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Some of the most common errors that occur during and after patching are addressed here. If the suggested workarounds do not work, try again after a reboot. [[Game_Help:TS3_Uninstall|If All Else Fails]]...
Some of the most common errors that occur during and after patching are addressed here. If the suggested workarounds do not work, try again after a reboot. [[Game Help:TS3 Uninstall|If All Else Fails]]...
==Errors Encountered==
==Errors Encountered==
===...during patching===
===...during patching===
|name=You get an "Invalid File Found" error for various files.
; You get an "Invalid File Found" error for various files.
: If you're not using the SuperPatcher to patch the game, or you get this when using Launcher to patch, use the links provided in [[Game Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download]]
|desc=Go to this [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Invalid_File_Error|Invalid_File_Error]] wiki page.
|name=You get an "Invalid File Found" error for the ''code_version.txt'' file.
|desc=If after replacing the ''code_version.txt'' from your backups or DVD did not resolve the issue, verify that you downloaded the correct patch for all BG/EP/SP with the correct ending '''from_x.x.xx.00x0xx''' in the filename, for the version that you currently have installed.
Eg: If you had recently installed HELS and skipped the 1.9/2.4 patch, you might have downloaded the ''Sims3_2.5.12.004001_'''from_2.4.7'''.004001.exe'' instead of the required ''Sims3_2.5.12.004002_'''from_2.3.33'''.003001.exe'' version the game is looking for to patch WA.
===...when starting Launcher===
===...when starting Launcher===
If you're using the Launcher to patch or tried to start the Launcher after patching and you get these error messages, the following are some suggestions that have been tested and known to fix it.
; Various Launcher issues
|name="The version of the game you are running is incompatible with the data. Please update your game."
: First thing you can try is to [[Game Help:TS3 Bypassing the Launcher|Bypass the Launcher]] to test if the game can be started with TS3W.exe directly.
: Go to [[Game Help:Launcher Issues|Launcher Issues]].
|desc=If you have Expansion (or Stuff) packs, you have to let the Launcher quit and restart itself again in order to patch both the base game and the last-released expansion/stuff pack that you have installed. Yes, contrary to Sims 2 patching methods, patches from version 1.6/1.7/2.2 onwards, need to run separate updates for each game. If Launcher does not Quit and restart, you might need to do the fix for EADM glitch below, or logoff the machine and logon again.  
: To see the patch versions in table format, go to [[Game Help:Patch Table|Patch Table]].
: If you suspect EADM is the cause, go to [[Game Help:EADM Issues|EADM Issues]].
If, after patching, you open the launcher and the game version is displayed as
If you're doing a manual patch, you need to download separate .exe files for each game and run them one after another (order does not matter).
See table below for the patch versions in each release that must match. This guide shows [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching_Find_Gameversion|how to find your GameVersion]].
===...when running the game===
If you encounter any or all of these symptoms, try the suggestions in [[Game Help:TS3 Load Issues]] and the [[Game Help:Sims 3 Crashing Checklist]] in particular.
|name="Base Game Incompatibility and/or Launcher displays"
|desc=There are a couple of things to try if you encounter this error:
# Try the steps to run the base game launcher or run the base game via EADM as listed [http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/259893.page here] or
# if that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling EADM as listed on [[Game_Help:EADM Issues]].
====The patch series tabulated====
<center>The base game, EPs, SPs, and Tools must be patched to the same level:</center>
; Getting "The Sims 3 has stopped working" error message.
; Getting the "Base Game not compatible with current Expansion Pack" error message.
; Getting the "A Serious Error has occured" error message.
; Crashing during gameplay or at loading screen
: Did you forget to remove CC before patching or installing a new pack? Do the standard troubleshooting as outlined in [[Game Help:Sims 3 Game Problem|Game Problem FAQ]] or read the '''standard troubleshooting''' steps below.
: If that did not help, try the other links in the related section of that Game Problem page.
{| class="nicetable" align="center"
! Date
! Level
! Base   
! WA
! CAW     
! HELS   
! LN
| 06/2009
| align="center" | 000
| 1.0.631
| 06/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|000]]
| 1.2.7
| 07/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|000]]
| 1.3.4
| 08/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|000]]
| 1.4.6
| 11/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|002]]
| 1.5.82 
| 2.0.86
| 11/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|002]]
| 1.6.6
| 2.0.86
| 11/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|002]]
| 1.7.9
| 2.2.8
| 12/2009
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|003]]
| 1.8.25
| 2.3.33
| 1.5.126
| 02/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|004]]
| 1.9.22
| 2.4.7
| 3.0.38
| 02/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|004]]
| 1.10.6
| 2.5.12
| 3.1.7
| 03/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|005]]
| 1.11.7
| 2.6.11
| 1.6.72
| 3.2.8
| 06/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|006]]
| 1.12.70
| 2.7.7
| align="center" | ??
| 3.3.11
| 4.0.87
| 07/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|007]]
| 1.14.11
| 2.9.10
| 1.9.14
| 3.5.8
| 4.2.32
| 09/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Archived|008]]
| 1.15.34
| 2.10.5
| 1.9.16
| 3.6.6
| 4.3.4
| 5.0.44
| 10/2010
| align="center" | [[Game_Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download/Current|009]]
| 1.17.60
| 2.12.8
| 1.10.9
| 3.8.6
| 4.5.6
| 5.2.4
| 6.0.81
| xx/2010
| align="center" |
<br clear="all" />
|name="Sims3Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."  
|desc=This could be due to the "EACoreServer.exe" file not being launched properly; especially if after double-clicking on the EADM icon, you still do not see the EADM icon on the systray.
