG Office Hero 5,000 Better relations at work with colleagues
TS3 Base Game
Professional Slacker.PNG Professional Slacker 5,000 You can use the slack off mode at work and still gain performance
TS3 Base Game
Speedy Cleaner.PNG Speedy Cleaner 5,000 Clean up twice as fast
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards thehustler.png The Hustler 5,000 The Hustler is unusually good at bar games, such as Darts, Foosball, and Shuffleboard.
Lt rewards wateringholeregular.png Watering Hole Regular 7,500 Watering Hole Regulars are frequent customers at local bars, so they get a discount on all drinks and food.
Bookshop Bargainer.PNG Bookshop Bargainer 10,000 Cheaper books
TS3 Base Game
Change Lifetime Wish.png Change Lifetime Wish 10,000 Can change Lifetime Wish. Will vanish if you fulfill the sim's Lifetime Wish.
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards excellentgroupie.png Excellent Groupie 10,000 Excellent Groupies make every group outing a good time!
Lt rewards efficientinventor.png Efficient Inventor 10,000 Efficient Inventors are able to tinker and create more inventions with less scrap.
Lt rewards entrepreneurialmindset.png Entrepreneurial Mindset 10,000 Sims with an Entrepreneurial Mindset earn Experience more quickly and tend to reach the top their careers more quickly.
Fertility Treatment.PNG Fertility Treatment 10,000 Greater chance of twins and triplets
TS3 Base Game
Mutli-Tasker.PNG Multi-Tasker 10,000 Become better at your job/homework
TS3 Base Game
Never Dull.PNG Never Dull 10,000 Sims always find your jokes funny and conversations interesting
TS3 Base Game
NoJealousy.png No Jealousy 10,000 Your sim will be able to cheat without having to deal with the negative effects of jealousy.
Opportunistic.PNG Opportunistic 10,000 Bigger rewards for opportunities
TS3 Base Game
PreparedTraveler.png Prepared Traveler 10,000 Travel parties with a Prepared Traveler in the group can stay in countries longer.
Lt rewards prosimoleanbooster.png Profession Simolean Booster 10,000 Earn a larger weekly stipend and more Simoleans for every profession job completed!
Steel Bladder.PNG Steel Bladder 10,000 Bladder need never goes down
TS3 Base Game
StoneHearted.png Stone Hearted 10,000 Tragedy and heartbreak won't affect your Sim.
Lt rewards thenextbigthing.png The Next Big Thing 10,000 Sims who are the Next Big Thing are bound to make any band successful. They earn extra Simoleons when playing gigs with a band.
Attractive.PNG Attractive 15,000 Other Sims will like you more
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards betterbartender.png Better Mixologist 15,000 Better Mixologists make higher quality drinks than the average Sim.
Fast Learner.PNG Fast Learner 15,000 Speeds up learning
TS3 Base Game
Haggler.PNG Haggler 15,000 Pay less for items
TS3 Base Game
LearnedRelicHunter.png Learned Relic Hunter 15,000 Your sim finds higher valued Relics and collectables.
Lt rewards masterofseduction.png Master of Seduction 15,000 Masters of Seduction never feel the pain of romantic rejection. Their romantic advances always succeed.
NoBillsEver.png No Bills Ever 15,000 Household no longer recieves bills in the mail.
Dirt Defiant.PNG Perma-Clean/Dirt Defiant 15,000 Hygiene goes down much slower
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards suaveseller.png Suave Seller 15,000 Suave Sellers are able to sell their goods for a higher price at local stores and the Consignment Store.
Vacationer.PNG Vacationer 15,000 Can take vacation days off without penalty
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards raisedbywolves.png Raised By Wolves 15,000 Gain more social fulfillment from interacting with pets.
TS3 Pets
Lt rewards alwaysonthelist.png Always on the List 17,500 Sims who are Always on the List will never be refused entry into bars, clubs, and lounges.
Lt rewards artisancrafter.png Artisan Crafter 20,000 Artisan Crafters create higher quality inventions and sculptures that are more valuable when sold.
Carefree.png Carefree 20,000 Sims gain fun 25% faster than normal.
Long Distance Friend.PNG Long Distance Friend 20,000 Friends relations decay slower, friends never become distant friends
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards maptothestars.png Map to the Stars 20,000 Sims with a Map to the Stars can see all Celebrity homes in Map View, making it easy to be a frequent uninvited guest!
