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  1. Pool Water

seti poolWaterLayer 5

  1. Simple water material
  2. This material modulates the vertices by two sin waves --
  3. one in X and one in Y. It then produces reflection and
  4. refraction direction texture coordinates suitable for a
  5. cubic environment map.

  1. beginshader PoolWaterMaterialTwoWave
  2. description Pool water with X/Y waves
  1. BeginStdAttrBlock

setf wmTransparency 0.5

  1. attrdescription Water transparency

setf wmXSpeed 3 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

setf wmXRepeat 1 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

setf wmXWaveHeight 0.1 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

setf wmYSpeed 5 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

setf wmYRepeat 1.8 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

setf wmYWaveHeight 0.2 # min:0 max:100

  1. attrdescription Lookup texture for diffuse intensity.

set wmReflectionTexture reflectionoutdoorwater-envcube

  1. attrdescription Environment cube map texture for reflection

setb wmRefractionEnabled false

  1. attrdescription Whether refraction is enabled

set wmRefractionTexture reflectionoutdoorwater-envcube

  1. attrdescription Environment cube map texture for refraction

  1. EndStdAttrBlock

define PoolWaterSurfaceMaterial()

     shader -layer $poolWaterLayer
        validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required

        create DetermineHardwareSupport()
        if ($useSWVertexShaderPath or $useFixedFunctionPath)
           # The vertex shader to ripple the water surface is deemed too expensive for SWVS.
           # Note that because on some low-end cards shaders are turned off, DetermineHardwareSupport()
           # will set $useFixedFunctionPath to true and $useSWVertexShaderPath to false; however, 
           # since the device is in swvp mode, the RegularWavesHLSL shader would validate anyway, which
           # we don't want. Therefore here we do the simplified water surface if using either SWVS or FFP.
           create SimplifiedWaterSurface()
           if ($useHWShader2Path)
              create HighEndWaterSurface()               
              create RegularWavesHLSL()
     end #end shader
     # basic fallback.
     shader -layer $poolWaterLayer
        create SimplifiedWaterSurface()          
     end #end shader
  end  #end material


define SimplifiedWaterSurface()

  pass -fixedFunction      
     alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)
     depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false
     colorScalar (0.2,0.3,1.0) 0.4            
        textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar)


define RegularWavesHLSL()

  # The -clipAlways flag is needed to work around what appears to be a driver bug.
  # On NVIDIA GF2 class HW, the presence of the cube map texture in the pass below
  # leads to a large performance drop whenever the pass is rendered with clipping disabled.
  # Rendering this pass with clipping enabled avoids the performance drop. In addition,
  # substituting a 2D texture for the cube map texture, or rendering this pass in HW
  # using fixed function vertex processing also avoids the performance drop (but would obviously
  # not have the desired visual result).
  # The cause of this is unknown. This was observed on a GF4GO, driver version 42.58.

pass -clipAlways -modifiedEachFrameHint #fillmode wireframe alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(one)

     seti textureLights (numLightsOfType(environmentCube))        

shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1

bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 bindConstants 4 -bindingID geomToCamera -constantCount 3

bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo

bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed) bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)

# pre-evaluate these setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight) setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight) bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0) bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float bindConstants 18 -bindingID cameraToGlobal -constantCount 3

        if (tsIsDay)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)         


float4 frameInfo : register(c7); float4 waveDataX : register(c11); float4 waveDataY : register(c12); float4 waveDataHelper : register(c13); float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); float4x3 cameraSpaceMatrix : register(c4); float4x3 cameraToGlobalMatrix : register(c18);

           float4 nightColor: register(c25);

float4 lightDirection : register(c14); float4 lightColor : register(c15); const static float4 refractionWeights={1,1,2,0};

const static float4 layerBlue={0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1};

struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float3 normal : NORMAL0; };

struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float4 diffuseColor: COLOR0; float4 specularColor: COLOR1; float3 reflection : TEXCOORD0;


OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex) { // Do Y-direction waves // r0 = (x, y, z, t)

