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Line 1: Line 1:
seti GMpoolWaterLayer 5
setf GMwmTransparency  1
setf wmXSpeedGM        3    # min:0 max:100
setf wmXRepeatGM      5    # min:0 max:100
setf wmXWaveHeightGM  0.02  # min:0 max:100
setf wmYSpeedGM        5    # min:0 max:100
setf wmYRepeatGM      5  # min:0 max:100
setf wmYWaveHeightGM  0.01  # min:0 max:100
set wmReflectionTextureGM water_spec
setb wmRefractionGMEnabled true
set wmRefractionTextureGM water_spec
define PoolWaterSurfaceMaterialGunModWaves()
      shader -layer $GMpoolWaterLayer
        validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required
        create DetermineHardwareSupport()
          create GunModWaves()
      end #end shader PoolWaterSurfaceMaterialGunModWaves
      # fallback shader
      shader -layer $GMpoolWaterLayer
          if ($useSWVertexShaderPath or $useFixedFunctionPath)
          create SimplifiedWaterSurfaceEP3()  # common  fallback
          create RegularWavesHLSL()
        create SimplifiedWaterSurface()      # basic fallback.
      end #end shader # fallback shader
  end  #end material
enddef # PoolWaterSurfaceMaterialGunModWaves
define GunModWaves()
#fillmode wireframe
#fillmode wireframe
Line 51: Line 10:
         bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo  
         bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo  
         bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeatGM, 0, $wmXWaveHeightGM, $wmXSpeedGM)
         bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed)
         bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeatGM, $wmYWaveHeightGM, $wmYSpeedGM)
         bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)
         # pre-evaluate these
         # pre-evaluate these
         setf xscale (-$wmXRepeatGM * $wmXWaveHeightGM)
         setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight)
         setf yscale (-$wmYRepeatGM * $wmYWaveHeightGM)
         setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight)
         bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0)
         bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0)
         bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float
         bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float
Line 241: Line 200:
       sampler 0  
       sampler 0  
texture $wmReflectionTextureGM
texture $wmReflectionTexture
textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp
textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp
   end  # pass
   end  # pass
enddef # GunModWaves

Revision as of 05:04, 3 September 2007


#fillmode wireframe alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(one)

     shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1
        bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4
        bindConstants 4 -bindingID geomToCamera -constantCount 3
        bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo 
        bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed)
        bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)
        # pre-evaluate these
        setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight)
        setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight)
        bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0)
        bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float
        bindConstants 18 -bindingID cameraToGlobal -constantCount 3
           float4 frameInfo : register(c7);
           float4 waveDataX : register(c11);
           float4 waveDataY : register(c12);
           float4 waveDataHelper : register(c13);
           float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0);
           float4x3 cameraSpaceMatrix : register(c4);
           float4x3 cameraToGlobalMatrix : register(c18);
           float4 lightDirection : register(c14);
           float4 lightColor : register(c15);
           const static float4 refractionWeights={1,1,2,0};
           struct InputVertex
              float4 position: POSITION0;
              float3 normal : NORMAL0;
              float2 texc : TEXCOORD0;
           struct OutputVertex
              float4 clipPosition : POSITION;
              float3 normal : TEXCOORD0;
              float3 viewVector : TEXCOORD1;
           static float2 waveCenter1 = {0.0, 0.0};
           static float2 waveCenter2 = {-0.6, 0.2};
           static float2 timeScale = {2,1};
           static float2 waveHeight = {0.04, 0.02};
           static float2 distScale = {12, 8};
           float4 ComputeWavePositionTwoWay(float2 pos1, float2 pos2)

float2 vec;

              float4 dist;
              vec = waveCenter1 - pos1;
              dist.x = dot(vec, vec);
              vec = waveCenter2 - pos1;
              dist.y = dot(vec,vec);

vec = waveCenter2 - pos2;

              dist.z = dot(vec, vec);
              vec = waveCenter2 - pos2;
              dist.w = dot(vec,vec);

dist *= distScale.xyxy;

float4 sinResult = sin(dist + frameInfo.w * timeScale.xyxy);

//sinResult = 1.0- abs(sinResult);


           float2 ComputeWavePosition(float2 pos1)

float2 vec;

              float2 dist;

vec = waveCenter1 - pos1;

              dist.x = dot(vec, vec);
              vec = waveCenter2 - pos1;
              dist.y = dot(vec,vec);

dist *= distScale.xy;

float2 sinResult = sin(dist + frameInfo.w * timeScale);

//sinResult = 1.0- abs(sinResult);


           OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex)
              // Do	Y-direction	waves
              // r0	= (x, y, z,	t)
              OutputVertex outputVertex;

float4 pos = inputVertex.position;

float2 sample1, sample2, sample3;

sample1 = inputVertex.position; sample2 = inputVertex.position; sample3 = inputVertex.position; sample2.x += 0.1; sample3.y += 0.1;

float4 heights1=ComputeWavePositionTwoWay(sample1, sample2); float2 heights2=ComputeWavePosition(sample3);

float3 pos1, pos2; pos1 = pos; pos2 = pos;

pos.z += (heights1.x* waveHeight.x);// + heights1.y * waveHeight.y); pos1.z += (heights1.z* waveHeight.x);// + heights1.w * waveHeight.y); pos2.z += (heights2.x* waveHeight.x);// + heights2.y * waveHeight.y);

pos1.x +=0.1; pos2.y +=0.1; float3 vec1, vec2; vec1 = normalize(pos1 - pos); vec2 = normalize(pos2 - pos);

float3 normal = cross(vec1, vec2);

normal = mul(normal, (float3x3)cameraSpaceMatrix);

float3 viewVector = mul(pos, cameraSpaceMatrix);

outputVertex.viewVector = normalize(-viewVector);

              outputVertex.clipPosition = mul(pos, clipSpaceMatrix);
              outputVertex.normal = normal;
     end # end shaderProgram
     shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method assemble
        bindConstants 0 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float
           def c10,20,4,0,0
           def c11, 0,0.5,1,2
           dcl t0
           dcl t1 ; v

dcl_cube s0

           nrm r0, t0       ; n
           add r1, r0, r0  ; 2N
           dp3 r1.w, r0, t1 ; N.V

mad r2.xyz, r1, r1.w, -t1  ; 2N * (N.V) -V

texld r5, r2, s0

dp3 r3.x, r2, c0  ; R.L pow r4, r3.x, c10.x

mov_sat r1.x, r1.w

add r6.x, c11.z, -r1.x  ; 1 - Fresnel

pow r3.y, r6.x, c10.y  ; N.V ^ 4

mul r7, r5, r3.y mad r4, r4, r3.y, r7 mul r4, r4, c11.y

mov oC0, r4

     sampler 0 

texture $wmReflectionTexture textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp

  end  # pass


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