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Revision as of 22:53, 19 June 2012 by HugeLunatic (Talk | contribs)

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Terms of Use

--File Share Friendly--
You are free to share my files privately with others. You may NOT download my entire box account and host all my stuff.

--May include with Recolors and Lots--
You are free to include my meshes with your recolors or lots to free sites only. Be sure to link back to the original download thread in case I update.

--No Paysites, No TSR, No Exchange--
Non-negotiable. Just don't do it. A paysite includes any site that charges for content or requires a "donation" to receive content.

--Ask before Cloning--
If I don't answer, this doesn't mean yes. I ignored you 'cause I don't like you or I'm really busy and forgot to answer (most likely). Ask again. This also includes mangling, parting out, or whatever of my stuff.

--No Conversions of Stuff--
I play both games. If you want something then please just ask. If I'm interested I will do the conversion myself, if not I will consider giving permission to someone else.

--No Conversions of Format--
You may not convert my .package TS3 content into Sims3Pack files and share.

--Please Link to Profile--
Any time you use something of mine, please be kind and credit me.

External Links



If you want to learn how to create then please see the wiki pages.

If you're a creator and have questions about something specific I have made and how I made it, then you may PM about it.

I will not answer create questions via pm. Please post on the appropriate forum so that you may receive help from other creators and so that others can learn from this as well. If you want my opinion or help you may send me a PM with a link to the thread, but chances are I will see it and post with any help I can.


If have any problems with my creations then please post in the downloads thread.

If you need help with your game, your computer or your personal life, then do NOT pm me.


I do NOT take requests. Any pm's asking for me to make anything, suggesting I make something, or any other form of request, suggestion, or subliminal messaging will be promptly ignored. Unless it's a fantastic idea then I will steal it, mesh it, share it, and never, ever give you credit!

Still Want to PM Me? If you still have a question or comment not included above then you may send me a PM.

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