- Shaders for neighborhood
- layers
- normal shadows are layer 2 (after opaques), tree shadows are moved to -2 to make them
- render to the first buffer. Tree shadows (-2) do not show up on fields (7).
seti nhoodWaterLayer 1 seti nhoodCanvasLayer -8 seti nhoodTreeShadowLayer -2
setf neighborhoodMaterialScaleU 8.0 # defaults for neighborhood materials without these defined setf neighborhoodMaterialScaleV 8.0 # defaults for neighborhood materials without these defined
setf nhoodWaterMap1Scale 7.0 setf nhoodWaterMap1Speed 0.5 setf nhoodWaterMap2Scale 5.0 setf nhoodWaterMap2Speed 0.3
setv2 baseTexOffset (0.5, 0.5)
setv3 nhoodDiffCoef (0.75, 0.93, 0.75)
setf nhoodPaintTextureScale 13 #Repeat distance of neighborhood textures in tiles.
#NOTE: There is a related parameter called "TextureVariantGridSize" in #NeighborhoodTerrain.ini. You would normally (though not necessarily) want it to be #the same as this number.
setf waterEdgeTextureScale 250.0 #Repeat distance in meters setf terrainEdgeTextureScale 100.0 #Repeat distance in meters
- Reflective water
setc nhoodWaterReflColour (0.55, .6, 0.65) setc lotSkirtWaterReflColour (0.65, 0.7, 0.85) setf nhoodWaterReflStrength 0.75 setf nhoodWaterReflOffset 0.0020
- Standard water
setf nhoodWaterbumpMapScale 8.0 setf nhoodWaterAlpha 0.35
setb isDay true setb isTerrainConcrete false
- water clipping plane
setf waterHeight 312.45
- underwater gradient texture
set waterGradientTexture neighborhood-underwater-gradient set waterGradientTextureAdditive neighborhood-underwater-gradient-with-black
- depth at which the gradient starts to take effect
setf waterGradientZoneStart 0
- how far down the gradient goes from that point.
setf waterGradientZoneSize 40
set skyboxCubeMap neighborhood-sky2-envcube
- bump mapping
setv3 nhoodSunDir (-0.5, 1, 0.5) # default -- should be set by code from the lighting.txt value
- overall kind-of brightness booster for bump map.
setf bumpMapBoost 1.5
- ==============================================================================
- derived bump map quantities
define BiasedNormal(n bn)
setf nLen (sqrt(sqr($&{n}.x) + sqr($&{n}.y) + sqr($&{n}.z))) setv3 &{bn} ((0.5,0.5,0.5) * (($&{n} / $nLen.xxx) + (1,1,1)))
create BiasedNormal(nhoodSunDir nhoodSunDirBiased) setv3 nhoodSunDirBiased ($nhoodSunDirBiased * $bumpMapBoost.xxx)
set terrainType "unset"
- defaults off, can be turned on at startup.
setb simpleTerrain false setb isImposter false
include neighborhoodSWVS.matShad
- ==============================================================================
define NeighborhoodCanvas()
- this material does nothing but prep the z-buffer, and render black.
if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif
shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required if (not $isImposter) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required endif viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType create DetermineHardwareSupport() if (strcmp("Concrete", "${terrainType}") = 0) setb isTerrainConcrete true endif
if (not $isUnderWater or viewerRenderType != $kRenderTypeReflection) if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodTerrainPrepWorkSWVS() else pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() cullmode none # so that reflections don't "creep under" edge of terrain colorScalar (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) if ($isImposter and $isTerrainConcrete) ffDepthOffset -1 endif
stage if (not $isImposter) ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition endif textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(outRegister) end end endif endif end end
- ==============================================================================
- Used for those triangles in the canvas which are partially under water.
define NeighborhoodCanvasStraddle() material
if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif
- material for reflection camera
shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer) * 8)
validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred $kRenderTypeReflection
#Render the portion that is above water only
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath)
create NeighborhoodWaterlineStraddleSWVS()
pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(zero) cullmode none # so that reflections don't "creep under" edge of terrain colorScalar (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
alphaTest true 128 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater
stage # above water -- clip by using depth-based 0/1 texture. texture blackWhite textureAddressing clamp clamp textureFilterHint point point textureMIPFilterHint disabled
ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order zzzw -trans ($waterHeight - 0.5, 0) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(texture) end end endif
#material for standard camera #shader -layer (-128)
shader -layer (-128)
validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred $kRenderTypeNormal
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodWaterlineStraddleStandardCameraSWVS() else
#Render the portion that is above water only pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(zero) cullmode none # so that reflections don't "creep under" edge of terrain colorScalar (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
stage textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(outRegister) end end endif
end enddef
- ==============================================================================
- Material for terrain geometry that is partially or completely under water.
