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  1. Shaders for the Sims themselves
  2. Most Sims shaders (currently) come from the Alias export.
  3. However, here are a few special ones.

  1. A gray default shader for when we can't find one

materialDefinition defaultSimsShader

  setDefinition Phong
  addParam stdMatDiffCoef (.5, .5, .6)


  1. contains the shader pre-create commands for all Sim materials

define SimsShaderPreCreate()

  preCreate -viewerRenderType $kRenderTypeNormal -viewerRenderType ($mirrorReflectionsEnabled ? $kRenderTypeMirror : $kRenderTypeNormal) -deformations
  1. <
  preCreate -lights directional 2
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 1
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 2
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 3
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 4
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 5
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 6
  preCreate -lights directional 2 point 1 spot 1
  preCreate -lights directional 2 spot  1
  preCreate -lights directional 5 environmentCube 1
  1. >


  1. special layer for the censor shader. This ensures that the censor shader can
  2. be skipped during the censor render itself. The number is referred to from
  3. C++ code.

seti kCensorShaderLayer -1

  1. material to copy from the censor texture to the view target

define CensorCompositingMaterial()

     shader -layer ($kCensorShaderLayer)
           renderTarget viewerRenderTarget
           # vertex program            
           shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble
                 dcl_position v0
                 dcl_texcoord v1
                 mov oPos, v0
                 mov oT0.xy, v1
           # pixel program
              texture "CensorTexture"
              textureFilterHint point point
              textureAddressing clamp clamp clamp
              textureBlend select(texture) select(texture)


materialDefinition CensorMaterial

  setDefinition CensorCompositingMaterial   


define PlumbBobAnimatedColor() material attributes attribute myColor float3 (0, 1, 0) attribute myAlpha float1 0.843 end

shader -layer (18 * 17 + 17)

validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required

create DetermineHardwareSupport() create SetupCommonHWShaderVariablesAndPredicates()

if ($useFixedFunctionPath) pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() create AttenuatedMatCoef(0.25) fillmode $stdMatFillMode

depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)

stage colorScalar @myColor @myAlpha textureBlend multiplyScale4(diffuse colorScalar) multiply(diffuse colorScalar) end

end # pass else

# empircally, there are NO lights associated with the plumb bob, so I won't bother to compute them. pass

shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method link create BindsForHardwareVS1Transforms(false false) shaderFragment TransformPositionRigidNoLighting1_1 shaderFragment NoLighting1_1 end

depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha)

stage colorScalar @myColor @myAlpha textureBlend multiplyScale4(diffuse colorScalar) select(colorScalar) end #stage

end # pass endif

end # shader end #material


  1. New material for use of new plumb bob

materialDefinition plumbBob_core

  setDefinition PlumbBobAnimatedColor
  addParam      stdMatDiffCoef (1,1,1,1)


  1. Sims Shaders
  2. These include a version of the standard material
  3. (SimStandardMaterial) that is used for things
  4. such as hair and faces, and SimSkin, which is
  5. used for a body with composited textures.

  1. Any mesh subsets that use composited textures must be use the following material
  2. The aliasshader command tells the mel parser that SimSkin has the same parameters as StandardMaterial
  1. if compositing is to be used, these are the names of the composited textures

set compositeBaseTextureName "" set compositeBaseTextureParam "" set compositeSpecTextureName "" set compositeSpecTextureParam "" set compositeBumpTextureName "" set compositeBumpTextureParam ""

  1. allow at most 8 base (diffuse) textures to be composited

set baseTexture0 "" set baseTexture1 "" set baseTexture2 "" set baseTexture3 "" set baseTexture4 "" set baseTexture5 "" set baseTexture6 "" set baseTexture7 ""

  1. allow at most 8 specular mask textures to be composited

set specTexture0 "" set specTexture1 "" set specTexture2 "" set specTexture3 "" set specTexture4 "" set specTexture5 "" set specTexture6 "" set specTexture7 ""

  1. allow at most 8 normal map textures to be composited

set bumpTexture0 "" set bumpTexture1 "" set bumpTexture2 "" set bumpTexture3 "" set bumpTexture4 "" set bumpTexture5 "" set bumpTexture6 "" set bumpTexture7 ""

