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=Lots and Houses=
=Sims 2 Lot Upload Guidelines=
When uploading a lot for The Sims 2 to Mod The Sims, we have some basic requirements to ensure that your upload is good, shown well, and has the correct info and files needed for people to use it in their games. This allows both moderators to check your uploads for quality, and for downloaders to see if your item is something they want to add to their games.
So you want to share your lot that you've slaved over building and decorating for all to bask in your greatness? It's easy to do as long as you comply with all the necessary requirements. The less guesswork, the better! Please take the time to read through these guidelines as some key items have changed and may affect your upload. Pay close attention to what is required, and your upload will spend less time in the moderation queue and the more likely it is to get approved. Thanks!
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Is your lot special, unique, and different?  Or is it a box that anyone could build in five minutes?
* '''Realism:''' Lots based on an actual building type or specific building should look like what it supposed to resemble (for example a castle should not just be a huge building with stone walls, but should look like an actual castle). Lots not intended to be realistic can be more fanciful, but should still have some logic to them, and be aesthetically pleasing.
This is probably the hardest one to quantify, but it's one of the most important aspects: is your lot interesting enough for others to be worth the effort of uploading, hosting, downloading, and installing it? Most good creators spend hours upon hours even on simple creations. Not every lot has to be an elaborate castle, but we expect you to not just quickly slap together something and expect it to get accepted. We will not accept lots without wall treatments or flooring. Try to put some effort into what you create, and it will not only show through in the quality, it will also be a lot more fun to make!
* '''Architecture:''' The way the lot is built should be unique, interesting, and more than just a basic box with four walls and a roof.
* '''Playability:''' The layout of the lot should make sense and allow sims to get around easily, with access to all the items they would want to interact with.
* '''Roofing:''' The roof pieces should connect each other nicely, and not leave gaps or connect at odd angles. The roof should fit the structure, look nice, and not just be an auto-roof (or resemble one).
* '''Furnishing/decoration:''' While we strongly encourage you to give lots at least basic furnishings (bed, toilet, shower, sink, fridge, lighting, etc.), it is not absolutely required to upload to MTS. Your lot can be an empty "shell" but should have a fully built structure, wall and floor coverings, and landscaping. You may include both a furnished and an unfurnished version of your lot separately in your upload.
* '''Apartments:''' When uploading apartments for The Sims 2, they should all be at least lightly furnished - that is, all the furniture required for a Sim to live (bed, toilet, fridge etc.) without the downloader having to use cheats to keep their Sim alive.
<blockquote> [[Image:RightArrow.gif]] For tips, info, and tutorials on how to make your lot unique, interesting, playable, and desired, see:
* '''Landscaping:''' Your lot should have some landscaping - but not just randomly placed trees or plants, some thought needs to go into it.
* [http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=229779 What are people looking for in a house?]
* '''Flat lot:''' Please make sure to start your building on a flat, level lot. You can still sculpt the terrain to your liking to make hills and valleys or whatever you wish, but the edges of the lot need to be level. If, for some reason, the design of the lot that you want to build absolutely requires an unlevel lot, you must make it VERY clear in the text of your post that it is an unlevel lot and thus should not be placed adjacent to any other lots, and that it can cause your neighborhood map to become unusable or have holes where it is placed.
* [[Tutorials:Better_Houses_-_Tips_and_Tricks|Better Houses Tips and Tricks]]
* '''Other content:''' If you have made content for your lot, you must also provide additional pictures and/or information for your custom content (like polygon counts if you've made a mesh). Make sure you see check the appropriate category from the [[MTS2:Creator_Guidelines|Creator Guidelines]] to see what we require.  Tip: Consider uploading content you have made separately first, to the appropriate section (buy mode, walls and floors, etc.) so people looking for that type of content can more easily find it, and so you can show it off better with its own separate pics and info. Then you can just link it as credit to yourself when uploading your lot. 
* [[Tutorials:Build_Mode_Tutorials|Build Mode Tutorials]]
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! style="text-align:left" | Quality-Related Tips
* If you're not sure whether your lot is ready for uploading, use the [http://modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=611 Creator Feedback Forum] for guidance.
Does your lot look nice? Does it have a good flow to it?  Is the way it's laid out attractive, interesting, and enjoyable to look at?
* You can always explore our [http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorials:Building_Tutorials Tutorials section] for ideas and learning techniques for creating your lot.
* If you are struggling with or have questions about technical aspects of building, you can post in [http://modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=21 Building forum].
* It's often a good idea to rename your "The Sims 2 [Ultimate Collection]" folder in Documents when building lots. This will allow you to build in a completely empty neighbourhood in a clean environment. This avoids corruption caused by mods, makes it easier to keep track of what CC you've used in building, and prevents recolours you didn't use from unexpectedly packaging with your lot.
Is your lot going to be good to play with? Does it have a good layout that won't have sims stomping and complaining every few seconds?  Strive to make lots that are not only nice to look at, but actually good to play with.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Remember that while a lot may look big and grand, it may be extremely frustrating to players that sims spend two sim hours hiking from the front door to the kitchen just to make a sandwich.  
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Even in very small houses you should try to avoid making corridors only one tile wide - sims will get stuck all too easily. Make sure that there's enough space for sims to pass by each other where there's going to be a lot of traffic: the mailbox for example shouldn't be jammed in a corner, because the game uses it as a waypoint for every sim entering and leaving the lot. Make sure that objects your sims will need are actually useable: double beds for example must be accessible from both sides - sims can't climb over each other.  
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Whenever possible, use modular stairs instead of fixed ones - even in lots built for small households, fixed stairs are a recipe for traffic jams because they can only be used by one sim at a time.  
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Also, it can be annoying when big items like fireplaces or pianos get in the view of the player - playtest your lot to see how it works, both for you and the sims. Even if you build unfurnished lots, it can help to put in some "example furniture" and test a few setups - you will often arrive at a much better floorplan that way.
Exceptions to this are lots that are not meant to be played with - mazes, lots designed primarily as decoration for neighborhoods, and movie or picture sets.
[[Image:Castles.jpg|right|300x300px]]Does your lot look like what it's supposed to look like?  Not all lots have to be realistic, and fanciful ones certainly shouldn't look like your everyday house, but if your lot is based on a real building or real type of building, it should look like what it's supposed to look like.
For example, a castle should not just be a huge building with stone walls, but should look like an actual castle, and supermarket should look like an actual supermarket.  You can look up pictures of the type of lot you're trying to build on Google Image Search for some good ideas.
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! style="text-align:left" | Packaging your lot
|Once you have finished building your lot in the game you will need to save it, and then exit the lot to return to the neighborhood view to package it to a file.
[[Image:Roofs.jpg|right|300x300px]]Though roofing is usually one of the more difficult parts of building, your roof should look right for the lot, and pleasing to the eye.  Sometimes you may have to redesign part of a lot, or choose a different type of roof to make a roof that looks right. 
1) To package the lot, simply click on the lot from Neighborhood view, and click the '''*''' button as indicated in the screen shot below. This is also the perfect time to make note of the lot size and price
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Don't just use the autoroof tool - actually work on designing your own roofs using the different roof tools.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you have Nightlife and up, you can use the "roofslopeangle <N>" [[Game Help:Cheats|cheat]] to change the overall angle of your roof; from Seasons on you can also change the angle of parts of the roof with "individualroofslopeangle <N>".
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2) Then select "Package lot to a file" and click the check mark
3) You'll get a confirmation screen telling you the name of the file, and where it has been saved.<br style="clear:both" />
[[Image:Landscaping.jpg|right|300x300px]]With the exception of starter lots that cost just under 20.000§, all lots should have some type of landscaping - and even starters will look a lot better if you add a tree or shrub and apply a little terrain paint in the right places. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Terrain paint doesn't cost anything in Build Mode, and the standard Maxis terrain paints can look very nice - try painting a bit of soil underneath trees and shrubs, dirt around the house and where sims will walk, add a garden path .. you'll be surprised what a difference it makes. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Don't randomly plunk down a tree or two just to have landscaping, try to make it work with the lot.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Look at some real gardens or landscaping websites for ideas.
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===Level Lots===
! style="text-align:left" | Custom content in the sims2pack
[[Image:Savecleansims2pack.gif|right]]Before uploading your lot, you MUST scan it with Clean Installer. Many people do not realize that by having custom content in your Downloads folder, it can attach itself to your lot files -- even if you didn't USE that content in the lot itself!
Please make sure to start your building on a flat, level lot. This doesn't mean to use the level tool or to use the "flatten to street level button" to flatten a lumpy lot, but to start with an actual flat, level lot. You can still sculpt the terrain to your liking to make hills and valleys or whatever you wish, but the edges of the lot need to be level.
'''Sims: Only upload lots which have never had sims on them. Lots which have had sims on them at any time before the lot was packaged (even if you have moved the family out) should not be shared, since downloading such lots may cause save corruption. If you want to play-test your lot before uploading, create a copy of the lot and play-test on the copy.'''
Why?  Unlevel lots can cause issues when placed in neighborhoods.  They distort the land they're placed on and, once removed, can prevent people from ever placing another lot there.  They can also tear holes in the scenery, leaving an unsightly blue gash in the landscape.
The image is demonstrating using a sim in a sims2pack but the same works for lots - uncheck the unwanted content (in our example two unwanted meshes are being removed) and then click Save As and save a new sims2pack file with a new name.
