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(MATD/txmt) property parameter: standard material: stdMatEnvCubeCoef

TXMT/MATD Parameter Group

Parameter Type

[v3] 3 variables/3 reals

Known designed values:

0 =< n =< ... (infinity)

Common Notes

  • Textural Reflection (= plain colour) RGB (syntax: R,G,B)
  • By altering the RGB values in decimals, the colours and strength of the Environment Cube Map texture will be monotonously altered accordingly. "1,1,1" means full textural coloration where "1" means 1 time of the value of the R, G, or B for the Environment Cube Map texture. So when other in-game lighting effects are ignored, the resultant colorations rendered in-game will be the sum of the Environment Cube Map RGB values and the multiple of base texture RGB values with the stdMatDiffCoef RGB values. Thus, a "0" value will basically nullify that colour in the Environment Cube Map texture. Yet, generally, no larger than [>] "0.4,0.4,0.4" is used or the surface will be too reflective unless wanted.
  • In monotonous recolouring, just like stdMatDiffCoef, one can alter these values for partial monotonous recolouring on the recolour texture. This cannot nullify the stdMatDiffCoef RGB values.

Common Default Value(s)


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