define NeighborhoodWaterTerrain() material
if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif
shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 2) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if (viewerRenderType != $kRenderTypeReflection)
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodUnderWaterTerrainSWVS()
pass -fixedFunction
create LightingStatesNoStdLights()
alphaBlend srcFactor(destColor) add dstFactor(zero) cullmode none # so that reflections don't "creep under" edge of terrain # apply depth-based gradient texture to terrain that is under water. stage texture $waterGradientTexture
if ($cubeMapSupport) textureAddressing tile clamp else textureAddressing clamp clamp endif
set d ($waterHeight - $waterGradientZoneStart) set s (-$waterGradientZoneSize) ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order xzyw -scale $s -trans (0, $d) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition textureBlend select(texture) select(outRegister) end end
end end enddef
- ==============================================================================
define NeighborhoodTerrainPaintShader()
shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 1) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required if (not $isImposter) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required endif
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if (strcmp("Concrete", "${terrainType}") = 0)
setb isTerrainConcrete true endif
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodMainTerrainShaderSWVS()
pass -fixedFunction
create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(one) cullmode none # so that reflections don't "creep under" edge of terrain
if ($isImposter and $isTerrainConcrete)
ffDepthOffset -1 endif
colorScalar $nhoodSunDirBiased
depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual
seti snowLevel (tsHasSnow)
if ($snowLevel = 1) set weatherSuffix "-LSNOW" elseif ($snowLevel = 2)
set weatherSuffix "-HSNOW" else set weatherSuffix "" endif
stage texture $alphaMap textureAddressing clamp clamp
if ($isImposter)
ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -scalev ((0.1 * $alphaMapScaleU), (0.1 * $alphaMapScaleV)) ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition else ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($alphaMapScaleU, $alphaMapScaleV) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 endif textureBlend select(outRegister) select(texture) end
stage texture "${paintTexture}${weatherSuffix}" textureAddressing tile tile if ($isImposter) ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -scalev ((10.0 * $nhoodPaintTextureScale), (10.0 * $nhoodPaintTextureScale)) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition else ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($nhoodPaintTextureScale, $nhoodPaintTextureScale) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource 0 endif textureBlend select(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) end end
end enddef
define NeighborhoodTerrainPaint()
material if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif create NeighborhoodTerrainPaintShader() end
- ==============================================================================
set ratioH 1 # default material parameter value set ratioW 1 # default material parameter value set useReflection 1 # default material parameter value define NeighborhoodWater()
material # never draw water in its reflection. Already handled by code.
if ($simpleTerrain) shader -layer $nhoodWaterLayer pass -fixedFunction colorScalar (0.3, 0.4,0.8) 1.0 stage textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar) end end end endif
# First option: reflection mapped water. if ($useReflection)
shader -layer $nhoodWaterLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType
################################################################################ # Three pass/2 texture rippled reflection -- does not run on GeF2 only 2 stages (for GeF4+) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) colorScalar $nhoodWaterReflColour $nhoodWaterReflStrength depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false stage ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition ffTextureMatrix -cameraToClip -scalev ((-0.5 * $ratioW), (-0.5 * $ratioH)) -trans (0.5, 0.5) textureAddressing clamp clamp texture "ScreenReflection" textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(outRegister) tempRegister end stage ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition ffTextureMatrix -cameraToClip -scalev ((-0.5 * $ratioW), (-0.5 * $ratioH)) -trans (0.5 + $nhoodWaterReflOffset, 0.5 + $nhoodWaterReflOffset) textureAddressing clamp clamp texture "ScreenReflection" textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(outRegister) end stage texture "neighborhood-water-1" textureAddressing tile tile # -atrans waveformType cycles/sec offset (startU, startV) (endU, endV) textureMatrixAnimation -targetType fixedFunction -atrans sawtooth ($nhoodWaterMap1Speed / $nhoodWaterMap1Scale) 0 (0, 0) ($nhoodWaterMap1Scale, 0) -ascale sawtooth 1 0 ($nhoodWaterMap1Scale, $nhoodWaterMap1Scale) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend lerpTextureAlpha(tempRegister outRegister) select(colorScalar) end end end shader -layer $nhoodWaterLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType
################################################################################ # Two stage case since the three stage case above fails on most low end hardware because of its third stage (GF2). pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) colorScalar $nhoodWaterReflColour $nhoodWaterReflStrength depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false stage ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition ffTextureMatrix -cameraToClip -scalev ((-0.5 * $ratioW), (-0.5 * $ratioH)) -trans (0.5, 0.5) textureAddressing clamp clamp texture "ScreenReflection" textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(outRegister) end stage texture "neighborhood-water-1" textureAddressing tile tile # -atrans waveformType cycles/sec offset (startU, startV) (endU, endV) #textureMatrixAnimation -targetType fixedFunction -atrans sawtooth ($nhoodWaterMap1Speed / $nhoodWaterMap1Scale) 0 (0, 0) ($nhoodWaterMap1Scale, 0) -ascale sawtooth 1 0 ($nhoodWaterMap1Scale, $nhoodWaterMap1Scale) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend lerpTextureAlpha(outRegister outRegister) select(colorScalar) end end end endif ################################################################################ # fallback: no reflection. shader -layer ($nhoodWaterLayer) viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType create DetermineHardwareSupport() pass -fixedFunction
# For now, we are diabling the lighting since we simply want to use the vertex colors. create LightingStatesNoStdLightsParam(false true) alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)
colorScalar (.4, .6, .9, .6) fillmode $stdMatFillMode stage #texture reflectionoutdoorwater-envcube if ($cubeMapSupport) texture $skyboxCubeMap textureMIPFilterHint disabled
ffTextureCoordsSource fromReflectionVector ffTextureMatrix -orientCameraToGlobal
textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(colorScalar) else textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar) endif end end end
################################################################################ # Final fallback.
#<shader -layer ($nhoodWaterLayer) viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType
pass -fixedFunction
fillmode $stdMatFillMode create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(srcAlpha) colorScalar (.2, .3, .5, .05) stage textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar) end end
create NeighborhoodWaterSWVS()
- ==============================================================================
- The layer ID for this should be lower than "nhoodWaterLayer" Id because we want the farther side of the water box should be
- drawn as well.
- the layer ID of any under-water objects (so
define NeighborhoodWaterEdge()
material if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif shader -layer (($nhoodWaterLayer - 1) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(zero) cullmode cullCounterClockwise
stage texture $waterEdgeTexture textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev (1/$waterEdgeTextureScale, 1/$waterEdgeTextureScale) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(diffuse) end end end end
- ==============================================================================
define NeighborhoodTerrainEdge()
material if ($simpleTerrain) shader end endif shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 13) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required
pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) stage texture $terrainEdgeTexture textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev (1/$terrainEdgeTextureScale, 1/$terrainEdgeTextureScale) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiply(texture diffuse) select(texture) end end end end
- ==============================================================================
define NHoodTerrainLighting()
set terrainRepresentativeTexture "lottexture-test-01_detail"
material shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 3) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required
if (not $isImposter) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required endif
if (strcmp("Concrete", "${terrainType}") = 0) setb isTerrainConcrete true endif if ($simpleTerrain) if (strcmp("Desert", "${terrainType}") = 0) set terrainRepresentativeTexture "lottexture-canvas-desert" endif shader pass -fixedFunction
ffDepthOffset -1
stage texture "nhoodLightMap" if ($isImposter)
ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -scalev (1280, 1280) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition else ffTextureMatrix -scalev (128, 128) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource 0 endif
textureBlend select(texture) select(texture) end stage texture $terrainRepresentativeTexture if ($isImposter)
ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -scalev (160, 160) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition else ffTextureMatrix -scalev (16, 16) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource 0 endif
#textureBlend multiply(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) textureBlend select(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) end end end endif
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodTerrainLightingSWVS() else pass -fixedFunction
create LightingStatesNoStdLights()
# standard Lightmap * dest alphaBlend srcFactor(destColor) add dstFactor(zero)
# if the outbound 'clip' texture has 0 in it, don't emit those pixels. alphaTest true 127 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater
fillmode $stdMatFillMode
if ($isImposter and $isTerrainConcrete) ffDepthOffset -1 endif
depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual # emit the lightmap stage texture "nhoodLightMap" if ($isImposter) ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -scalev (1280, 1280) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition else ffTextureMatrix -scalev (128, 128) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource 0 endif
if (tsHasSnow >= 1) colorScalar (0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0) else colorScalar (0, 0, 0, 0) endif