'''Therefore, all lot uploads on MTS2 must be built on level, flat-edged lots.'''  If, for some reason, the design of the lot that you want to build absolutely requires an unlevel lot, you must make it VERY clear in the text of your post that it is an unlevel lot and thus should not be placed adjacent to any other lots, and that it can cause your neighborhood map to become unusable or have holes where it is placed.  If you do not have a specific reason for building on an unlevel lot that is obvious in the upload, or you do not have a clear warning about the dangers of using unlevel lots, your lot can be rejected.
'''Never save over your original sims2pack file - there's a bug in Clean Installer with that and you'll just end up with a corrupt file.
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===Furnished Apartments===
*For more information on using Clean Installer, please see the guide on the Clean Installer site, [http://sims2pack.modthesims2.com/index.php?page=4#4 here].
*If you are having trouble using Clean Installer, including errors or issues with empty packages, please see MTS2's [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=441 Clean Installer Support Forums] for help.
If you have built apartments for the Apartment Life expansion, your apartments must be furnished.  This is the way apartments were intended to be built - downloaders shouldn't have to use cheats to use your apartment.  You can lightly furnish an apartment - that is, all the basic fixtures, counters, plumbing, appliances, etc., plus beds, couches, tables, etc., without going all out and fully decorating the whole thing with plants and pictures and the like, but please make your furnishings functional and liveable.
'''Using a Mac? On Vista and it won't run? Your options are, unfortunately, pretty limited:
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*You can ask a friend who can use Clean Installer to clean the lot for you (and hope they do it right).
*You can take out your Downloads folder when building lots and make them with no custom content.
*Another option is to have two or more different Downloads folders that you swap in and out as needed -- for example, one with everything you need to play your game, another one with just a few wallpapers for building simple lots, another one with medieval items for building castles, and so on
People want to see what they're downloading!  Your screenshots sell your upload - if people don't like the look of your screenshots, they're not going to download - and if your screenshots are too bad, you won't get your upload approved.
If you are in this situation, we're sorry, but we cannot risk people's games just to allow people to freely upload randomly-CC-filled lots.
! style="text-align:left" | Crediting your custom content
'''All of the screenshot images below can be clicked for larger versions.''' You wouldn't want to upload them with as small of pics as are displaying here anyway - we're just using smaller pics so this thread loads quickly and is easy to read.
'''You may include items of the following types with your upload:
*'''Free, Redistributable Content:''' You must check the creator's policy to see if they allow redistribution. If the creator's policy doesn't say anything about including content in lots, or if the original site is permanently offline, you can assume that the creator is happy for their content to be redistributed. For a quick list of policies for a lot of major sites, see: [http://simswiki.info/Creator_Policies Creator Policies]
*'''Content You Have Made Yourself:''' If you have made content yourself that you have used, you certainly may include that item as well. If it is a new mesh you need to include all of the regular information in the text of your post (poly counts, where it shows in the catalog, etc.) you would expect for a new mesh.
*'''Terrain Paints:''' Do NOT remove any terrain paints from your sims2pack. This is the one exception to the non-redistributable policies/pay/must provide credit rules. If you remove terrain paints from a lot it can cause it to crash for downloaders. Due to this, all terrain paint creators should expect their content to be included no matter what. Please provide a link and credit for these items whenever possible, but if a terrain paint is not clearly marked with a creator's name/website, you may still include it and it will not be grounds for rejection.
*'''TS2 Store Content:''' Since the TS2 store is no longer available, TS2 store content that is required for your lot may be included with the lot upload. This does not apply to preorder content which came on discs.
===Screenshot Basics===
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|'''Credit where credit is due'''
*If your upload contains custom content, you MUST include a LINK and CREDIT for EACH and EVERY custom content file included in the upload.
You need to make sure you have nice big, clear pictures that show off what you've made.  They can't be too blurry or pixellated, and you need to know how to use the game's camera controls properly, so make sure you review the information on that link thoroughly before continuing.
*When uploading to MTS, the custom content wizard will require that you indicate the creator of each item, enter a description, and provide a link to the original post, thread, or page where each item came from.  
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] For instructions on:
* Taking large, clear pictures (bigger than the game will allow)
*If you cannot find a way to directly link to the item, please link to the creator's site if they have a site of their own, or if the creator posts at a forum site, link to the original upload thread or the creator's profile. You may NOT link to "ModtheSims" for items uploaded at MTS - you need to provide a more direct link to the item.
* Changing your in-game settings for best graphics quality
* Camera controls
See: [[MTS2:Creator Guidelines/Screenshot Basics|Screenshot Basics]]
*Please note - if your lots contains CC that the original creator doesn't want shared, your lot will be removed at their request. Feel free to re-upload a version without that content.
'''Items You Cannot Credit/Link: All items included with your upload must be properly credited. If you don't know where something came from, use something else.
===Big Enough===
*If you cannot remember where you got an item, consider asking at our Where Can I Find? Forum to see if anyone knows where it is from.
*If you still cannot find where it was from, you need to remove it from your upload. However, please try to make sure that it is not an item that is fundamental to the look of your lot.
*Try replacing the missing item with something else - but remember to re-take your screenshots.
*Please see the note under "Content that CAN be Included" under "Terrain Paints" for the exception to this rule!
Your pics should be large enough to see the detail of what you've made.
! style="text-align:left" | Items that cannot be included
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] MTS2 allows images up to 1280x1024 pixels and 195 kilobytes so you should be able to upload nice big pictures.  See the information above under "Screenshot Basics" for info on taking larger pics than the game will normally allow.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Don't take small pics and just make them larger in your graphics program - this just gives you a blurry pic that's bigger in dimensions with no additional detail.
===Required Screenshots===
'''Hacks:''' A lot with a hack or multiple hacks in the Sims2pack file will not be accepted.
We require certain screenshots for lot uploads - if you do not include these screenshots, your lot will not be approved!
'''CEP Files:''' A lot with CEP files included in the Sims3pack file will not be accepted.
====1. Exterior Shot====
'''Careers:''' A lot with a career or multiple careers in the Sims2pack file will not be accepted.  
[[Image:ExteriorShot.jpg|right|300x300px]]Show the entire lot from the outside as it is seen from the street. Make sure you show it with all levels visible, and the roof on.
'''Sims:''' A lot that contains Sims in the file will not be accepted. You must move your sims out '''before''' packaging the lot.
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====2. Interior Floor Plans====
'''Redundant Recolours:''' If when you scan you lot with Clean Installer it contains unused recolours, please remove them from the Sims2pack file.  
[[Image:FloorPlan.jpg|right|300x300px]]Show a basic layout or floor plan of the lot, ensuring that for each building on it, the entire level is displayed.  (This pic needs to present the complete layout and not just a collage of individual rooms.)  This is best accomplished with an overhead shot.  If you want, you can label the rooms on your floorplan so that it's obvious what function they have.
Make sure that you display the floor plan for each playable level on your lot if there is more than one accessible floor.
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====3. Comparison Picture====
If your lot is based on a real building (for example, a particular castle, a particular chain of supermarket, a house from a movie), then please include a comparison picture of the real building. We understand there are some major limitations in the build tools and lot sizes, so it may not be possible to reproduce a building exactly, but it should bear a close resemblance as best as can be achieved with the tools available.
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! style="text-align:left" | Required information
* '''Lot size:''' The lot's size, for example 2x3
* '''Lot price:''' The price to purchase the lot
* '''Included custom content:''' List custom content that has been included within the lot file or the archive, with links to the download page. Items that should be listed as included are:
** Package files you have manually added to the archive alongside your sims2pack lot file (usually content you yourself have made)
* '''Required, but not included custom content:''' List custom content you have used on the lot, but not included within the lot file or the archive, with links to the download page.  This is a "shopping list" for your downloaders and is just the Package format content that you have used on your lot.
Every item used on your lot - included or not - must have a link and credit to the creator, and if the item is not included, your link must go directly to the place where the item can be downloaded (not just the main site or the creator's profile).  This should look something like: "Wood Pattern 3 by Armiel: <nowiki>http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=511126</nowiki>" - what the item is, the creator's name, and a direct link to where the item can be downloaded.
===Screenshots as Packaged===
If you haven't used any CC, then obviously there is no list to make - adding a note like "No CC" is not compulsory, but nice to have.
Please make sure your screenshots show your lot as you have packaged it.  Downloaders want to see what they're actually getting.  You may show an additional shot or two of the lot fully furnished if you have uploaded it unfurnished, but then you need to mention that those are not how the lot is packaged, and include a list of the items you show in your furnished pictures so people may get those items if they like.  Make sure not to include pay content in any of your screenshots or in your packaged lot.
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! style="text-align:left" | Required EPs/SPs
When it comes to required Expansion Packs, all of the Packs that you have installed when building the lot will be required. For Stuff Packs, only the ones that are essential to the look of the lot (for example, you used a certain chair for a certain SP all over the house) are required. The only exceptions are that University Life is treated as a Stuff pack by the game, and Mansions and Gardens is treated as an Expansion Pack.
===No Over-Photoshopping===
[[Image:OvershoppedHouse.jpg|right|300x300px]]While it can be tempting to get artistic with your screenshots in Photoshop, please don't. Screenshots need to be just as things look in the game, with no extra filtering such as contrast, sharpen, blur, saturation, etc. Also, please don't too crazy when it comes to adding text - make sure your text is in blank areas of the picture or covers an absolute minimum of your creation. Remember, you're showing off what you've made for the game, not your skill in Photoshopping your pics.