  1. the number of textures to composite

set numTexturesToComposite 0

  1. beginshader SimSkin
  2. description The basic material for defining a material that will be composited with Skin.
  3. extraparam int stdMatLayer 0 -32 32 ; attrdescription Layer for drawing, use even for opaque and odd for translucent
  4. extraparam enum stdMatAlphaBlendMode none (none)  ; Never blended
  5. endshader SimSkin
  1. generic overall hint (ie, in game)

setb useCPUCompositedTextures true

include DX9SimMaterials.matShad include DX8SimMaterials.matShad include DX7SimMaterials.matShad include SWVSSimMaterials.matShad

  1. face materials set this to 'true' so that the eyes can move.

setb eyeGizmoEnable false

  1. game will set this if in CAS, so all sim materials can composite on the fly.

setb simSkinFlag false setb contentViewer false

  1. This is a fudge factor, what this does is cover up a boo-boo I made.
  2. the lighting.txt file was 'tuned' using a DX7 sim material with a 0.4 multiplier, instead of 0.5 (x2 on the blender side to get back to 1.0)
  3. what this lead to was a desired look on dx7 cards, but dx8 and dx7 were washed out, being 20% brighter.
  4. so this fudge factor scales sims in dx8 and dx9 'down' by this amount to bring them into line with the "broken" dx7.
  5. for now, this is a temp fix for E3 2004, but this might live on forever.
  6. in a perfect world, this factor will be removed and the game lighting 're tuned' to use the unscaled lighting.
  7. this will probably need to happen anyway, with new materials and lighting models planned in the expansion packs.

setf simMaterialLightingScale 0.8

define SimSkin()


setb simSkinFlag true

#trace "$currentMaterialName simskin"

setb hasSecondUV (hasVertexFormat(texcoord, 1)) #trace "SIMSKIN $currentMaterialName UV2: $hasSecondUV Eye: $eyeGizmoEnable"

# if it has eyes, then it's a face too. # .x = U shift (up/down) of eye, y = V shift (left/right) of eye, z = left eye stretch, w = right eye stretch # might be switched to a 'look at' vector, so the VS can compute the offsets directly.

  # body may stil get these attributes, but the VS attached to the material only looks at these if a 2nd UV exists and 
  # eyeGizmoEnable is true.


     attribute eyeDirection float2 (0, 0)

attribute l_eyeStretch float1 (0) attribute r_eyeStretch float1 (0) end

create SimsShaderPreCreate() create DetermineHardwareSupport()

# always composite on the CPU for anything other than dx9. #if ($useSWVertexShaderPath or $useFixedFunctionPath or $useHWShader1Path) # #trace "Using CPU composited textures" # setb useCPUCompositedTextures true #endif

#if ($useCPUCompositedTextures)

# pass through base texture name

if ($numTexturesToComposite) if (strcmp("${compositeBaseTextureName}", "") != 0) set stdMatBaseTextureName $compositeBaseTextureName set stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true else set stdMatBaseTextureEnabled false endif endif

# do nothing is stdMatBaseTextureName is non-null, then just leave it alone... # this is contentViewer case.

if ($useHWShader2Path and $bumpMapping) if (strcmp("${compositeBumpTextureName}", "") != 0) set stdMatNormalMapTextureName $compositeBumpTextureName setb stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled true else # if this is null, then make sure stuff is turned off if (strcmp("${stdMatNormalMapTextureName}", "") = 0) setb stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled false endif

#otherwise, leave everything alone, it's a non-compositing simSkin

endif endif

setb bViewerIsThumbnail (viewerRenderType = $kViewerRenderTypeFamilyThumbnail)

# we only want to render thumbnails in fixed function and we want to do two passes to correct alpha for the thumbnail if ($useHWShader2Path and not $bViewerIsThumbnail) create CreateSimStandardMaterialDX9() endif

# if ($useHWShader1Path) # create CreateSimStandardMaterialDX8() # endif

if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) create CreateSimStandardMaterialSWVS() endif

if ($useFixedFunctionPath or $useHWShader1Path or ($bViewerIsThumbnail and not $useSWVertexShaderPath)) create CreateSimStandardMaterialFixedFunction() endif #< else

