Tutorials:Simple Mesh Replacement In Blender-Modifiers And Object Joining

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Modifiers and Object Joining

Modifiers automate functions and work non-destructively until applied. We need an Edge Split modifier to split our mesh at and give us sharp edges. Then we join together the tissue from the EA mesh and ours.

Step 13

13. Right-click on the cylinder. In the Properties Editor, click the Object Modifiers button(the wrench). Click Add Modifiers and under Generate select Edge Split. Change the Split Angle to 40. This will make the top and bottom of the cylinder seperate parts of the mesh, so that the edges between them and the cylinder sharp.

Modifiers joining1.jpg

Click Apply to apply the modifier.

Modifiers joining2.jpg

Step 14

Hold SHIFT and right-click on the tissue object to add it to the selection. Press CTRL+J to join the two objects into one. In the Properties Editor, click the Object Data button(triangle with dots at corners). Under UV Maps, change the Name to something else i.e. cylinder.

Modifiers joining3.jpg
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