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===Enough Light===
The only way people can see your lot before downloading and checking it out in game is from the screenshots you take for your upload. Taking clear, large screenshots (as a rough guide you should aim for at least 600 pixels on the smaller side) will encourage people to look at and download your lot.
[[Image:Daynight.jpg|right|300x300px]]Your main screenshots should always be daytime screenshots, as they make it much easier to see what your lot looks like.  We will only accept nighttime screenshots if they are sufficiently light enough to see your lot clearly, and they should only be used as optional, extra screenshots.  Also, you need to set the in-game Lighting to "Medium" or "High" before taking any interior screenshots (this includes overhead shots) to make sure that sunlight will come in through the windows.
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! style="text-align:left" | You'll need to include at least:
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Make sure to place lights on the lot if you try a nighttime shot, and turn them on. </blockquote>
* '''Front view:''' A picture of the front of your lot with all levels showing, from a low enough angle that it shows the structure well.
* '''Floorplans:''' An overhead picture of each floor.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you click the "Day/Night" toggle and place lights during the night they will automatically be switched on.
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If your lot is a '''makeover of a pre-built Maxis lot''', we also need comparison pictures from the original unmodified version:
* '''Front view:''' A picture of the front of your lot with all levels showing, from a low enough angle that it shows the structure well.
* '''Floorplans:''' An overhead picture of each floor.
===Close Enough===
[[Image:Lots-CloseEnough.jpg|right|300x300px]]Please take your screenshots on the lot, not zoomed out too far or zoomed in too close.
Please remember, for your required pictures:
* '''No photoshopping:''' Do not apply filters like sharpen, contrast, etc. to the required pictures, as downloaders want to see what your lot will look like in their game, not your skills at using Photoshop.  
Screenshots of lots taken from neighborhood view are low detail and often have holes in the walls and are missing objects.  They have a poor angle, too high up, and really don't show off your lot very well.
* '''As packaged:''' Your pictures should show your lot as you have packaged it, so that what downloaders see is what they'll actually get, or need to download, for the lot to look the same in their game.
Screenshots taken on the lot should show the whole lot, zoomed in so that the lot is centered in your viewYou shouldn't have a lot of blank space on the sides, or cut off the edges of the lot in your picture.
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! style="text-align:left" | Nice to have, but not mandatory:
* '''No user interface on pictures:''' Use cameraman mode to take pictures for upload.
* '''Unobstructed views:'''  If your lot has dense foliage blocking the view of the house.
* '''Comparison pictures:''' If your lot is based on a real building.
* '''Back picture:''' Showing the lot from the rear.
* '''Other pictures:''' Showing the rooms, landscaping, etc. from a sim's eye view, to give an idea of the feel of the lot.
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[[Image:Centered.jpg|right|300x300px]]Make sure that your building is the main focus of your screenshots, and adjust your camera angle so that the lot is centered and fills the whole image.  Don't take your pictures at an angle that shows something irrelevant like the sky, the street, or the house next door, while cutting off your lot.
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[[Image:Angle.jpg|right|300x300px]]When taking your pictures, drop down to a low level with the camera, so that you are taking your pictures basically from a sim's perspective.  Many beginners make the mistake of taking pictures from high above the lot, from the normal perspective one would have as a player.  This gives mostly a picture of the roof and not the lot itself, and really doesn't show off the lot very well.
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===Shadows Off===
[[Image:Shadows.jpg|right|300x300px]]Before taking your screenshots, go into your Game Options under Graphic Options and turn the Shadows option Off.  While shadows may look nice for some things, usually having shadows off creates a much cleaner, nicer look for your lot.
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===No Gridlines or User Interface===
[[Image:GridlinesUI.jpg|right|300x300px]]When taking your screenshots, you should take them in Cameraman Mode (using the TAB key) so that you don't get the User Interface (the blue control panel) in your shots.  You also have better control of the camera in Cameraman Mode.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you press R on your keyboard before hitting Tab, it will also temporarily remove the gridlines.
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===Detail Pictures===
[[Image:DetailPics.jpg|right|300x300px]]Detail pictures are not required for your upload to be approved, but they can show downloaders what your lot will look like from a sim's perspective.  Do not add extra content to these pictures. Users will want to see what they are downloading, not what it could have looked like.
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==Packaging Your Lot==
Once you have finished building your lot in the game, you will need to save it, and then exit the lot to return to the neighborhood view to package it to a file.
To package the lot, simply click on the lot from Neighborhood view, and click the * button as indicated in the screen shot below. This is also the perfect time to make note of the lot size and price:
Then select "Package lot to a file" and click the check mark:
You'll get a confirmation screen telling you the name of the file, and where it has been saved.
Congratulations! You have packaged your lot into a Sims2Pack file.
==Credits and Links for Included or Pictured Content==
===Check/Remove Content with Clean Installer===
Before uploading your lot, you MUST scan it with [http://sims2pack.modthesims2.com Clean Installer]. Many people do not realize that by having custom content in your Downloads folder, it can attach itself to your lot files -- even if you didn't USE that content in the lot itself! Clean Installer can scan your file, list the contents of it, and allow you to remove those contents.
The image above is demonstrating using a sim in a sims2pack but the same works for lots - uncheck the unwanted content (in our example two unwanted meshes are being removed) and then click Save As and save a new sims2pack file with a new name.
'''Never save over your original sims2pack file - there's a bug in Clean Installer with that and you'll just end up with a corrupt file.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] For more information on using Clean Installer, please see the guide on the Clean Installer site, [http://sims2pack.modthesims2.com/index.php?page=4#4 here].
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you are having trouble using Clean Installer, including errors or issues with empty packages, please see MTS2's [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=441 Clean Installer Support Forums] for help.
===If you cannot use Clean Installer:=== 
Using a Mac?  On Vista and it won't run?  Your options are, unfortunately, pretty limited: 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] You can ask a friend who can use Clean Installer to clean the lot for you (and hope they do it right).
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] You can take out your Downloads folder when building lots and make them with no custom content so you don't have to worry about things being included. See the below info under "Clean Lot" for more info on why this actually may be a good thing. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Another option is to have two or more different Downloads folders that you swap in and out as needed -- for example, one with everything you need to play your game, another one with just a few wallpapers for building simple lots, another one with medieval items for building castles, and so on. That way, you can keep track of what custom content you use while building. Keeping different sets separate can be a good thing anyway: then you don't need to page through 200 medieval stone walls in the catalogue when you're building a modern seaside villa.
We're very sorry if you're stuck in this situation and find it difficult to handle custom content in your lots, but we cannot allow users to freely upload lots with whatever content happens to have been included.
===Content that CANNOT be Included===
'''Please use Clean Installer to remove all items of the below types from your sims2pack file before uploading.'''
* '''Hacks:''' Lots containing [[Game Help:What are Hacks?|hacks]] are not accepted. Most Sims 2 players do not realize that lots can contain hacks.  Usually they are meant for just one game version and can cause problems if users have later expansions that the hack(s) are incompatible with.  Users also usually do not want hacks they did not mean to download as they can change major elements of gameplay in undesired ways.
* '''Careers''': Lots containing careers are not accepted. They can cause similar problems to hacks due to incompatibility, and users generally want to download only the careers they want - not ones you happened to pack along with your house.
* '''Pay Items''': As per [http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=240944  the news item] of July 2007, do not use pay items in your lots. A pay item is an item that you'd have to donate money to access if you went to the original creator's website. It doesn't matter if you can get it for free through a file sharing site - it's still a pay item.  Don't use pay items in your screenshots either, even if they are not included. Links for "optional" or "recommended" content may be included as long as they are free sites only.  See this news item for more details: [http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=240944  Site News - New Creator Rules re: Paysite recolours, General Rules and Others]
** '''This includes ALL items from [http://www.thesimsresource.com The Sims Resource] (TSR) - whether they are currently free or not''' - due to the regular changes of what is free or pay on TSR. Featured Artists are under paid subscription, and Select Artists or Non-Select Artists have their own terms of distribution, most of which are not clearly posted.  Select Artists or Non-Select Artists can become Featured Artists at anytime, therefore preventing their items from being downloaded freely in the future. This includes all FA's free items. If a TSR artist has uploaded the same/similar item here or elsewhere, and they have allowed redistribution, please credit the appropriate thread and not their TSR profile. This is subject to change in the future.
* '''Non-Redistributable Content:''' Even if an item is free, certain creators do not want their content to be included in lot uploads.  This may be due to the content being experimental, problematic, or requiring additional instruction, or they may simply not wish to have their content distributed that way.  It is your responsibility to check the policies of every creator whose content you use to see if it may be included.  Items that are not clearly labeled as redistributable are not allowed - if you get special permission from the creator for such an item, please state it in the text of your post. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you cannot include an item, you may link to it in your post as "Required but Not Included" - if you remove it from your sims2pack file and then downloaders follow your link and install it themselves, it will show up properly on your lot.  For more information on this topic, please read the Content Required But Not Included section found below. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] For a list of policies for a lot of major sites, see: [http://www.sims2wiki.info/Creator_Policies Creator Policies]