OutputVertex outputVertex;

float4 posAndTime; posAndTime.xyz = inputVertex.position; posAndTime.w = frameInfo.w;

float temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataX);

// z = h * sin(...)

float z; // scale temp to fit -pi +pi range //temp = temp * (1 / (2 * 3.14159)) + 0.5;

float3 waveNormal;

z = sin(temp) * waveDataX.z + inputVertex.position.z;

waveNormal.x = cos(temp) * waveDataHelper.x + inputVertex.normal.x;

temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataY); //temp = temp * (1 / (2 * 3.14159)) + 0.5;

z += sin(temp) * waveDataY.z;

waveNormal.y = cos(temp) * waveDataHelper.y + inputVertex.normal.y;

waveNormal.z = inputVertex.normal.z;

waveNormal = normalize(waveNormal);

posAndTime.w = 1.0; posAndTime.z = z;

outputVertex.clipPosition = mul( posAndTime, clipSpaceMatrix);

float3 cameraSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(waveNormal, cameraSpaceMatrix));

float3 cameraSpacePosition = mul( posAndTime, cameraSpaceMatrix);

float3 viewVector = normalize(-cameraSpacePosition);

float3 R = reflect(viewVector, cameraSpaceNormal);

outputVertex.reflection = mul( -R, cameraToGlobalMatrix);

float fresnel = dot(viewVector , cameraSpaceNormal);

float rdotl = saturate(dot(R, lightDirection));

float I = pow(rdotl+0.1, 15); // fudge factor to punch up the highlights.

              nightColor = nightColor * 2;                           

outputVertex.diffuseColor = ((1.0 - fresnel) * saturate(nightColor) * 0.5) * layerBlue;

outputVertex.specularColor = I; return(outputVertex);


endShaderSource end # shaderProgram

stage texture $wmReflectionTexture textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp textureBlend multiply(texture diffuse) select(diffuse) end

addSpecular true

end # end pass


define HighEndWaterSurface()

pass -clipAlways -modifiedEachFrameHint #fillmode wireframe alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)

     seti textureLights (numLightsOfType(environmentCube))  
     depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false          

shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1

bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 bindConstants 4 -bindingID geomToCamera -constantCount 3

bindConstants 7 -bindingID frameInfo

bindConstants 11 -bindingID immediateData -data ($wmXRepeat, 0, $wmXWaveHeight, $wmXSpeed) bindConstants 12 -bindingID immediateData -data (0, $wmYRepeat, $wmYWaveHeight, $wmYSpeed)

# pre-evaluate these setf xscale (-$wmXRepeat * $wmXWaveHeight) setf yscale (-$wmYRepeat * $wmYWaveHeight) bindConstants 13 -bindingID immediateData -data ($xscale,$yscale, 1,0) bindConstants 14 -bindingID allStandardLightData -constantCount 4 -constantType float bindConstants 18 -bindingID cameraToGlobal -constantCount 3 bindConstants 21 -bindingID cameraToGeom -constantCount 3

        if (tsIsDay)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)         
           bindConstants 25 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)         


float4 frameInfo : register(c7); float4 waveDataX : register(c11); float4 waveDataY : register(c12); float4 waveDataHelper : register(c13); float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); float4x3 cameraSpaceMatrix : register(c4); float4x3 cameraToGlobalMatrix : register(c18); float4x3 cameraToGeomMatrix : register(c21);

           float4 nightColor: register(c25);

float4 lightDirection : register(c14); float4 lightColor : register(c15); float4 lightSpecular : register(c16); const static float4 refractionWeights={1,1,2,0};

const static float4 layerBlue={0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1};

struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float3 normal : NORMAL0; };

struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float4 sPos  : TEXCOORD0; float2 Wave0  : TEXCOORD1;

              float2 Wave1        : TEXCOORD2;
              float2 Wave2        : TEXCOORD3;
              float2 Wave3        : TEXCOORD4;
              float3 Eye          : TEXCOORD5;
              float4 specular     : COLOR0;     


OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex inputVertex) { // Do Y-direction waves // r0 = (x, y, z, t)

OutputVertex outputVertex;

float4 posAndTime; posAndTime.xyz = inputVertex.position; posAndTime.w = frameInfo.w;

float temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataX); float z = sin(temp) * waveDataX.z + inputVertex.position.z; temp = dot(posAndTime, waveDataY); posAndTime.z = z + sin(temp) * waveDataY.z; posAndTime.w = 1.0f;

outputVertex.clipPosition = mul( posAndTime, clipSpaceMatrix); outputVertex.sPos = float4(0.5f*(outputVertex.clipPosition.ww - outputVertex.clipPosition.xy), outputVertex.clipPosition.ww);

float3 waveNormal = normalize(inputVertex.normal + float3(cos(temp)*waveDataHelper.xy, 0)); float3 cameraSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(waveNormal, cameraSpaceMatrix)); float3 cameraSpacePosition = mul( posAndTime, cameraSpaceMatrix); float3 viewVector = normalize(-cameraSpacePosition);

float3 halfVector = normalize(viewVector + lightDirection); outputVertex.specular = lightSpecular*pow(dot(cameraSpaceNormal, halfVector), 50)*nightColor*lightColor*0.5;

float2 fTranslation=float2(fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005, fmod(frameInfo.w, 100)*0.005);

              float2 vTexCoords = posAndTime.xy*0.05;
              // Output bump layers texture coordinates    
              float fSinTranslation=sin(fTranslation*100)*0.005;
              float2 vTranslation0=fTranslation+fSinTranslation;
              float2 vTranslation1=fTranslation-fSinTranslation;
              float2 vTranslation2=fTranslation;
              // Scale texture coordinates to get mix of low/high frequency details
              outputVertex.Wave0.xy = vTexCoords.xy+fTranslation*2.0;
              outputVertex.Wave1.xy = vTexCoords.xy*2.0+fTranslation*4.0;
              outputVertex.Wave2.xy = vTexCoords.xy*7.0+fTranslation*2.0;
              outputVertex.Wave3.xy = vTexCoords.xy*12.0+fTranslation;                															

// compute binormal float3 binormal = normalize(cross(waveNormal, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); float3 tangent = normalize(cross(binormal, waveNormal));

// tangent space matrix float3x3 objToTangentSpace = float3x3(tangent, binormal, waveNormal);

float3 viewVectorInObjSpace = mul(viewVector, (float3x3)cameraToGeomMatrix);

outputVertex.Eye.xyz = mul(objToTangentSpace, viewVectorInObjSpace);

return(outputVertex); }

endShaderSource end # shaderProgram

shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 2_0

           sampler reflect;  
           sampler bump;          
           struct cInputPixel
              float4 sPos         : TEXCOORD0;               
              float2 Wave0        : TEXCOORD1;
              float2 Wave1        : TEXCOORD2;
              float2 Wave2        : TEXCOORD3;
              float2 Wave3        : TEXCOORD4;
              float3 Eye          : TEXCOORD5;
              float4 specular     : COLOR0;
           float Fresnel(float NdotL, float fresnelBias, float fresnelPow, float facing)
              return max(fresnelBias + (1.0f - fresnelBias)*pow(facing, fresnelPow), 0.0);
           float4 PixelMain(cInputPixel pi) : COLOR
              float3 vEye = normalize(pi.Eye);
              // Get bump layers
              float3 vBumpTexA = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave0.xy).xyz;
              float3 vBumpTexB = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave1.xy).xyz;
              float3 vBumpTexC = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave2.xy).xyz;
              float3 vBumpTexD = tex2D(bump, pi.Wave3.xy).xyz;
              // Average bump layers
              float3 vBumpTex=normalize(2.0 * (vBumpTexA.xyz + vBumpTexB.xyz + vBumpTexC.xyz + vBumpTexD.xyz)-4.0);
              // Apply individual bump scale for refraction and reflection               
              float3 vReflBump = vBumpTex.xyz * float3(0.1, 0.1, 1.0);  
              float4 vReflection = tex2Dproj(reflect, pi.sPos + float4(vReflBump.xy, 0.0f, 0.0f));//*0.001 + float4(2.0*vBumpTexD-1.0f.xxx, 1);
              // Compute Fresnel term
              float NdotL = max(dot(vEye, vReflBump), 0);
              float facing = (1.0 - NdotL);
              float fresnel = Fresnel(NdotL, 0.2, 5.0, facing);
              vReflection.a = fresnel;               
              return saturate(vReflection + float4(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.0) + pi.specular);
     sampler reflect
        texture "PoolReflection"
        textureAddressing clamp clamp
     sampler bump
        texture "poolShape-body-bump"
        textureAddressing tile tile

