2 - Version (1) 2 - Unknown (255,255) 4 - null 4 - Version? (1) 4 - Type ID (same as the TypeID in the directory)
1 - Type Name Length X - Type Name 4 - Type ID (same as the TypeID in the directory) 4 - Number of resources
Each file is built up by listing resources one after the other, with each resource having the following structure. Some resources are designed to have other resources inside them, others are just single resources.
1 - Resource Name Length X - Resource Name 4 - null X - Resource Data (see below)
These are the structures that have been identified, that appear in the resourceData area shown above...
- * cSGResource * *
4 - Unknown (2) 1 - Filename Length X - Filename
- * cDataListExtension * *
4 - Number of Extensions in the data list
- - for each extension - - X - a cExtension resource
- * cExtension * *
4 - Unknown (3) 1 - Unknown (7) 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Number of Parts
- - for each part - - 1 - Unknown 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Number of Parts
_ - for each part - - X - same as above
... etc.
- * cObjectGraphNode * *
4 - Unknown (4)
- - repeated data - - 4 - Unknown 2 - Description Length
- - for each part - - 1 - Unknown 1 - Description Length X - Description 4 - Number of Parts
_ - for each part - - X - same as above
... etc.