textureBlend add(texture colorScalar) select(texture) end
# modulate by the 'above water' texture, which is a 2x1 texture with black and white in it.
stage # above water -- clip by using depth-based 0/1 texture. texture blackWhite textureAddressing clamp clamp textureFilterHint point point textureMIPFilterHint disabled
if ( $isImposter) ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order zzzw -trans ($waterHeight - 10, 0) -invert else ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order zzzw -trans ($waterHeight - 0.5, 0) -invert endif ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition textureBlend multiply(texture:alphaReplicate outRegister) select(texture) end end endif end end
- ==============================================================================
define NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial()
material shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 9) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create NeighborhoodTerrainHighlightSWVS() else pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) fillmode $stdMatFillMode
colorScalar (1, 1, 1, $highlightAlpha)
stage texture $highlightTexture textureAddressing tile tile textureBlend select(texture) multiply(texture colorScalar) end end endif
end end
- ==============================================================================
define NHoodTerrainOutlineHighlightMaterial()
material shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 10) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required
pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) fillmode $stdMatFillMode depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false
stage texture $texture textureAddressing clamp clamp ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(texture) end end
end end
- ==============================================================================
setb nhoodIsPartlyUnderwater false define PartiallyUnderWaterMaterial()
seti vt viewerRenderType
## prevents the thumbnails of rocks and such from being 'under water', by punting to standard material.
# thumbnails are rendered at 0,0,0, but water tends to be above them at 312 ft/yards whatever.
if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeThumbnail) create StandardMaterial()
else create UnderWaterShadingMaterial()
define UnderWaterShadingMaterial()
material shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 4) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType viewerRenderType if ($stdMatBaseTextureEnabled) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required endif
pass -fixedFunction ffMatCoef -amb $stdMatDiffCoef -ambAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -diff $stdMatDiffCoef -diffAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -emit $stdMatEmissiveCoef -emitAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -spec $stdMatSpecCoef -specPow $stdMatSpecPower create StandardShaderFBAlphaState($stdMatAlphaBlendMode) fillmode $stdMatFillMode cullmode $stdMatCullMode create LightingStates() stage create StandardShaderTextureState(Base) textureBlend multiply(texture outRegister) multiply(texture outRegister) end ################################################################# if ($stdMatIsPartlyUnderwater and tsIsInNeighborhood) if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeReflection) alphaTest true 128 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater stage # above water -- clip by using depth-based 0/1 texture. texture blackWhite textureAddressing clamp clamp textureFilterHint point point textureMIPFilterHint disabled ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order zzzw -trans ($waterHeight - 0.5, 0) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition textureBlend multiply(texture outRegister) select(texture) end else stage # would we want to source this from somewhere? texture $waterGradientTexture textureAddressing tile clamp set d ($waterHeight - $waterGradientZoneStart) set s (-$waterGradientZoneSize) ffTextureMatrix -cameraToGlobal -order xzyw -scale $s -trans (0, $d) -invert ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition textureBlend multiply(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) end endif else # if we are in lot mode and we want to fade this shape if (numLightsOfType(${kShapeColorLight}) != 0) alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false colorScalar (1, 1, 1, 1) -applyShapeColor 0 stage textureBlend select(outRegister) select(colorScalar) end endif endif ################################################################# end seti weatherLightCount (numLightsOfType(${kWeatherLight})) end # fallback shader, no darken by depth, since "FromPosition" tends to be totally FUBAR in SWVP. shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 4) * 8)
pass -fixedFunction
ffMatCoef -amb $stdMatDiffCoef -ambAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -diff $stdMatDiffCoef -diffAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -emit $stdMatEmissiveCoef -emitAlpha $stdMatAlphaMultiplier -spec $stdMatSpecCoef -specPow $stdMatSpecPower create StandardShaderFBAlphaState($stdMatAlphaBlendMode) fillmode $stdMatFillMode cullmode $stdMatCullMode create LightingStates() stage create StandardShaderTextureState(Base) textureBlend multiply(texture outRegister) multiply(texture outRegister) end # if we are in lot mode and we want to fade this shape if (not tsIsInNeighborhood and numLightsOfType(${kShapeColorLight}) != 0) alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false colorScalar (1, 1, 1, 1) -applyShapeColor 0 stage textureBlend select(outRegister) select(colorScalar) end endif
- ===================================================================================
define ImposterArrowMaterial()
material shader -layer (($nhoodCanvasLayer + 11) * 8) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required
pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) fillmode $stdMatFillMode
# TODO: change this, cannot turn off depth since that is used for dirty rect
depthTest false -enableDepthWrite false
stage texture $texture textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(texture) end end