* '''Sims''': Lots containing sims are not accepted. If your lot has a family in it, please remove it with Clean Installer. Most people don't want to download a lot that is infested with someone else's sims, and there's actually a lot of problems that can come along with downloading other people's sims if they have not had their memories cleaned properly before packaging. If people want to download sims, they can download them separately.
* '''Redundant Recolours:''' If you scan your lot with Clean Installer and find that it has 50 recolors for the same item, remove the recolors that are not used in the lot. When you use other people's custom content, remember that you are literally borrowing it from them. Don't borrow 50 recolors when you're only actually using one.  There's also no need to give someone tons more files than they need to fill up their Downloads folders - they can do that just fine on their own.
* '''Items You Cannot Credit/Link:''' All items included with your upload must be properly credited. If you don't know where something came from, use something else.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you cannot remember where you got an item, try asking at our [http://forums.sims2community.com/forumdisplay.php?f=37 Where Can I Find? Forum] on Sims2Community (sister site of MTS2 - separate registration required) to see if anyone knows where it is from - make sure to provide a picture and a description so people can help you track it down. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you still cannot find where it was from, you need to remove it from your sims2pack.  After doing this, please verify that it is not an item that is required for your house to look right: temporarily cut and paste your Downloads folder elsewhere, double-click on your sims2pack to install it, and see what your lot looks like in-game - some custom content will revert to the Maxis item it's cloned from when the actual item is missing, some will just be entirely gone.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] Try replacing the missing item with something else - a Maxis item or something you can include -, and in any case re-take your screenshots.
* Please see the below note under "Content that CAN be Included" under "Terrain Paints" for the exception to this rule!
===Content that CAN be Included===
'''You may include items of the following types with your lot/house upload:'''
* '''Free, Redistributable Content:'''  If a creator says that you may include their items in lot/housing uploads, and the item is a free download, you are welcome to include that item in your sims2pack file for upload on MTS2 if you have used it on the lot.  For a quick list of policies for a lot of major sites, see: [http://www.sims2wiki.info/Creator_Policies Creator Policies]
* '''Content You Have Made Yourself:'''  If you have made content yourself that you have used in the lot, you certainly may include that item in the lot as well.  If it is a new mesh you need to include all of the regular information in the text of your post (poly counts, where it shows in the catalog, etc.) you would expect for a new mesh.
* '''Terrain Paints:''' Do NOT remove any terrain paints from your sims2pack.  This is the one exception to the non-redistributable policies/pay/must provide credit rules.  If you remove terrain paints from a lot it can cause it to crash for downloaders.  Due to this, all terrain paint creators should expect their content to be included no matter what.  Please provide a link and credit for these items whenever possible, but if a terrain paint is not clearly marked with a creator's name/website, you may still include it and it will not be grounds for rejection.
'''If your lot contains custom content, you MUST include a LINK and CREDIT for EACH and EVERY custom content file included in the upload.'''
When uploading to MTS2, the custom content wizard will require that you indicate the creator of each item, enter a description, and provide a link to the creator's site, profile, or original upload thread.  The beauty of this system is that once somebody has entered that info for an item (or if it was uploaded to MTS2 originally), nobody else has do that again - it automatically gets added as credit from that point on.  You are, however, responsible for making sure the links and credits are correct, even if the custom content wizard fills in the wrong information (perhaps because someone before you has entered the wrong info).
Please link to the creator's site if they have a site of their own, or if the creator posts at a forum site such as ModTheSims2 or InSIMenator.net, link to the original upload thread or the creator's profile.  You may NOT link to "ModtheSims2" for items uploaded at MTS2 - you need to provide a more direct link to the actual creator.
As builders, we must all show the utmost respect for the people who create our furnishings for us. Providing a simple credit and link is the least we can do to show our appreciation for being allowed to incude someone else's work in our files. Nobody wants their work stolen, used without permission, or used without being credited.
Keep in mind that if your lot contains an item that someone else made, and that artist does not want hteir work to be redistributed, your lot will be removed at their request. You would be allowed to upload a new version of the lot that does not contain their content.  For a quick list of policies for a lot of major sites (including an easy reference on ones that freely allow including their content), see: [http://www.sims2wiki.info/Creator_Policies Creator Policies]
===Clean Lots===
It's sometimes easier if people choose to upload clean lots.  A clean lot, simply, is a lot with no custom content whatsoever – or a bare minimum of custom content. 
'''Why upload a clean lot?'''
* If you only use a small amount of custom content, it's no problem if you can't include it for some reason – a short shopping list will still be easy for downloaders to follow.
* If the content you have used is very popular – stuff from Holy Simoly or MaryLou for example –, it is often easier to just list it as "Required but not included" for those few who don't already have it.
* If you are on a Mac or cannot use Clean Installer for some other reason, using only Maxis content makes your life a lot easier – then you don't need to worry about unshareable/unwanted custom content in your lots.
* Many users prefer clean lots as they like to remodel/redecorate houses with their own selection of custom content.  They prefer a nice, well-built clean slate that they can customize, rather a bunch of random custom content that they aren't going to use anyway.
* Files with no custom content are small, so it's quicker for you to upload and quicker for people to download.
* It's a lot easier on you in uploading – you don't have to check a ton of policies and track down links for everything.
* It's a lot easier on the staff that moderate house uploads – it takes a lot of time to check all the content links and policies and stuff on included content, and houses with little to no custom content often get approved quicker as a result.
To create a clean lot, use Clean Installer to rid your finished lot of all custom content – '''except terrain paints''' (see above under "Content that CAN be Included" under "Terrain Paints"!).  Or you can simply remove your Downloads folder before you start building, and use only Maxis items – this will also make your game load a lot quicker, and the catalogue easier to browse.
If you remove content from a sims2pack after you're done building, you still need to provide links and credits for all items which are '''Required but Not Included''' – basically a shopping list for downloaders.  Otherwise, if you used custom wallpapers and floors they'll have bare walls and floors, and if you used custom objects they'll have Maxis defaults in place of those objects (random statues and plants and ugly Maxis furniture everywhere! eeww!).  Downloaders want to get what they came for – tell them what they'll need so the lot will look as you intended it! 
If you've used a lot of custom content, you don't want to have a HUGE shopping list for downloaders so please don't pack your lot with tons of custom content, remove it with Clean Installer, and then make people download a whole bunch of stuff separately – they're likely to just skip past your lot to find something easier to download.
==Right Info and Right Files==
Once you have your creation made and screenshots taken, you need to make sure you have all the fiddly bits in order when uploading.
===Right Files===
Your lot upload should be a .sims2pack file, packaged from in-game.  Follow the instructions given above under "Packaging Your Lot" to make sure you have the correct file.
With later expansions, recolours of Maxis objects may not package properly with the lot.  In this case, you will need to go into your Downloads folder and find these recolours yourself.  You can put them together in the same ZIP or RAR with your .sims2pack file, and if users put both your lot and the recolours in their game, your lot will show up properly without any additional work.
===ZIP or RAR===
You will need to put your .sims2pack file(s) (as well as any additional .package files for custom content that did not package with the lot) into a RAR or ZIP file to upload here. Please see [[MTS2:Creator_Guidelines/RAR_or_ZIP_Your_Custom_Content|here]] for instructions on doing so.  Please do not include both a ZIP and RAR with the same contents - just choose one.
If you are uploading multiple lots on a single thread, please package these separately, one ZIP or RAR file for each lot.  This ensures it goes through our custom content checking process properly, and makes it easier for people downloading who may only want certain lots and not everything you've uploaded.
Please do not double-compress your files - you should not have a ZIP inside a ZIP or a RAR inside a RAR.  This does not compress the files any more and just makes an extra step for downloaders.
===Upload in Sets===
If you have created several items in a set, or similar items in the same sort of theme at the same time, please upload these together in a single set, all on one thread (instead of all separately, one by one, on different threads).  This is easier for everyone: on our upload moderators, as they only have one thread to review rather than several... on you, as submitting a single thread is much quicker and easier than several... and on downloaders, as they can get everything they want all in one place rather than having to hunt around.
====Multi-Post Lot Uploads====
In the case of lots, because of the many screenshots required for particular lots, and large lists of custom content credits, if you are doing a large set of lots all on one thread, it may be easier to create a thread that has no actual lot downloads in the first post, and then has the downloads further on in the thread.  For an example, see [http://www.modthesims2.com/member/showthread.php?t=280424 this upload by plasticbox]. 
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you would like to do a thread that way, then create a new thread in the [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=492 Creator Issues] forum.  Only you and moderators will be able to see your thread in that forum.  Use the first post for general information.  Be sure to include at least 1 screenshot as well as one actual attached file (you can put a readme.txt file in a zip or rar for this attached file) on the first post so that your thread will show up properly on your profile once it is finished.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] You will have to compile the custom content lists yourself - you will not go through the upload wizard this way, so it is up to you to make sure you have a link and credit for every single custom item included.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] When you have finished organizing your thread and you are ready to have it go into the upload queue, contact any moderator listed at the bottom of the Creator Issues forum and ask them to please move your download into the upload queue for moderation.  There it will go through normal moderation, and can be approved, rejected, or asked for required changes.
