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pass -clipAlways -modifiedEachFrameHint #fillmode wireframe alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(one)

     seti textureLights (numLightsOfType(environmentCube))        

shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1

bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 bindConstants 4 -bindingID geomToCamera -constantCount 3

bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo

bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed) bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)

# pre-evaluate these setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight) setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight) bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0) bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float bindConstants 18 -bindingID cameraToGlobal -constantCount 3

        if (tsIsDay)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)         


float4 frameInfo : register(c7); float4 waveDataX : register(c11); float4 waveDataY : register(c12); float4 waveDataHelper : register(c13); float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); float4x3 cameraSpaceMatrix : register(c4); float4x3 cameraToGlobalMatrix : register(c18);

           float4 nightColor: register(c25);

float4 lightDirection : register(c14); float4 lightColor : register(c15); const static float4 refractionWeights={1,1,2,0};

const static float4 layerBlue={0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1};

struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float3 normal : NORMAL0; };

struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float4 diffuseColor: COLOR0; float4 specularColor: COLOR1; float3 reflection : TEXCOORD0;


OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex) { // Do Y-direction waves // r0 = (x, y, z, t)

OutputVertex outputVertex;

float4 posAndTime; posAndTime.xyz = inputVertex.position; posAndTime.w = frameInfo.w;

float temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataX);

// z = h * sin(...)

float z; // scale temp to fit -pi +pi range //temp = temp * (1 / (2 * 3.14159)) + 0.5;

float3 waveNormal;

z = sin(temp) * waveDataX.z + inputVertex.position.z;

waveNormal.x = cos(temp) * waveDataHelper.x + inputVertex.normal.x;

temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataY); //temp = temp * (1 / (2 * 3.14159)) + 0.5;

z += sin(temp) * waveDataY.z;

waveNormal.y = cos(temp) * waveDataHelper.y + inputVertex.normal.y;

waveNormal.z = inputVertex.normal.z;

waveNormal = normalize(waveNormal);

posAndTime.w = 1.0; posAndTime.z = z;

outputVertex.clipPosition = mul( posAndTime, clipSpaceMatrix);

float3 cameraSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(waveNormal, cameraSpaceMatrix));

float3 cameraSpacePosition = mul( posAndTime, cameraSpaceMatrix);

float3 viewVector = normalize(-cameraSpacePosition);

float3 R = reflect(viewVector, cameraSpaceNormal);

outputVertex.reflection = mul( -R, cameraToGlobalMatrix);

float fresnel = dot(viewVector , cameraSpaceNormal);

float rdotl = saturate(dot(R, lightDirection));

float I = pow(rdotl+0.1, 15); // fudge factor to punch up the highlights.

              nightColor = nightColor * 2;                           

outputVertex.diffuseColor = ((1.0 - fresnel) * saturate(nightColor) * 0.5) * layerBlue;

outputVertex.specularColor = I; return(outputVertex);


endShaderSource end # shaderProgram

stage texture $wmReflectionTexture textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp textureBlend multiply(texture diffuse) select(diffuse) end

addSpecular true

end # end pass


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