end end
- ===================================================================================
define NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial()
- $stdMatTextureName
- $stdMatAlphaMulitplier
# TODO: fix these so that they are not hardcoded, must be passed through content set textureName "genericroundsoftguob-alpha" setf alphaMultiplier 0.65
# try using vs_2_sw on the trees since sw vs is not as susceptible to state changes
# this only handles tree GUOBs in the nhood. material #the engine will try this shader first.. shader -layer $nhoodTreeShadowLayer # shadows can never be seen in reflections (they're on the ground) viewerRenderTypePred $kRenderTypeReflection false
pass alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 shaderSource vs_1_1 dcl_position v0 dcl_texcoord v1 m4x4 oPos, v0, c0 mov oT0, v1 endShaderSource end shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method assemble shaderSource ps_1_1 def c0,1,1,1,$alphaMultiplier tex t0 mul r0,t0, c0 endShaderSource end sampler 0 texture $textureName textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp end end end # and fall back to this one if it can't render the above. shader -layer $nhoodTreeShadowLayer # shadows can never be seen in reflections (they're on the ground) viewerRenderTypePred $kRenderTypeReflection false
pass -fixedFunction alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false colorScalar (1,1,1, $alphaMultiplier) stage texture $textureName textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp textureBlend select(texture) multiply(texture colorScalar) end end end end
- =======================================================================================
define NeighborhoodBuildingMaterial()
material shader -layer 0 setb isDay tsIsDay setb shouldShow (($showOnDay and $isDay) or ((not $showOnDay) and (not $isDay))) if ($shouldShow) pass -fixedFunction if (numLightsOfType(${kShapeColorLight}) > 0) alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false colorScalar (1, 1, 1, 1) -applyShapeColor 0 else colorScalar (1, 1, 1, 1) endif if ($isDay) #lighting is only applied at day time ffLighting -enable true -localViewer false -normalizeNormals false create NonStandardLighting() ffMatCoef -amb (0.8,0.8,0.8) -ambAlpha 1.0 -diff (0.8,0.8,0.8) -diffAlpha 1.0 -spec (0,0,0) -specPow 0 stage ffTextureCoordsSource 0 texture $texMaterial textureBlend multiply(texture diffuse) multiply(texture colorScalar) end else stage ffTextureCoordsSource 0 texture $texMaterial textureBlend select(texture) multiply(texture colorScalar) end endif end endif end end
- ============================================================================================
- make tree shadows render to an opaque (but blended layer) so they drop into the static layer
- this overrides the texture name and alpha blend level.
materialDefinition neighborhood_roundshadow
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- rectangular shadows are used by the car shadows, until can pass the existing texture name onto the material,
- leave those shadows as transparent layer 7 that will get alpha sorted, etc.
- materialDefinition neighborhood_rectangularshadow
- setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- end
- forest
materialDefinition forest_01_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition forest_02_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- oak
materialDefinition treeoak01_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treeoak02_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treeoak03_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treeoak04_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treeoak05_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treeoak06_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- scrub oak
materialDefinition neighborhoodtreescruboak_shadows_alpha
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- birch
materialDefinition treebirch01_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treebirch02_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treebirch03_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treebirch04_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treebirch05_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
end materialDefinition treebirch06_shadows
setDefinition NeighborhoodTreeGUOBMaterial
- TODO: need to redefine the tree shaders, at least skip in reflections
- this is also causing massive batch count for main view (scrolling)
- all trees should be combined into a single part/texture atlas with their shadows
- render them after the terrain
- materialDefinition treeoak01_diffuse
- setDefinition StandardMaterial
- end
- ===================================================================================
materialDefinition neighborhood-canvas-outOfWater
setDefinition NeighborhoodCanvas addParam isUnderWater false
materialDefinition neighborhood-canvas-underwater
setDefinition NeighborhoodCanvas addParam isUnderWater true
materialDefinition neighborhood-canvas-straddle
setDefinition NeighborhoodCanvasStraddle
materialDefinition neighborhood-underwater-terrain
setDefinition NeighborhoodWaterTerrain
materialDefinition waterEdgeBoxMaterial
setDefinition NeighborhoodWaterEdge addParam waterEdgeTexture "neighborhood-sides-water"
materialDefinition terrainEdgeBoxMaterial
setDefinition NeighborhoodTerrainEdge addParam terrainEdgeTexture "neighborhood-sides-dirt"
materialDefinition nhoodTerrainLightingMaterial
setDefinition NHoodTerrainLighting
materialDefinition nhoodTerrainLightingMaterialImposter
setDefinition NHoodTerrainLighting addParam isImposter true
materialDefinition nhoodReflectionSkybox
setDefinition SkyboxCompositionPassMaterial addParam skyboxCubeTexture $skyboxCubeMap
materialDefinition lotSkirtReflectionSkybox
setDefinition SkyboxCompositionPassMaterial addParam skyboxCubeTexture $skyboxCubeMap
materialDefinition lotPlacementArrow
setDefinition ImposterArrowMaterial addParam texture lot-placement-arrow
- Material used in highlighting the terrain to depict a house for which no imposter exists yet.