===Content Required But Not Included===
When you went through all of the custom content which packaged with your lot, you may have found some items which you could not include, and had to remove them from the .sims2pack file.
For these items, you can make a "shopping list" for downloaders - create a section in the text of your post, starting in bold, saying, "Content Required But Not Included" and then list each item which you had to remove, along with a credit and a link to the exact page where it may be found.  (Take care not to hotlink the necessary file as this drains the other site’s bandwidth).  In the event that this exact page cannot be linked to (i.e.,  site policy, JAVA difficulties, etc.), please link to the desired site’s home page and then provide adequate instructions to direct players to the necessary file.  For example: ExampleSimSite.com  > Downloads > Bedroom > Pink Fusion Set
That way, people downloading your lot can get those items separately.  If they download them separately and get your lot which was packaged with those items included, then the removed items will show up properly on your lot when people install it.
===Expansion/Stuff Packs Required?===
Lots will generally require all expansion packs that you had installed when you created and packaged the lot.  Even if you did not use items from those expansion packs, the lot will still require those expansions because the file format of the actual lot changes with every EP.
The exception to this is University – if you did not use any items from the University expansion, then your lot will not require University.  This works the same for Stuff Packs – if you did not use any items from a particular stuff pack, then your lot will not require those stuff packs if the lot is installed with the Clean Installer. Because you cannot force people to use the CI,and it is not available for Mac users, please check all EP's and Stuff Packs you had installed when the lot was built.
'''Please make sure you mark the correct expansions required when uploading lots!'''
If users install lots that require more expansions than they have installed, it can cause their game to crash when they click on the lot in the lot bin.  To be safe, mark the lot as requiring all of the Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs you had installed when you created and packaged the lot.
[[Image:RightArrow.gif]] If you would like to create lots which require only the expansion packs actually needed for the features you build, so that as many people as possible can use your lots, you can use [http://www.modthesims2.com/member/showthread.php?t=250555 Numenor's AnyGameStarter] or the [http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=107015 BaseGameStarter].
Please mention in your post if you built your lot with the BGS/AGS, and which EPs you used. Otherwise, it will look like a mistake that the EP flags of the upload don't match your profile.
===Lot Picture as Main Thumbnail===
If you have based your lot off a real house or house plan, please choose an actual picture of the house you've built (i.e. an in-game picture) as your default thumbnail.  Don't use a photo or drawing of the original lot – people want to see at a glance what they'll get in-game, not the picture you used as inspiration. Also, please edit the thumbnail as little as possible – a border or a title is fine, but a collage with real photos or drowning the picture in photoshop effects are not.
===Good Title===
You'll need a good title for your upload – something descriptive, like "Cozy Tudor Cottage" or "Ultra-Modern Mini-Mansion", is good.  Something non-descriptive like "My First Upload!" or "Nice house" is not.
===Good Description===
You'll need to write up a little basic description of what your upload is... you don't have to get too fancy, but you do need to write something to get people interested. 
For instance, "This 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath split-level Tudor cottage will be perfect for a small family home with room for expansion.  It features a small garden, with room for adding a garage if you choose."  Something like, "This is my first upload... I don't know what to put here..." really doesn't make it sound like you've put any effort into it - and will reflect poorly on your creation. 
You don't have to write a novel, just something that makes it sound like it's worth taking a closer look at.
===Lot Size===
Please include the lot size in your upload description.  If you have OfB or later, you can click on the Lot Info button while building (the little round "i" icon in the top left of the screen) to easily see the lot size.
===Lot Price===
Please include the lot price in your upload description. If you have OfB or later, you can click on the Lot Info button while building (the little round "i" icon in the top left of the screen) to easily see the current price. From outside the lot, you can see the price when you click on the lot in Neighbourhood view.
This is a checklist of everything gone over above so you can be sure you've done everything you need to do to ensure your submission is correct.  This is just for your own use - checking these boxes doesn't actually -do- anything, just is an easy way to keep yourself organized.
<input type="checkbox"><b>Uniqueness and Effort</b> - Your lot has an interesting layout and architecture, and is unique and interesting - not just something anyone could build - and has taken a good amount of effort to create.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Aesthetics</b> - Your lot looks nice overall, with a good style, layout, colours, and flow to it.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Playability</b> - Your lot is laid out in a way that will make it good to play with, not just pretty to look at.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Realism</b> - Your lot looks like what it's supposed to look like.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Roofing</b> - Your lot's roof is appropriate for the building and looks good - not too steep, and not awkward.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Landscaping</b> - You've added some landscaping to your lot that is well-thought-out and adds to the look of your lot.
<input type="checkbox"><b>Level Lot</b> - You've built on a lot with all flat edges, not a lumpy or uneven lot.</input><br /></input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Furnished Apartments</b> - If you have built an Apartment Life apartment, your apartment is at least basically furnished with beds, couches, appliances, etc.</input><br /></input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Big Enough</b> - Your screenshots are large enough to clearly see what you have made - limits are 1280x1024 pixels and 195 kbs.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Required Screenshots</b> - You have the required screenshots for lot uploads: One exterior shot showing all levels and the roof on, one floor plan shot of each level, and one comparison shot if your lot is based on a real building.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Screenshots as Packaged</b> - Your screenshots show your lot as you have packaged it - not with a bunch of extra custom content that you didn't include.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>No Over-Photoshopping</b> - Your screenshots show your lot as it looks in-game - not drowned in Photoshop effects and filters</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Enough Light</b> - Your screenshots are taken during the day, so your lot can be seen clearly.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Close Enough</b> - Your screenshots are taken from lot view - not neighborhood view - and are not zoomed out too far, or zoomed in too close.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Centered</b> - Your screenshots are centered on the lot, showing it in the middle of the picture, and don't show a bunch of sky, the ground, or the house next door instead.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Angle</b> - Your exterior shot shows your lot from a sim's eye view, not from high above.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Shadows</b> - You have temporarily turned shadows off in your game options so your lot is easier to see.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>No Gridlines or User Interface</b> - The gridlines on the ground and user interface panel are not visible in your screenshots.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Detail Pictures</b> - If desired, you have included interior detail pictures from a sim's eye view - none of your detail pictures include additional content that is not packaged with the lot.</input><br />
===Included Content===
<input type="checkbox"><b>Checked and Removed Unwanted Content with Clean Installer</b> - You have opened your sims2pack file with Clean Installer, and removed any content that should not be included.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>No Pay/Unshareable Content</b> - Your lot upload does not contain any pay/donation items, or any items that the creator does not want shared - or any items from TSR, pay or not.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Sims/Hacks/Careers</b> - Your lot upload does not contain any sims, hacks, or careers.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>No Redundant Recolours</b> - You have removed any recolours which you are not actually using in your lot.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>No Uncredited Items</b> - You have removed any items that you cannot credit/link, and repackaged your lot with replacement items.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Credits/Links for All Included Items</b> - You have a credit (the creator's name), a description of the item, and a link back to that creator's profile or site.</input><br />
===Right Info/Right Files===
<input type="checkbox"><b>Right Files</b> - Your files are .sims2pack files which have been properly packaged from in-game.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>ZIP or RAR</b> - You have compressed your file into a zip or rar archive (but not both).</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Upload in Sets</b> - If you have created a set or several similar/related lots, you have uploaded them all together in one thread, rather than on separate threads.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Content Required but Not Included</b> - If certain content did not package with the lot, or you could not include it due to policies (but the item is free), you have linked to those items under a section you have put in bold called "Content required but not included."</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Expansion/Stuff Packs Required</b> - You know which expansions or stuff packs are required for your content, and have marked only the required one(s) as required.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Lot Picture as Main Thumbnail</b> - You have set an actual in-game picture of your lot as your default picture, so your thumbnail is of your actual creation and not a real-life photo.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Lot Size</b> - You have included the in-game size of your lot.</input><br />
<input type="checkbox"><b>Lot Price</b> - You have included the in-game price of your lot.</input><br />
{| class="nicetable" style="width:100%"
! style="text-align:left" | Tips:
* If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in [http://www.modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=492 Creator Issues].
==Additional Stuff==
* If you're not sure whether your lots are ready for uploading, use the [http://www.modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=473 Creator Feedback Forum] to get feedback on it.
* If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=492 Creator Issues].
* If you're not sure whether your lot is ready for uploading, use the [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=473 Creator Feedback Forum] to get feedback on it.
* Use the [http://www.sims2wiki.info/Tutorials:Build_Mode_Tutorials Build Mode tutorials]; ask in the [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21 Build Mode forum] if you have questions or problems with a particular aspect of building.
[[Category:MTS2 Creator Guidelines]]
[[Category:MTS2 Creator Guidelines]]
[[Category:Sims 3]]