# backup case for Content viewer, which can have no compositing.

if (strcmp("${baseTexture0}","") = 0) # if base is null, then hopefull the stdMatBase/NormalMap names are OK, so send it to SimStandard, which has no layering. setb contentViewer true create SimStandardMaterial() else

if ($useHWShader2Path) #trace "HW2 GPU COMPOSITE: $currentMaterialName" create DX9SimSkinCompositingMaterial() endif

if ($useHWShader1Path) #trace "HW1: $currentMaterialName" create CreateSimSkinPerPixelCompositingMaterialPS1() endif

if ($useFixedFunctionPath) create CreateSimPerPixelCompositingMaterialFixedFunction() endif


endif #>



  1. set up default params

setb simHairFlag false

define SimHair()

  setb simHairFlag true

if (strcmp("${baseTexture0}","") = 0 or $numTexturesToComposite = 0) create SimStandardMaterial() else create SimSkin() endif


  1. Any Sim materials (clothes/skin) that do not use composited textures use
  2. the following material.
  1. beginshader SimStandardMaterial
  2. description Similar to standard material, but used on Sims themselves (fewer options).
  3. extraparam enum stdMatAlphaBlendMode none (none blend additive)  ; The transparency mode.
  4. extraparam bool stdMatAlphaTestEnabled 0  ; Can drop pixels, like a 'mask'
  5. extraparam int stdMatAlphaRefValue 127 0 255  ; which alpha value to keep a pixel, 255 is 'white'.
  6. extraparam int stdMatLayer 0 -32 32 ; attrdescription Layer for drawing, use even for opaque and odd for translucent
  7. extraparam enum stdMatEnvCubeMode none (none reflection)  ; add a reflection layer to this material, will not propogate to SimSkin.
  8. endshader SimStandardMaterial

define SimStandardMaterial()

create DetermineHardwareSupport()

  setb bViewerIsThumbnail (viewerRenderType = $kViewerRenderTypeFamilyThumbnail)

if ($useHWShader2Path and not $bViewerIsThumbnail) create CreateSimStandardMaterialDX9() endif

  if ($useSWVertexShaderPath)

create CreateSimStandardMaterialSWVS() endif

if ($useFixedFunctionPath or $useHWShader1Path or ($bViewerIsThumbnail and not $useSWVertexShaderPath)) create CreateSimStandardMaterialFixedFunction() endif


define SimMaterialSetup()

validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required

  # no sim material can have specular, since they might diverse and cause seams.
  setf stdMatSpecPower 0

seti lightingMode $kNoLighting

create SetupCommonHWShaderVariablesAndPredicates()

if (numLightsOfType(${kShapeColorLight}) > 0 ) seti stdMatShapeColorIndex 0 set stdMatAlphaBlendMode blend endif

#trace "Light counts: DISTANT: $distantLightCount, POINT: $pointLightCount, SPOT $spotLightCount"

create BumpTextureCount()

if ($stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled = false) seti bumpTextureCount 0 endif

#trace "Bump texture count: $bumpTextureCount" #trace "ShapeColor Index for this Sim Material is: $stdMatShapeColorIndex"

  create TestForEyeMotion()


define BumpTextureCount()

seti bumpTextureCount 0

if ($bumpMapping)

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture0}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture1}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture2}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture3}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture4}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture5}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture6}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif

if (strcmp("${bumpTexture7}","")!=0) seti bumpTextureCount ($bumpTextureCount +1) endif


setb hasTangents (hasVertexFormat(tangent,0))


  1. ==============================================================================
  2. Macro for setting alpha blending and alpha test state for sim hair materials.

define SimHairAlphaState(alphaBlendMode)

  #trace "SimHairAlphaState: $currentMaterialName, Alpha Blending Mode: &{alphaBlendMode}"
  if (strcmp("&{alphaBlendMode}", "blend") = 0)

alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite true alphaTest true 60

    alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater	
  elseif (strcmp("&{alphaBlendMode}", "additive") = 0)
    alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(one)

depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false alphaTest $stdMatAlphaTestEnabled $stdMatAlphaRefValue

    alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreaterOrEqual
  elseif ($stdMatAlphaTestEnabled)

alphaTest true $stdMatAlphaRefValue

    alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreaterOrEqual


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