2 - Version (1) 2 - Unknown (255,255) 4 - null 4 - Version? (1) 4 - Type ID (same as the TypeID in the directory)
Each file is built up like a directory, with the following nested structure...
1 - Resource Name Length X - Resource Name 4 - Identifier (type ID for the first file) 4 - Number of sub-parts
- - for each sub-part - - 1 - Resource Name Length X - Resource Name 4 - Identifier (usually/always null) 4 - Number of sub-parts
- - for each sub-part - -
The resource name at each sub-part will determine the format of the subparts. These are listed at the end of this document.
At the very end of the file is the following structure... (note the similar nesting structure)
9 - null 4 - Number of filenames
- - for each filename - - 1 - Filename Length X - Filename 4 - Number of Sub-Part names
- - for each sub-part - - 1 - Filename Length X - Filename 9 - null
Presumably this maps to each resource in the file.
These are the structures that have been identified...
- - cSGResource - - Normally contains 2 sub-parts
- Sub-part 1 - 1 - Filename Length X - Filename
- Sub-part 2 - X - another resource such as cReferentNode or cLightT
- - cDataListExtension - -
Normally contains 1 sub-part
- Sub-part 1 - X - another resource such as cExtension
- - cExtension - -
Normally contains 3 sub-parts
- Sub-part 1 - 1 - Unknown 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Unknown
- Sub-part 2 - 1 - Unknown 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Unknown
- Sub-part 3 - 1 - Unknown 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Unknown