Latest revision as of 18:18, 8 December 2018


[edit] Sims 2 Lot Upload Guidelines

When uploading a lot for The Sims 2 to Mod The Sims, we have some basic requirements to ensure that your upload is good, shown well, and has the correct info and files needed for people to use it in their games. This allows both moderators to check your uploads for quality, and for downloaders to see if your item is something they want to add to their games.

[edit] Quality

  • Realism: Lots based on an actual building type or specific building should look like what it supposed to resemble (for example a castle should not just be a huge building with stone walls, but should look like an actual castle). Lots not intended to be realistic can be more fanciful, but should still have some logic to them, and be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Architecture: The way the lot is built should be unique, interesting, and more than just a basic box with four walls and a roof.
  • Playability: The layout of the lot should make sense and allow sims to get around easily, with access to all the items they would want to interact with.
  • Roofing: The roof pieces should connect each other nicely, and not leave gaps or connect at odd angles. The roof should fit the structure, look nice, and not just be an auto-roof (or resemble one).
  • Furnishing/decoration: While we strongly encourage you to give lots at least basic furnishings (bed, toilet, shower, sink, fridge, lighting, etc.), it is not absolutely required to upload to MTS. Your lot can be an empty "shell" but should have a fully built structure, wall and floor coverings, and landscaping. You may include both a furnished and an unfurnished version of your lot separately in your upload.
  • Apartments: When uploading apartments for The Sims 2, they should all be at least lightly furnished - that is, all the furniture required for a Sim to live (bed, toilet, fridge etc.) without the downloader having to use cheats to keep their Sim alive.
  • Landscaping: Your lot should have some landscaping - but not just randomly placed trees or plants, some thought needs to go into it.
  • Flat lot: Please make sure to start your building on a flat, level lot. You can still sculpt the terrain to your liking to make hills and valleys or whatever you wish, but the edges of the lot need to be level. If, for some reason, the design of the lot that you want to build absolutely requires an unlevel lot, you must make it VERY clear in the text of your post that it is an unlevel lot and thus should not be placed adjacent to any other lots, and that it can cause your neighborhood map to become unusable or have holes where it is placed.
  • Other content: If you have made content for your lot, you must also provide additional pictures and/or information for your custom content (like polygon counts if you've made a mesh). Make sure you see check the appropriate category from the Creator Guidelines to see what we require. Tip: Consider uploading content you have made separately first, to the appropriate section (buy mode, walls and floors, etc.) so people looking for that type of content can more easily find it, and so you can show it off better with its own separate pics and info. Then you can just link it as credit to yourself when uploading your lot.