To overcome this, right-click on the EADM icon on your Desktop, and select "Properties". Then in the Shortcut tab, click on the "Find Target" button. In the Window Explorer that pop-up, double-click on "EACoreServer.exe", and then immediately double-click on the EADM icon on the Desktop.
Once you get EADM started properly, start Launcher and login as per normal.
If that didn't work, ensure EADM and Adobe Air is current and allowed to update, or uninstall and reinstall as below.
; Lags and freezes during gameplay
: These guides has some pointers to overcome or identify the cause:
:* [[Game Help:Intermittent Freezes|Intermittent Freezes]]
|name="This application has failed to start because ''QtCore4.dll'' was not found" or "There was an error during startup. See the Log for more details."
:* [[Game Help:Package File Lag|Package File Lag]]
:* [[Game Help:Improving Sims 3 Performance|Improving Sims 3 Performance]]
|desc=The EADM application could be outdated, corrupted or just buggy. Follow the suggestions in this guide [[Game Help:EADM Issues]].
:* [[Game Help:Live Mode Freeze| Live Mode Freeze]]
===...when running the game===
If you encounter any or all of these symptoms, try the following suggestions.
; Missing features or you get funny strings of text or things don't work as per usual
|name=You cannot proceed beyond the Loading screen or experience lag in gameplay.
: You still have CC that is '''not compatible''' with the patch or new pack.  
: Before doing any troubleshooting, perform a [[Game Help:TS3 Back Ups|backup]], just in case you messed up and need to start over. Do the '''standard troubleshooting''' guide below.
|desc=These guides has some pointers to overcome or identify the cause:  
*[[Game_Help:Package_File_Lag|Package File Lag]] and  
*[[Game_Help:Improving_Sims_3_Performance|Improving Sims 3 Performance]]
: '''This is the ''standard troubleshooting'' guide.'''
:# Don't be selective and try to think what is affected and what is safe, '''''remove everything'''''! Again, do the 3 steps in [[Game Help:Sims 3 Game Problem|Game Problem FAQ]]; and play a new, CC-free game. Things should be corrected now.
:# Check back with the creators if their items need to be updated - only they know if the codes have been changed. Until the creators updates the items, you have to play without these items.  
|name=The game crash at the loading screen, or when choosing a new town/family of a saved game, you get funny strings of text or black textures.
:# If you're interested to identify which item is causing the issue, do the binary-search method (aka [[Game Help:TS3 Finding Problem Custom Content#The 50.25 Method|the 50% method]]).
:# Remember to always [[Game Help:Sims 3 Delete Cache Files|delete cache files]] after removing some CC and before loading the game to test.
|desc=You have a core mod or other CC that is not compatible with the patch. Until the modder updates the mod, you have to play without it.  
:# Don't save while doing this, as you're removing CC from your game.
*Try other suggestions in [[Game_Help:Sims_3_Crashing| Game Crashes]] wiki page.
:# That should at least help you narrow down at what point your game starts crashing, to figure out what the problem might be.
*Remove ALL your Custom Content temporarily. [[Game_Help:TS3_GCCTSU_1_Refresh_cache|Refresh your cache files and thumbnails]] again. Try loading a New game, CC-free. If that works...
:# Please note that just because your game crashes on a particular file does not mean that file is corrupted or incompatible with the patch. Try putting in just that one file, deleting your cache files again, but this time start a new game.
*Remove ALL your Custom Content temporarily. [[Game_Help:TS3_GCCTSU_1_Refresh_cache|Refresh your cache files and thumbnails]] again. Try loading a Saved game, CC-free. If that works...
:# If you can repeat the issue on a brand new game with just this one file, then it is safe to presume this file is not compatible.
*Put back in only "safe" Custom Content - that is, texture replacers like skintones, eyes, no sleep Zzs, etc., and try loading the game again. If that works...
:# Also, due to the nature of the ''Open Neighborhood'' of The Sims 3, the CC item need not have been used in the Lot or Household you play to be causing issues, it could have been used by an Inactive Sim.
*Put back in more "custom" files such as patterns, new tee shirt designs, default replacement meshes, etc... If that works...
:# Finally, remember CC in Sims3Pack are not exempt from getting broken or becoming incompatible from one patch to the next.
*Put back in everything else.
==Related Pages==
* Patching:
** [[Game Help:TS3 Patching:Invalid File Error]]
** [[Game Help:Launcher Issues]]
** [[Game Help:Patch Table]]
** [[Game Help:EADM Issues]]
* Technical:
** [[Game Help:Sims 3 Game Problem]]
** [[Game Help:Sims 3 Crashing Checklist]]
** [[Game Help:Sims 3 Delete Cache Files]]
** [[Game Help:TS3 Uninstall]]
* Performance:
** [[Game Help:Intermittent Freezes]]
** [[Game Help:Package File Lag]] 
** [[Game Help:Improving Sims 3 Performance]]
* Misc:
** [[Game Help:TS3 Finding Problem Custom Content]]
** [[Game Help:TS3 Back Ups]]
:That should at least help you narrow down at what point your game starts crashing, to figure out what the problem might be.
:Please note that just because your game crashes on a particular file does not mean that file is corrupted or incompatible with the patch. Try putting in just that one file, deleting your cache files again, and running the game again.
Line 281: Line 91:
==If you still have problems==
==If you still have problems==
*If you have deleted all your cache files, removed all your Custom Content, and your game still won't work with the patch, try renaming your My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\ folder to something else - like "The Sims 3 Backup" - remember, that's the folder in MY DOCUMENTS, not in Program Files.
One final troubleshooting tip:
*Try an uninstall and start over from a clean slate - [[Game Help:TS3 Uninstall|If All Else Fails]]...
*After renaming it, try to run the game (with a New Town). If it works, it means the problem is somewhere in your user files.
*Try an uninstall and start over from a clean slate - [[Game_Help:TS3_Uninstall|If All Else Fails]]...
{{TS3 Patching}}
{{TS3 Patching}}

