Tutorials:Simple Mesh Replacement In Blender-UV Unwrapping

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UV Unwrapping

UV unwrapping is how we get the texture to fit on an image. Think of it as cutting the mesh into pieces so that it can be laid out flat.

Step 15

Press TAB to go into Edit mode. Press CTRL+NUM1 to go to Back view. Press CTRL+TAB and select Edge in Mesh Select Mode popup.


Right-click on the center edge of the center to select it. Press CTRL+E to bring up the Edge menu, and select Mark Seam. This marks the place where the UV map will be cut when you unwrap it. Press CTRL+TAB and select Vertices to return to Vertex select.


Step 16

Press B to Box select the top vertices of the cylinder. Do the same to the bottom vertices. Press U and select Unwrap from the menu. This unwraps the cylinder in the UV/Image editor.


Press T to open the Toolshelf and at the bottom in the Unwrap options, chane the method to Conformal. Press T again to close the Toolshelf.

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