[edit] Files

Packaging your lot
Once you have finished building your lot in the game you will need to save it, and then exit the lot to return to the neighborhood view to package it to a file.

1) To package the lot, simply click on the lot from Neighborhood view, and click the * button as indicated in the screen shot below. This is also the perfect time to make note of the lot size and price

2) Then select "Package lot to a file" and click the check mark

3) You'll get a confirmation screen telling you the name of the file, and where it has been saved.

Custom content in the sims2pack
Before uploading your lot, you MUST scan it with Clean Installer. Many people do not realize that by having custom content in your Downloads folder, it can attach itself to your lot files -- even if you didn't USE that content in the lot itself!

Sims: Only upload lots which have never had sims on them. Lots which have had sims on them at any time before the lot was packaged (even if you have moved the family out) should not be shared, since downloading such lots may cause save corruption. If you want to play-test your lot before uploading, create a copy of the lot and play-test on the copy.

The image is demonstrating using a sim in a sims2pack but the same works for lots - uncheck the unwanted content (in our example two unwanted meshes are being removed) and then click Save As and save a new sims2pack file with a new name.

Never save over your original sims2pack file - there's a bug in Clean Installer with that and you'll just end up with a corrupt file.

  • For more information on using Clean Installer, please see the guide on the Clean Installer site, here.
  • If you are having trouble using Clean Installer, including errors or issues with empty packages, please see MTS2's Clean Installer Support Forums for help.

Using a Mac? On Vista and it won't run? Your options are, unfortunately, pretty limited:

  • You can ask a friend who can use Clean Installer to clean the lot for you (and hope they do it right).
  • You can take out your Downloads folder when building lots and make them with no custom content.
  • Another option is to have two or more different Downloads folders that you swap in and out as needed -- for example, one with everything you need to play your game, another one with just a few wallpapers for building simple lots, another one with medieval items for building castles, and so on

If you are in this situation, we're sorry, but we cannot risk people's games just to allow people to freely upload randomly-CC-filled lots.

Crediting your custom content

You may include items of the following types with your upload:

  • Free, Redistributable Content: You must check the creator's policy to see if they allow redistribution. If the creator's policy doesn't say anything about including content in lots, or if the original site is permanently offline, you can assume that the creator is happy for their content to be redistributed. For a quick list of policies for a lot of major sites, see: Creator Policies
  • Content You Have Made Yourself: If you have made content yourself that you have used, you certainly may include that item as well. If it is a new mesh you need to include all of the regular information in the text of your post (poly counts, where it shows in the catalog, etc.) you would expect for a new mesh.
  • Terrain Paints: Do NOT remove any terrain paints from your sims2pack. This is the one exception to the non-redistributable policies/pay/must provide credit rules. If you remove terrain paints from a lot it can cause it to crash for downloaders. Due to this, all terrain paint creators should expect their content to be included no matter what. Please provide a link and credit for these items whenever possible, but if a terrain paint is not clearly marked with a creator's name/website, you may still include it and it will not be grounds for rejection.
  • TS2 Store Content: Since the TS2 store is no longer available, TS2 store content that is required for your lot may be included with the lot upload. This does not apply to preorder content which came on discs.
Credit where credit is due
  • If your upload contains custom content, you MUST include a LINK and CREDIT for EACH and EVERY custom content file included in the upload.
  • When uploading to MTS, the custom content wizard will require that you indicate the creator of each item, enter a description, and provide a link to the original post, thread, or page where each item came from.
  • If you cannot find a way to directly link to the item, please link to the creator's site if they have a site of their own, or if the creator posts at a forum site, link to the original upload thread or the creator's profile. You may NOT link to "ModtheSims" for items uploaded at MTS - you need to provide a more direct link to the item.
  • Please note - if your lots contains CC that the original creator doesn't want shared, your lot will be removed at their request. Feel free to re-upload a version without that content.

Items You Cannot Credit/Link: All items included with your upload must be properly credited. If you don't know where something came from, use something else.

  • If you cannot remember where you got an item, consider asking at our Where Can I Find? Forum to see if anyone knows where it is from.
  • If you still cannot find where it was from, you need to remove it from your upload. However, please try to make sure that it is not an item that is fundamental to the look of your lot.
  • Try replacing the missing item with something else - but remember to re-take your screenshots.
  • Please see the note under "Content that CAN be Included" under "Terrain Paints" for the exception to this rule!
Items that cannot be included

Hacks: A lot with a hack or multiple hacks in the Sims2pack file will not be accepted.

CEP Files: A lot with CEP files included in the Sims3pack file will not be accepted.

Careers: A lot with a career or multiple careers in the Sims2pack file will not be accepted.

Sims: A lot that contains Sims in the file will not be accepted. You must move your sims out before packaging the lot.

Redundant Recolours: If when you scan you lot with Clean Installer it contains unused recolours, please remove them from the Sims2pack file.

Zip, Rar, or 7z
To upload your file(s) to MTS, you will need to compress them into an archive file, which makes them smaller and allows you to include many files in one download. The archive file formats we currently accept are .zip, .rar, and .7z.

For instructions on compressing your files into an archive, please see: Creator Guidelines: Creating Archive Files.

  • Do not include multiple archives with the same contents - that is, please don't put your files in both a .zip as well as a .rar because some people only want .zip files. Choose one format.
  • Do not double-compress your files... a .rar file inside another .rar file (or any other archive inside another) doesn't compress it anymore, and it makes it so we can't see the contents without downloading, and also just makes an extra step for the people downloading.
  • The file size limit on MTS is 50 mb. If you exceed this limit you will need to split your archives. This should probably never come up except for large worlds for The Sims 3, or huge sets of smaller items.

[edit] Information

Title & Description
Give your upload a descriptive title and write a text description for your upload, describing what you're uploading. Your title and description must be in English or provide an English translation. If you are not a native English speaker, using Google Translate is okay. You can also ask for help writing your description in the Creator Feedback Forum.
Required information
  • Lot size: The lot's size, for example 2x3
  • Lot price: The price to purchase the lot
  • Included custom content: List custom content that has been included within the lot file or the archive, with links to the download page. Items that should be listed as included are:
    • Package files you have manually added to the archive alongside your sims2pack lot file (usually content you yourself have made)
  • Required, but not included custom content: List custom content you have used on the lot, but not included within the lot file or the archive, with links to the download page. This is a "shopping list" for your downloaders and is just the Package format content that you have used on your lot.

Every item used on your lot - included or not - must have a link and credit to the creator, and if the item is not included, your link must go directly to the place where the item can be downloaded (not just the main site or the creator's profile). This should look something like: "Wood Pattern 3 by Armiel: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=511126" - what the item is, the creator's name, and a direct link to where the item can be downloaded.

If you haven't used any CC, then obviously there is no list to make - adding a note like "No CC" is not compulsory, but nice to have.

Required EPs/SPs

When it comes to required Expansion Packs, all of the Packs that you have installed when building the lot will be required. For Stuff Packs, only the ones that are essential to the look of the lot (for example, you used a certain chair for a certain SP all over the house) are required. The only exceptions are that University Life is treated as a Stuff pack by the game, and Mansions and Gardens is treated as an Expansion Pack.

