Difference between revisions of "TEST-STRCMP4CODES"

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float4 colorTint    : COLOR1;
float4 colorTint    : COLOR1;
OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex)
// Do Y-direction waves
// r0 = (x, y, z, t)
OutputVertex outputVertex;
float4 posAndTime;
posAndTime.xyz = inputVertex.position;
posAndTime.w = frameInfo.w;
float temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataX);
float z = sin(temp) * waveDataX.z + inputVertex.position.z;
temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataY);
posAndTime.z =  z + sin(temp) * waveDataY.z ;//-0.1f; //The -.01 is a fudge factor to remove some of the edge creep associated with moving the height of the wave. -tom
posAndTime.w = 1.0f;
outputVertex.clipPosition = mul( posAndTime, clipSpaceMatrix);
outputVertex.sPos = float4(0.5f*(outputVertex.clipPosition.ww - outputVertex.clipPosition.xy), outputVertex.clipPosition.ww);
float3 waveNormal = normalize(inputVertex.normal + float3(cos(temp)*waveDataHelper.xy, 0));
float3 cameraSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(waveNormal, cameraSpaceMatrix));
float3 cameraSpacePosition = mul( posAndTime, cameraSpaceMatrix);
float3 viewVector = normalize(-cameraSpacePosition);
float3 halfVector = normalize(viewVector + lightDirection);
outputVertex.specular = lightSpecular*pow(dot(cameraSpaceNormal, halfVector), 50)*nightColor*lightColor*0.5;
float2 fTranslation=float2(fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005, fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005);
float2 vTexCoords = posAndTime.xy*0.05;
// Output bump layers texture coordinates   
float fSinTranslation=sin(fTranslation*100)*0.005;
float2 vTranslation0=fTranslation+fSinTranslation;
float2 vTranslation1=fTranslation-fSinTranslation;
float2 vTranslation2=fTranslation;
// Scale texture coordinates to get mix of low/high frequency details
outputVertex.Wave0.xy = vTexCoords.xy*0.01+fTranslation*2.0;
outputVertex.Wave1.xy = vTexCoords.xy+fTranslation*2.5;
outputVertex.Wave2.xy = vTexCoords.xy+fTranslation*-2.3;
outputVertex.Wave3.xy = vTexCoords.xy*0.1+fTranslation*1.5;               
// compute binormal
float3 binormal = normalize(cross(waveNormal, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));            
float3 tangent = normalize(cross(binormal, waveNormal));
// tangent space matrix
float3x3 objToTangentSpace = float3x3(tangent, binormal, waveNormal);
float3 viewVectorInObjSpace = mul(viewVector, (float3x3)cameraToGeomMatrix);
outputVertex.Eye.xyz = mul(objToTangentSpace, viewVectorInObjSpace);
outputVertex.colorTint = waterTint;
outputVertex.colorTint.a = inputVertex.alpha.xxxx;
// outputVertex.color = waterTint.xxxx;
end # shaderProgram

Revision as of 10:26, 7 September 2007

struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float3 normal : NORMAL0; float2 alpha  : TEXCOORD1; };

struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float4 sPos  : TEXCOORD0; float2 Wave0  : TEXCOORD1; float2 Wave1  : TEXCOORD2; float2 Wave2  : TEXCOORD3; float2 Wave3  : TEXCOORD4; float3 Eye  : TEXCOORD5; float4 specular  : COLOR0; float4 colorTint  : COLOR1; };

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