end # end pass


  1. endshader PoolWaterSurfaceMaterial

  1. NOTE:
  2. refraction in vector terms:
  3. v = incoming unit vector
  4. n = surface normal
  5. v' = refracted vector
  6. a = refraction ratio, ni / nr =~ 0.75 for air->water
  7. v' = v - sn
  8. where s = sqrt(1 - a^2 (1 - (v.n)^2)) - v.n.

  1. Caustics

define TiledTextureAnimShaderProgram(tilesX tilesY speed)

  shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble
     bindConstants 0 -bindingID frameInfo            # for time in .w
     bindConstants 1 -data      (&tilesX, &tilesY, &speed, 1)         # tx, ty, speed
     bindConstants 2 -data      ((1/&tilesX), (1/&tilesY), (&tilesY - 1), 1) # 1/tx 1/ty ty-1      
     if (tsIsDay)
        bindConstants 3 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)
        bindConstants 3 -bindingID immediateData -data (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
        dcl_position v0
        dcl_texcoord v1
        mov oPos, v0  # clip space quad, no transforms needed.
        # tiled texture animation
        mov r0, c0
        mul r1, c1.z, r0.w
        frc r5.y, r1.y
        mul r1, c1.y, r5.y    # f -> [0, ty)
        frc r5.y, r1
        sub r3.y, r1, r5.y    # v' = floor(f)
        mul r1, c1.x, r5.y    # f -> [0, tx)
        frc r5.y, r1
        sub r3.x, r1, r5.y    # u' = floor(f)
        add r8.xy, v1.xy,  r3.xy
        mul oT0.xy, r8.xy, c2.xy
        mov oD0, c3 # also spit out diffuse color with modcolor information


define CausticsGeneratorMaterial()

     # This material updates a render target with the current frame
     # of the tile animation. This is the only way to handle a repeated
     # animating texture (not to mention using it for projective texturing)
     # in the absence of clip maps.
     create DetermineHardwareSupport()
     if ($causticsEnabled and $useFixedFunctionPath = false and $useSWVertexShaderPath = false)
        shader -layer +9999 
              renderTarget causticsTile -fixed (64, 64) -allocateDepthBuffer false -undo
              create TiledTextureAnimShaderProgram(8 4 1)
              alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(zero)
              alphaTest false 0
              alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater
              depthTest false -enableDepthWrite false
              depthTestFunction accept
              # 7/24/2004 Fix bug with kRenderTypeNormal default stencil state and nv40.  
              # It reads random stencil values even this target has no depth stencil target.               
              # This stencil call will break pixo, but pixo does not show caustics.
              stencil false
              fillmode $stdMatFillMode                             
              shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 1_1               
                    sampler caustics;
                    struct cInputPixel
                       float4 color : COLOR;
                       float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;
                    float4 PixelMain(cInputPixel pi) : COLOR
                       float4 texColor = tex2D(caustics, pi.tc0);                                                
                       return texColor*pi.color;                        
              sampler 0
                 texture causticsTiled
                 textureAddressing tile tile                  


setf causticsStrength 0.8 setf causticsBaseStrength 0.5

  1. Materials

  1. Pool surface materials

materialDefinition "poolWater-0"

  setDefinition PoolWaterSurfaceMaterial
  addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0, 0, 1)   
  addParam wmRefractionEnabled true


