Game Help:Sims 3 Careers/Journalism

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Journalismcareer.png As a journalist, citizens will rely on you for up-to-the-minute news, hot stories, and tips for good living. Can you be sufficiently charismatic to get the facts, and write well enough to get them down on paper?

Level Title Base Pay Pension Pay Start Time Day Length Days Skill Performance Reward
1 Paper Boy $38 $60 8 6 M,T,W,R,F Writing Mood, Writing
2 Automated SpellChecker Checker $44 $70 8 6 M,T,W,R,F Writing Mood, Writing
3 Freelance Writer $50 $80 8 6 M,T,W,R,F Writing Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews
4 Professional Blogger $76 $80 8 4 M,T,W,R,F Writing Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews
5 Anonymous Source Handler $97 $120 8 5 M,T,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews, Charisma
6 Investigative Reporter $126 $120 8 5 M,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews, Charisma
7 Weather Man $151 $150 8 5 M,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Charisma
8 Lead Reporter $189 $180 8 5 M,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews, Charisma
9 Editor In Chief $236 $230 8 5 M,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews, Charisma
10 Star News Anchor $383 $300 8 4 M,W,R,F Writing, Charisma Mood, Writing, Stories and Reviews, Charisma Unlock Impressive Story


  • Work Hard - Work hard to increase performance, but adds stress
  • Take it Easy - Relax at work. Slower performance, but less stress
  • Hang with Coworkers - Build relationship with coworkers
  • Discuss News with Coworkers - Build relationship with coworkers
  • Suck up to Boss - Build relationship with boss
  • Sleep Behind News Set
  • Practice Writing - Increases Writing skill at work


Journalism Career Books


  1. career_paperboy
  2. none
  3. career_investigativereporter
  4. none
  5. none
  6. career_investigativereporter
  7. career_weatherman
  8. career_investigativereporter
  9. career_investigativereporter
  10. career_newsanchor


  1. CarUsed1
  2. CarUsed1
  3. CarNormal1
  4. CarNormal1
  5. CarNormal1
  6. CarVan4door
  7. CarVan4door
  8. CarSedan
  9. CarSedan
  10. CarExpensive1


  1. Interview people to discover traits.
  2. Allows you to write reviews on Sims.
  3. Allows you to write articles.
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