materialDefinition DefaultResidentialLotImposterMaterial
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-residential" addParam highlightAlpha 0.5
materialDefinition DefaultCommunityLotImposterMaterial
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-community" addParam highlightAlpha 0.5
- Material used in creating a terrain thumbnail for a lot for which no imposter exists yet.
materialDefinition DefaultLotThumbnailMaterial
setDefinition StandardMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled "true" addParam stdMatBaseTextureName "lotselection-done" addParam stdMatLightingEnabled true addParam stdMatDiffCoef (1, 1, 1)
materialDefinition bridge_sides
- setDefinition StandardMaterial
setDefinition PartiallyUnderWaterMaterial addParam stdMatAlphaBlendMode none addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true addParam stdMatBaseTextureName bridge-sides addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) addParam stdMatIsPartlyUnderwater true
materialDefinition cliff_boulder_material
- setDefinition StandardMaterial
setDefinition PartiallyUnderWaterMaterial addParam stdMatAlphaBlendMode none addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true addParam stdMatBaseTextureName nh-test-cliff addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) addParam stdMatIsPartlyUnderwater true
materialDefinition plesiosaur_skin_material
- setDefinition StandardMaterial
setDefinition PartiallyUnderWaterMaterial addParam stdMatAlphaBlendMode none addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true addParam stdMatBaseTextureName plesiosaur-skin addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) addParam stdMatIsPartlyUnderwater true # these are mvoing objects, need to be at or above layer 0 addParam nhoodCanvasLayer -4
materialDefinition neighborhood_bouyside_material
- setDefinition StandardMaterial
setDefinition PartiallyUnderWaterMaterial addParam stdMatAlphaBlendMode none addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true addParam stdMatBaseTextureName neighborhood_bouyside addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) addParam stdMatIsPartlyUnderwater true # these are mvoing objects, need to be at or above layer 0 addParam nhoodCanvasLayer -4
materialDefinition RelationshipArchGreen
setDefinition StandardMaterial addParam stdMatSpecPower 20 addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.3, 1, 0.3) addParam stdMatSpecCoef (1, 1, 1) addParam stdMatAlphaMultiplier 0.6 addParam stdMatAlphaBlendMode blend
materialDefinition housePlacementOKHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lotselection-good" addParam highlightAlpha 0.15
materialDefinition housePlacementNotOKHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lotselection-bad" addParam highlightAlpha 0.15
materialDefinition roadIndicatorOK
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-roadghost-good" addParam highlightAlpha 0.75
materialDefinition roadIndicatorNotOK
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-roadghost-bad" addParam highlightAlpha 0.75
materialDefinition DefaultLotHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lotselection-good" addParam highlightAlpha 0.25
materialDefinition ResidentialLotHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-residential" addParam highlightAlpha 0.40
materialDefinition CommunityLotHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-community" addParam highlightAlpha 0.40
materialDefinition DormLotHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lothighlight-dorm" addParam highlightAlpha 0.40
materialDefinition NotOKLotHighlight
setDefinition NHoodTerrainHighlightMaterial addParam highlightTexture "lotselection-bad" addParam highlightAlpha 0.40
materialDefinition neighborhoodbuildingres1_windows_night
setDefinition NeighborhoodBuildingMaterial addParam texMaterial neighborhoodbuildingres1_repeat-surface-night addParam showOnDay false
materialDefinition neighborhoodbuildingres1_windows_day
setDefinition NeighborhoodBuildingMaterial addParam texMaterial neighborhoodbuildingres1_repeat-surface addParam showOnDay true
- this is commented out because the UI renders this without use of the material
- materialDefinition ZoomConePyramid
- setDefinition ZoomConeMaterial
- addParam baseColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- end
define LotSkirtPSWater()