materialDefinition "poolWater-1"

  setDefinition PoolWaterSurfaceMaterial   
  addParam stdMatLightingEnabled false
  addParam stdMatLayer 0
  addParam stdMatDiffCoef (1, 1, 1)   
  addParam wmReflectionTexture swimming_pool-envcube
  addParam wmTransparency 0.4
  addParam wmXSpeed        3
  addParam wmXRepeat       5
  addParam wmXWaveHeight   0.01 
  addParam wmYSpeed        3
  addParam wmYRepeat       6
  addParam wmYWaveHeight   0.01 


materialDefinition "poolWater-2"

  setDefinition PoolWaterSurfaceMaterial
  addParam stdMatLightingEnabled false
  addParam stdMatLayer 0
  addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0, 0, 1)   
  addParam wmTransparency 0.5
  addParam wmXSpeed        3
  addParam wmXRepeat       12
  addParam wmXWaveHeight   0 #0.02 
  addParam wmYSpeed        3
  addParam wmYRepeat       12 
  addParam wmYWaveHeight   0 # 0.02 


materialDefinition "poolWater-4"

  setDefinition WaterAnimatingTextures
  addParam waterSpeed 0.3


  1. Pool depth layer materials
  1. this is here soley because the layering on standard material
  2. is too constrained. We need a layer less than 7, or we'll
  3. render over transparent areas of Sims (e.g. hair) when
  4. they're in the pool at a shallow view angle.

setc poolLayerColour (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) define PoolDepthLayerMaterial()

     create DetermineHardwareSupport() 
     if ($useSWVertexShaderPath or $useFixedFunctionPath)
        shader -layer $poolWaterLayer
           validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required
           validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required
              alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)

depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false

              #fillmode wireframe
              shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1
                 bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4
                 bindConstants 4 -bindingID immediateData -data ($poolLayerColour)
                    float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix      : register(c0);
                    float4   poolLayer            : register(c4);
                    struct cVertexIn
                       float3 mPosition : POSITION0;   
                       float2 alpha     : TEXCOORD0;                  
                    struct cVertexOut
                       float4 mClipPosition : POSITION;                     
                       float4 mColor        : COLOR0;
                    cVertexOut VertexMain(cVertexIn vertexIn)
                       cVertexOut result;                                                                        
                       result.mClipPosition = mul(float4(vertexIn.mPosition, 1), clipSpaceMatrix);                     
                       result.mColor = float4(poolLayer.r, poolLayer.g, poolLayer.b, poolLayer.a * vertexIn.alpha.x); 
                       return result;         
              shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 1_1
                    float4 PixelMain(float4 color : COLOR) : COLOR
                       return color;


materialDefinition "poolWaterLayer-0"

  # this layer does nothing but create the caustics tile.
  setDefinition CausticsGeneratorMaterial   


materialDefinition "poolWaterLayer-1"

  setDefinition PoolDepthLayerMaterial   
  addParam poolLayerColour (0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2)

end materialDefinition "poolWaterLayer-2"

  setDefinition PoolDepthLayerMaterial  
  addParam poolLayerColour (0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2)    

end materialDefinition "poolWaterLayer-3"

  setDefinition PoolDepthLayerMaterial
  addParam poolLayerColour (0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5)   


materialDefinition mtl_0

  setDefinition CausticsGeneratorMaterial


materialDefinition "lightingwallpoolsimple_reflective"

  setDefinition StandardMaterial   
  addParam   stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)   
  addParam   stdMatAlphaMultiplier 1.0
  addParam   stdMatAlphaBlendMode none
  addParam   stdMatSpecCoef 0.091,0.091,0.091
  addParam   stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true
  addParam   stdMatBaseTextureName lightingwallpoolsimple-surface
  addParam   stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera 0
  addParam   stdMatEnvCubeMode reflection
  addParam   stdMatEnvCubeTextureName reflectionkitchenhighcontrast-envcube
  addParam   forceIgnoreShapeBlend true


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