Mid-Life Crisis.PNG Mid-Life Crisis 20,000 Can change your Traits
TS3 Base Game
Super Green Thumb.PNG Super Green Thumb 20,000 Increases Quality of grown produce by one rank.
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards hoverbed.png Hover Bed 20,000 Ground-bound beds are a thing of the past. Purchase this reward to receive the state of the art in hovering slumber satisfaction!
Hardly Hungry.PNG Hardly Hungry 25,000 Hunger need decays slower
TS3 Base Game
Trait cleanslate.png Clean Slate 25,000 Allows you start over in the world of romance. No more reputation... No more hurt feelings!
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards supernanny.png Super Nanny 25,000 Daycare caretakers will have the voice of reason to toddlers and children. Kids will be less likely to disobey and be easier to keep happy.
Lt rewards animalexpert.png Animal Expert 25,000 Can't seem to ever get tired of your pets? This reward makes it so dogs, cats, and horses live much longer lives. Pets kept in a terrarium and birds are also less likely to die.
TS3 Pets
Body Sculptor.PNG Body Sculptor 30,000 Can change body type
TS3 Base Game
Extra Creative.PNG Extra Creative 30,000 Earn more money painting
TS3 Base Game
MeditativeTranceSleep.png Meditative Trance Sleep 30,000 Your sim gains energy faster from sleeping.
Acclaimed Author.PNG Acclaimed Author 30,000 Earn more on royalties
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards fireproofhomestead.png Fireproof Homestead 30,000 The Fireproof Homestead guarantees your Sim's home will never again catch on fire!
Lt rewards inheritance.png Inheritance 30,000 Purchase this reward to receive a handsome inheritance from a long, lost relative! The purchasing of this reward and the relative's demise are completely coincidental.
Trait abovereproach.png Above Reproach 35,000 Public displays of affection will go more unnoticed by Sims around town.
TS3 Base Game
Collection Helper.PNG Collection Helper 40,000 This item, stored in personal inventory, can be tuned in to various settings: Seeds, Rocks, Insects, and Fish. When turned on, these items sparkle brilliantly on a lot, and are also given icons in the map view.
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards mybestfriend.png My Best Friend 40,000 A SimBot joins the family with Best Friend relationship status to the Sim who chooses this lifetime wish.
Lt rewards clonemevoucher.png Clone Voucher 45,000 The purchaser of this reward receives a Clone Voucher. Redeem it at the Science Facility to have a Child-aged clone of your Sim join your household! You cannot purchase this reward if your household is full.
Lt rewards motivemobile.png Motive Mobile 45,000 Instead of taking a taxi to get around, your Sim will be picked up and transported by the Motive Mobile. The Motive Mobile is a state of the art vehicle designed to get your Sim from point A to point B without sacrificing comfort, hygene, or other needs your Sim has.
Food Replicator.PNG Food Replicator 50,000 Reproduces food placed inside. Three recipes may be stored and each replicated up to 10 times (20 times with Improved Memory upgrade).
TS3 Base Game
Moodlet Manager.PNG Mood Modifier 60,000 This item, stored in personal inventory, can Cure or Zap a Sim to alter their moodlets. The Cure option removes one to four negative moodlets. (Certain moodlets, such as those from a disgusting environment, will return almost immediately.) If the moodlet was caused by a low needs bar, that bar will be filled. In the case of hygiene or fun, this will also bestow their usual positive moodlet. The Cure option occasionally fails, instead inflicting a negative moodlet, such as extreme fatigue. This can be remedied by further Cure attempts until a success is achieved, and is generally nothing more than a mild annoyance. The Zap action bestows a single negative moodlet.
TS3 Base Game
Lt rewards agefreezepotion.png Age Freeze Potion 65,000 The purchaser of this reward receives an 'Age Freeze' potion. Drinking this potion immediately stops the Sim's biological clock, preventing further aging!
Lt rewards youngagainpotion.png Young Again Potion 70,000 The purchaser of this reward receives a 'Young Again' potion! Drinking this potion allows a Young Adult, Adult or Elder to return to the begining of Young Adulthood.