shader -layer ($poolWaterLayer+1) validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required
pass -clipAlways -modifiedEachFrameHint #fillmode wireframe alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) seti textureLights (numLightsOfType(environmentCube)) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false
shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1
bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 bindConstants 4 -bindingID geomToCamera -constantCount 3
bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo
bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed) bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)
# pre-evaluate these setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight) setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight) bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0) bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float bindConstants 18 -bindingID cameraToGlobal -constantCount 3 bindConstants 21 -bindingID cameraToGeom -constantCount 3
if (tsIsDay) bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1) bindConstants 28 -bindingID immediateData -data (-0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0) else bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1) bindConstants 28 -bindingID immediateData -data (-0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0) endif
float4 frameInfo : register(c7); float4 waveDataX : register(c11); float4 waveDataY : register(c12); float4 waveDataHelper : register(c13); float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); float4x3 cameraSpaceMatrix : register(c4); float4x3 cameraToGlobalMatrix : register(c18); float4x3 cameraToGeomMatrix : register(c21);
float4 nightColor: register(c25); float4 waterTint: register(c28);
float4 lightDirection : register(c14); float4 lightColor : register(c15); float4 lightSpecular : register(c16);
const static float4 refractionWeights={1,1,2,0}; const static float4 layerBlue={1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float3 normal : NORMAL0; float2 alpha : TEXCOORD1; };
struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float4 sPos : TEXCOORD0; float2 Wave0 : TEXCOORD1; float2 Wave1 : TEXCOORD2; float2 Wave2 : TEXCOORD3; float2 Wave3 : TEXCOORD4; float3 Eye : TEXCOORD5; float4 specular : COLOR0; float4 colorTint : COLOR1; };
OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex) { // Do Y-direction waves // r0 = (x, y, z, t)
OutputVertex outputVertex;
float4 posAndTime; posAndTime.xyz = inputVertex.position; posAndTime.w = frameInfo.w;
float temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataX); float z = sin(temp) * waveDataX.z + inputVertex.position.z; temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataY); posAndTime.z = z + sin(temp) * waveDataY.z ;//-0.1f; //The -.01 is a fudge factor to remove some of the edge creep associated with moving the height of the wave. -tom posAndTime.w = 1.0f;
outputVertex.clipPosition = mul( posAndTime, clipSpaceMatrix); outputVertex.sPos = float4(0.5f*(outputVertex.clipPosition.ww - outputVertex.clipPosition.xy), outputVertex.clipPosition.ww);
float3 waveNormal = normalize(inputVertex.normal + float3(cos(temp)*waveDataHelper.xy, 0)); float3 cameraSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(waveNormal, cameraSpaceMatrix)); float3 cameraSpacePosition = mul( posAndTime, cameraSpaceMatrix); float3 viewVector = normalize(-cameraSpacePosition);
float3 halfVector = normalize(viewVector + lightDirection); outputVertex.specular = lightSpecular*pow(dot(cameraSpaceNormal, halfVector), 50)*nightColor*lightColor*0.5;
float2 fTranslation=float2(fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005, fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005);
float2 vTexCoords = posAndTime.xy*0.05;
// Output bump layers texture coordinates float fSinTranslation=sin(fTranslation*100)*0.005; float2 vTranslation0=fTranslation+fSinTranslation; float2 vTranslation1=fTranslation-fSinTranslation; float2 vTranslation2=fTranslation;
// Scale texture coordinates to get mix of low/high frequency details outputVertex.Wave0.xy = vTexCoords.xy*0.01+fTranslation*2.0; outputVertex.Wave1.xy = vTexCoords.xy+fTranslation*2.5; outputVertex.Wave2.xy = vTexCoords.xy+fTranslation*-2.3; outputVertex.Wave3.xy = vTexCoords.xy*0.1+fTranslation*1.5;