Latest revision as of 16:58, 29 December 2012

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

MTS Help Q&A Forums
TS3 Patching by Category

Before You Begin  | Patch Table  | Patch Downloads  | Invalid File Error  | Once It's Installed  | Common Errors  | Patch Update Log  | If All Else Fails  |


[edit] Overview

Some of the most common errors that occur during and after patching are addressed here. If the suggested workarounds do not work, try again after a reboot. If All Else Fails...

[edit] Errors Encountered

[edit] ...during patching

You get an "Invalid File Found" error for various files.
If you're not using the SuperPatcher to patch the game, or you get this when using Launcher to patch, use the links provided in Game Help:TS3_Patching:Patch_Download

[edit] ...when starting Launcher

Various Launcher issues
First thing you can try is to Bypass the Launcher to test if the game can be started with TS3W.exe directly.
Go to Launcher Issues.
To see the patch versions in table format, go to Patch Table.
If you suspect EADM is the cause, go to EADM Issues.

[edit] ...when running the game

If you encounter any or all of these symptoms, try the suggestions in Game Help:TS3 Load Issues and the Game Help:Sims 3 Crashing Checklist in particular.

Getting "The Sims 3 has stopped working" error message.
Getting the "Base Game not compatible with current Expansion Pack" error message.
Getting the "A Serious Error has occured" error message.
Crashing during gameplay or at loading screen
Did you forget to remove CC before patching or installing a new pack? Do the standard troubleshooting as outlined in Game Problem FAQ or read the standard troubleshooting steps below.
If that did not help, try the other links in the related section of that Game Problem page.

Lags and freezes during gameplay
These guides has some pointers to overcome or identify the cause:

Missing features or you get funny strings of text or things don't work as per usual
You still have CC that is not compatible with the patch or new pack.
Before doing any troubleshooting, perform a backup, just in case you messed up and need to start over. Do the standard troubleshooting guide below.

This is the standard troubleshooting guide.
  1. Don't be selective and try to think what is affected and what is safe, remove everything! Again, do the 3 steps in Game Problem FAQ; and play a new, CC-free game. Things should be corrected now.
  2. Check back with the creators if their items need to be updated - only they know if the codes have been changed. Until the creators updates the items, you have to play without these items.
  3. If you're interested to identify which item is causing the issue, do the binary-search method (aka the 50% method).
  4. Remember to always delete cache files after removing some CC and before loading the game to test.
  5. Don't save while doing this, as you're removing CC from your game.
  6. That should at least help you narrow down at what point your game starts crashing, to figure out what the problem might be.
  7. Please note that just because your game crashes on a particular file does not mean that file is corrupted or incompatible with the patch. Try putting in just that one file, deleting your cache files again, but this time start a new game.
  8. If you can repeat the issue on a brand new game with just this one file, then it is safe to presume this file is not compatible.
  9. Also, due to the nature of the Open Neighborhood of The Sims 3, the CC item need not have been used in the Lot or Household you play to be causing issues, it could have been used by an Inactive Sim.
  10. Finally, remember CC in Sims3Pack are not exempt from getting broken or becoming incompatible from one patch to the next.

[edit] Related Pages

[edit] If you still have problems

One final troubleshooting tip:

TS3 Patching by Category

Before You Begin  | Patch Table  | Patch Downloads  | Invalid File Error  | Once It's Installed  | Common Errors  | Patch Update Log  | If All Else Fails  |

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

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