Teleportation Pad.PNG Teleportation Pad 75,000 Can teleport to anywhere within the neighborhood. While at home, your Sim can use the pad directly to travel to certain map icons. At appropriate times, the Teleport to Work (or School) option temporarily becomes available. Finally, you can click on a spot on the ground anywhere the in the map and teleport to it. When abroad, your Sim can instead use their cell phone to Teleport Home. Options for upgrades include Unbreakable and Perfect Teleportation. Without Perfect Teleportation, there is a chance your Sim will arrive at an incorrect destination.
TS3 Base Game

The Rewards for Pets

Icon Name Cost Cats Dogs Horses Effect
Lt rewards vomitmachine.png Vomit Machine 1,500 yes yes Here's a great way to get your owner's attention. Gain the ability to vomit at will.
Lt rewards bestbehavior.png Best Behavior 2,500 yes yes Save your furniture! Save your house! This reward will make it so your pet will never scratch or bite furniture, roll in puddles, or get into the trash and kitty litter….of course unless you really want them to.
Lt rewards fearlessfoals.png Fearless Foals 2,500 yes Foals can venture away from their mother's grasp without feeling sad or lonely.
Lt rewards immunity.png Never Nauseous 2,500 yes yes Pets become immune from getting nauseous and vomiting.
Lt rewards atomicgrazer.png Atomic Grazer 4,000 yes Gain the ability to graze on any type of surface.
Lt rewards friendoftheherd.png Friend of the Herd 4,000 yes Be the most popular horse in town. Wild horses are often attracted to your home lot.
Lt rewards ironbladder.png Steel Bladder for Pets 4,000 yes yes yes Never again worry about those fretful accidents. Pets with Steel Bladders lose the urge to pee.
Lt rewards luckymount.png Lucky Mount 4,000 yes Riders of this horse are often showered with good luck.
Lt rewards belovedanimal.png Beloved Animal 5,000 yes yes yes Your pet gains more social fulfillment from interacting with humans.
Lt rewards desertpony.png Desert Pony 5,000 yes An ability often taught in the arid lands of Al Simhara but can now be bestowed upon your horse. Quenching your horse's thirst will occur less often.
Lt rewards fertility.png Fertility Treatment for Pets 5,000 yes yes Puppies and kittens galore! This guarantees large litters for your pet.
Lt rewards gardenersdelight.png Gardener's Delight 5,000 yes Make your box stalls as eco-friendly as possible. Fertilizer from box stalls used by this horse is always of the highest quality.
Lt rewards equinezen.png Equine Zen 6,000 yes Your horse will be able to channel its inner strength more efficiently. With this reward, exercise motives refill much faster.
Lt rewards alphapet.png Alpha Pet 7,500 yes yes Your pet is gifted with heightened senses when searching for prey or collectibles. Results from hunting are greatly improved.
Lt rewards midlifecrisis.png Attitude Adjustment 7,500 yes yes yes Have you ever wondered how your favorite pet would be if they were loud instead of quiet, or neat instead of piggy? Go ahead and choose new traits for your pet.
Lt rewards supersmart.png Super Smart Pet 7,500 yes yes yes Your pet becomes super smart and can learn skills much faster while making praising and scolding much more effective.
Lt rewards celestialsaltlick.png Celestial Salt Lick 10,000 yes A little taste of paradise disguised in the form of of a sparkling salt lick. It refills both hunger and thirst.
Lt rewards pethygienator.png Pet Hygienator 10,000 yes yes Landgraab Industries' latest solution in high technology pet hygiene. Use it to keep your dogs and cats squeaky clean and free from fleas.
Lt rewards superswankpetbed.png Super Swank Pet Bed 10,000 yes yes A really swank pet bed, so your pet can sleep in style
Lt rewards selfcleaningstall.png Self Cleaning Box Stall 12,500 yes Every pet deserves a clean place to live. Give your horse a box stall that never needs to be cleaned.
Lt rewards bottomlesspetbowl.png Bottomless Pet Bowl 15,000 yes yes Give your pet a pet bowl that provides high quality sustenance and never needs refilling.
Lt rewards clonemevoucher.png Clone Voucher for Pets 15,000 yes yes yes The Pet that purchases this reward gets a Clone Voucher. Redeem it at the Science Facility to have a young clone of your Pet join your household! You cannot purchase this reward if your household is full.
Lt rewards youngagainpetpotion.png Young Again Potion for Pets 20,000 yes yes yes This potion will magically turn back the time on your pet's life. Here's to starting over!

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