// compute binormal float3 binormal = normalize(cross(waveNormal, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); float3 tangent = normalize(cross(binormal, waveNormal));
// tangent space matrix float3x3 objToTangentSpace = float3x3(tangent, binormal, waveNormal);
float3 viewVectorInObjSpace = mul(viewVector, (float3x3)cameraToGeomMatrix);
outputVertex.Eye.xyz = mul(objToTangentSpace, viewVectorInObjSpace); outputVertex.colorTint = waterTint; outputVertex.colorTint.a = inputVertex.alpha.xxxx; // outputVertex.color = waterTint.xxxx;
return(outputVertex); }
endShaderSource end # shaderProgram
shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 2_0 shaderSource sampler reflect; sampler bump; struct cInputPixel { float4 sPos : TEXCOORD0; float2 Wave0 : TEXCOORD1; float2 Wave1 : TEXCOORD2; float2 Wave2 : TEXCOORD3; float2 Wave3 : TEXCOORD4; float3 Eye : TEXCOORD5; float4 specular : COLOR0; float4 colorTint : COLOR1; };
float Fresnel(float NdotL, float fresnelBias, float fresnelPow, float facing) { return max(fresnelBias + (1.0f - fresnelBias)*pow(facing, fresnelPow), 0.0); }
float4 PixelMain(cInputPixel pi) : COLOR { float3 vEye = normalize(pi.Eye);
// Get bump layers float3 vBumpTexA = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave0.xy).xyz; float3 vBumpTexB = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave1.xy).xyz; float3 vBumpTexC = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave2.xy).xyz; float3 vBumpTexD = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave3.xy).xyz;
// Average bump layers float3 vBumpTex=normalize(2.0 * (vBumpTexA.xyz + vBumpTexB.xyz + vBumpTexC.xyz + vBumpTexD.xyz)-4.0);
// Apply individual bump scale for refraction and reflection float3 vReflBump = vBumpTex.xyz ; float4 vReflection = tex2Dproj(reflect, pi.sPos + float4(vReflBump.xy, 0.0f, 0.0f));//*0.001 + float4(2.0*vBumpTexD-1.0f.xxx, 1);
// Compute Fresnel term float NdotL = max(dot(vEye, vReflBump), 0); float facing = (1.0 - NdotL); float fresnel = Fresnel(NdotL, 0.1, 0.5, facing);
vReflection.a = fresnel * 0.5;
return saturate(vReflection + pi.colorTint); } endShaderSource end
sampler reflect texture "OceanReflection" textureAddressing clamp clamp end
sampler bump texture "poolShape-body-bump" textureAddressing tile tile end
end # end pass end enddef
define LotSkirtWater() material create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if ($useHWShader2Path) create LotSkirtPSWater() else
shader -layer $nhoodWaterLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType
pass -fixedFunction
alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) colorScalar $lotSkirtWaterReflColour 0.50 depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false
#tring to remove warble I think it may be caused by depth bias. #ffDepthOffset -2
stage ffTextureCoordsSource fromPosition ffTextureMatrix -cameraToClip -scalev ((-0.5 * $ratioW), (-0.5 * $ratioH)) -trans (0.5, 0.5) textureAddressing clamp clamp texture "ScreenReflection"
textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) multiply(diffuse colorScalar) end
end end endif
define LotSkirtWaterNoReflection()
material # fallback: no reflection. shader -layer ($nhoodWaterLayer) viewerRenderTypePred viewerRenderType create DetermineHardwareSupport() pass -fixedFunction
# For now, we are diabling the lighting since we simply want to use the vertex colors. create LightingStatesNoStdLightsParam(false true) alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)
colorScalar (.4, .6, .9, .4) #tring to remove warble I think it may be caused by depth bias. #ffDepthOffset -2 fillmode $stdMatFillMode stage #texture reflectionoutdoorwater-envcube if ($cubeMapSupport) texture $skyboxCubeMap textureMIPFilterHint disabled
ffTextureCoordsSource fromReflectionVector ffTextureMatrix -orientCameraToGlobal
textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(colorScalar) else textureBlend select(colorScalar) multiply(diffuse colorScalar) endif end end end end
materialDefinition lotSkirtSea
setDefinition LotSkirtWater addParam stdMatLightingEnabled false addParam stdMatLayer 0 addParam stdMatDiffCoef (1, 1, 1)
addParam wmReflectionTexture swimming_pool-envcube
addParam wmTransparency 0.4
addParam wmXSpeed 3 addParam wmXRepeat 5 addParam wmXWaveHeight 0.001 addParam wmYSpeed 3 addParam wmYRepeat 6 addParam wmYWaveHeight 0.001
materialDefinition lotSkirtSeaNoReflection
setDefinition LotSkirtWaterNoReflection