Tutorials:Simple Mesh Replacement In Blender-Mapping The Top

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Mapping the Top

UV mapping is placing the UV parts on an image so that the textures show up on the mesh in the correct places. First we will do the top of the cylinder.

Step 17

Press N to open the Properties Panel. Under Display->Shading check the Textured Solid box to allow you to see the image on the mesh. Press A until the whole mesh is selected. In the UV/Image editor, click the button with the little paper with a folded corner, and select the tex.dds.


You should now see the image on the mesh.

Step 17

In the 3D View, press NUM1 to go to Front view, then press NUM8 3-4 times so you can see the top of the cylinder. In Blender, pieces of the UV map are called 'islands'. In the UV/Image editor, put your cursor over the top's island(for me it was the big circle on the right). Press L to select it. Press G and move the top so its center is approximately in the center of the black spot on the tissue box top part of the image(on the left, 3rd square from the top). Press NUM(.) to zoom and center to the island. Press S to scale it down until its a little smaller than the blue square. Press R(rotate) and rotate the island around until the black part fits the base of the tissue. Continue using G,S, and R and adjusting until your satisfied with the fit.

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