[edit] Screenshots

The only way people can see your lot before downloading and checking it out in game is from the screenshots you take for your upload. Taking clear, large screenshots (as a rough guide you should aim for at least 600 pixels on the smaller side) will encourage people to look at and download your lot.

You'll need to include at least:
  • Front view: A picture of the front of your lot with all levels showing, from a low enough angle that it shows the structure well.
  • Floorplans: An overhead picture of each floor.

If your lot is a makeover of a pre-built Maxis lot, we also need comparison pictures from the original unmodified version:

  • Front view: A picture of the front of your lot with all levels showing, from a low enough angle that it shows the structure well.
  • Floorplans: An overhead picture of each floor.

Keep the following in mind for your screenshots, especially the required ones:

  • Size: 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall is a good size for the smallest pic you would want to upload. Your images can be up to 2560x1440 pixels, and 800 kb, so you have lots of space to work with!
  • Lighting: For most things, it's best to take pictures in an interior room with good lighting. For lots, pictures should be taken during a nice sunny day, for floorplans, take the pictures with the lights ON.
  • Clarity: Neither blurry, nor pixellated/crunchy. Do not size up small pictures to make a large one as this will blur them, and make sure not to use too much compression/too low quality when saving your images.
  • Distance: Take your pictures so that your creation fills the screen without anything cut off at top or bottom - neither zoomed in too close, nor zoomed out too far.
  • Distortion: If you resize your images, retain the aspect ratio so they don't get stretched or squashed. Take care when zooming in and out with the camera that you do not create a fisheye effect on your pictures.
  • Photoshopping: Do not apply filters like sharpen, contrast, etc. to the required pictures, as downloaders want to see what your creation will look like in their game, not your skills at using Photoshop.
  • Attached: All required images must be attached directly to the MTS upload, not just inserted using the img tag, so that even if the pics get deleted from your Photobucket (or other host), the upload on MTS is still complete.
  • Show all items: For most areas, if you are uploading a set, you must take all the required pics for each item in the set. If there is an exception, it will be noted.
  • Picture limit: You may upload up to 100 pictures for a single upload thread, so feel free to add some additional pictures just to show off your work to its best. Of course, keep it reasonable - nobody needs 50 pics to show off one sim or hair.
  • Inline pictures: Inline pictures are those that use the [img] tag to show up in with the description text. So that it doesn't take too long to load, please keep this to no more than 4 pictures done inline, unless you put them inside an [infobutton] tag. To do this, see our guide on post formatting.

Please remember, for your required pictures:

  • No photoshopping: Do not apply filters like sharpen, contrast, etc. to the required pictures, as downloaders want to see what your lot will look like in their game, not your skills at using Photoshop.
  • As packaged: Your pictures should show your lot as you have packaged it, so that what downloaders see is what they'll actually get, or need to download, for the lot to look the same in their game.
Nice to have, but not mandatory:
  • No user interface on pictures: Use cameraman mode to take pictures for upload.
  • Unobstructed views: If your lot has dense foliage blocking the view of the house.
  • Comparison pictures: If your lot is based on a real building.
  • Back picture: Showing the lot from the rear.
  • Other pictures: Showing the rooms, landscaping, etc. from a sim's eye view, to give an idea of the feel of the lot.

[edit] Other

Uploads not allowed on MTS
These items are not allowed on MTS in any category.
Pay/Pirated Content

Everything required or recommended for an upload must be freely available, without having to pay.

  • No uploads requiring pay content: We do not host content (for example, recolours of a pay hair or object mesh) that absolutely require pay content to function in-game.
  • No optional pay, pirated, or stolen content: Even for optional or recommended content not absolutely required for the creation to work (for example, hair on a sim or a couch on a lot), this means:
    • No content you must pay for. This means you cannot use items that are pay, donation, subscriber only, "special gift", etc. type content, anything accessible only when you pay money or subscribe.
    • No content from sites that are repositories of unmodified content when it is still available from the original creator, whether these items are pay or free (no Booty or Simscave, torrents, sites full of stolen content or similar, but the Graveyard and sites that offer recolours or modifications with the mesh are okay).
    • No EA content simply converted to base game use with no other changes.
    • No pirated EA Store content. EA Store content, linked to the legitimate EA Store, is okay though. TS2 store content may be included, with proper credit, since the store is no longer available.
Other content not allowed
  • Items that belong on the adult site: No content posted on MTS can have visible nudity, sexual content, or adult content, and instead must be posted on our adult site, Sexy Sims. This means on MTS, you may not post:
    • Content that contains nudity, which we define as exposing the female nipples, or the butt crack/genitals of either gender, including semi-transparent stuff like a sheer bra. Items that are merely "sexy" like skimpy miniskirts or string bikinis are fine on MTS. Transsexual/transgender items are also not considered adult content unless they contain nudity.
    • Skintones containing genital details - female nipples are okay on MTS but see below regarding screenshots.
    • Images of skintones with uncensored female nipples. Please blur or cover the nipples, butt crack, and genital area when taking screenshots of your skintones.
    • Fine art uploads containing visible nudity.
    • Items with specifically sexual content (sex toys, sexual poses).
    • Items containing swear/curse words
    • Items relating to illegal drugs. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are okay on MTS though.
  • Sexualized children: We do not allow any sexy/sexualized content for baby, toddler, or child sims in any way - no breasts whatsoever on child sims, no "sexy" outfits, etc. If you want to make preteens, make a less developed body for teen sims. Sexualized child content is not allowed at our adult site either.
  • Offensive content: Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, hateful or otherwise offensive content will not be allowed. Again, also not allowed at our adult site.
  • Gore/violence: We do not allow uploads which feature prominent, graphic violence and/or gore. Examples of things we do not allow would include items centred around mass shootings, images showing explicit violent imagery, cannibalism, and infanticide. Limited violence and gore may be featured if not the dominant focus of the upload, and not excessively graphic. Think a PG-13 movie. If uncertain whether your upload crosses this line, we suggest making a thread in the Creator Issues forum asking for feedback from a moderator before uploading.
  • EXE installers: Creators are not allowed to post exe (or other executable) files for any area of the site but Modding Tools. If your content needs to be installed to a certain directory, you can compress your files and leave the directory structure intact, so you can tell people to just install to Program Files, for instance, and the files will go where they need to. Executable installers can easily hold viruses, and are generally not needed for installing most content.
  • Preorder bonus content: Certain items were only available if you preordered certain expansions or stuff packs from certain retailers. It's unfortunate if someone missed out on getting them, but they can't be redistributed here as EA has made it clear that they do not allow it.
  • Unmodified EP/SP/Store content: While it is common practice to modify and use bits and pieces of game content to create custom content, extracting content from an expansion, stuff pack, or Store item and uploading it unmodified is not allowed on this site. You are welcome to upload significantly modified versions of expansion, stuff pack, or Store content, but you can't just be ripping it and changing one tiny thing (or nothing) just so people who didn't purchase it can still use it.
  • Stolen/reuploaded content: This should go without saying, but do not upload content made by others and claim it as your own, in whole or in part. Don't upload the work of someone else without their permission... if they wanted to share it at MTS, they can easily upload it here themselves.
  • Uncredited content/violating permissions: If any part of what you have uploaded (mesh, textures, alphas, bump maps, coding, etc.) comes from somebody else's work, you MUST provide a link and credit in the text of your post, for the original author. State what you've used of theirs, the author's name, and give a link back to them. You must check the author's policies to see if you can use their content in the way you want, and you may not violate any policies stated. If there are no policies or they don't disallow your type of usage, or the site is permanently offline, then you can assume it's okay. Please see here for more details: Updates and Remixes of Creations.
  • Redirects: If you want to move a creation to another site, please remove your upload from MTS, don't just edit the text to point to a different site.
  • If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in Creator Issues.
  • If you're not sure whether your lots are ready for uploading, use the Creator Feedback Forum to get feedback on it.
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