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[[Tutorials:TS3 Advanced Coding Tutorials]] -> [[Sims 3:PackedFileTypes]]
<br/>[[Tutorials:TS3 Advanced Coding Tutorials]] -> [[Sims 3:RCOL]]
|typeid= 0x03B4C61D
|expansion=The Sims 3
<br clear="all">
This is an RCOL chunk.
Line 12: Line 18:
  --repetition Count128 128-byte Section:
  --repetition Count128 128-byte Section:
  DWORD [[#128-byte_Sections|Type]] // type of light: point, spot etc
  DWORD [[#Light Types|Light type]] // type of light: point, spot etc
  FLOAT F1 // x position in tiles (+ moves to object's left)
  FLOAT[3] Transform // XYZ Position of light
  FLOAT F2 // y position in metres (+ moves up)
  FLOAT[3] Color    // Diffuse color of light(RGB)
  FLOAT F3 // z position in tiles (+ moves in front of object)
  FLOAT   Intensity // affects decay (how far the light reaches) rather than apparent brightness at source
  FLOAT F4 // red 0-1
  --insert [[#Light Type-dependent data|Light type-dependent data]], to remainder of 31 floats
FLOAT F5 // green 0-1
FLOAT F6 // blue 0-1
--see [[#128-byte_Sections|table below]] for usage of the following
FLOAT F7 // [[#Notes|intensity]]
FLOAT F8 // (0-1) affects rotation about y
FLOAT F9 // (0-1) affects rotation about z
FLOAT F10 // (0-1) affects rotation about x
FLOAT F11 // affects cone angle.  Probably bare degrees
FLOAT F14 // width (dimension)
FLOAT F15 // height (dimension) these affect area of the light source (or amount of daylight let in by window) and thus amount of light
FLOAT[] F16-F31 // more light parameters
  --repetition Count56 56-byte Section:
  --repetition Count56 56-byte Section:
  DWORD [[#Occluder Types|Occluder Type]] // type of occluder
  FLOAT[] F1-F13 // light parameters, not all used at once
  FLOAT[3] Origin
FLOAT[3] Normal
Intensity affects decay (how far the light reaches) rather than apparent brightness at source.
FLOAT[3] XAxis
Use the colour (rgb) settings to make softer lighting.
FLOAT[3] YAxis
===Known Types===
FLOAT    PairOffset
====128-byte Sections====
Actual usage of the light parameters varies by type of light, as follows:
==128-byte Sections==
{| border="1"
===Light Types===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Type!!Name!!F7!!F8!!F9!!F10!!F11!!F12!!F13!!F14!!F15!!...
! Type!!Name
| 0x03||Point||Y||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||...
| 0x00000001||Ambient (unused)
| 0x04||Spot||Y||Y||Y||Y||Y||Y||-||-||-||...
| 0x00000002||Directional (unused)
| 0x07||Window||?||-||-||-||-||-||-||Y||Y||...
| 0x00000003||[[#Point|Point]]
| 0x09||Area||?||-||-||-||-||-||-||Y||Y||...
| 0x00000004||[[#Spot|Spot]]
| 0x00000005||[[#LampShade|LampShade]]
| 0x00000006||[[#TubeLight|TubeLight]]
| 0x00000007||[[#SquareAreaLight|SquareWindow]]
| 0x00000008||[[#DiscAreaLight|CircularWindow]]
| 0x00000009||[[#SquareAreaLight|SquareAreaLight]]
| 0x0000000A||[[#DiscAreaLight|DiscAreaLight]]
| 0x0000000B||[[#WorldLight|WorldLight]]
====56-byte Sections====
===Light Type-dependent data===
{| border="1"
FLOAT[24]        // No additional parameters
FLOAT[3] At          // 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    FalloffAngle // In degrees
FLOAT    BlurScale
FLOAT[3] At          // 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    FalloffAngle // In degrees
FLOAT    ShadeLightRigMultiplier
FLOAT    BottomAngle // In degrees
FLOAT[3] ShadeColor // RGB
FLOAT[3] At          // 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    TubeLength
FLOAT    BlurScale
Also used for SquareWindow.
FLOAT[3] At          // 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT[3] Right      // 3D vector
FLOAT    Width
FLOAT    Height
FLOAT    FalloffAngle // In degrees
FLOAT    WindowTopBottomAngle
Also used for CircularWindow.
FLOAT[3] At          // 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT[3] Right      // 3D vector
FLOAT    Radius
FLOAT[24]          // No additional parameters
==56-byte Sections==
===Occluder Types===
This controls the shape of the shadow thrown by the object.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! colspan="3" | Types
! Type!!Name
| 0x00000000||Disc
| 0x00000001||Rectangle
! Type!!Name!!...
[[Tutorials:TS3 Advanced Coding Tutorials]] -> [[Sims 3:PackedFileTypes]]
<br/>[[Tutorials:TS3 Advanced Coding Tutorials]] -> [[Sims 3:RCOL]]

Latest revision as of 19:45, 26 February 2011

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Game Version:The Sims 3


[edit] Overview

This is an RCOL chunk.

[edit] Format

DWORD	// version
BYTE Count128
BYTE Count56

--repetition Count128 128-byte Section:
	DWORD Light type	// type of light: point, spot etc
	FLOAT[3] Transform	// XYZ Position of light
	FLOAT[3] Color    	// Diffuse color of light(RGB)
	FLOAT    Intensity	// affects decay (how far the light reaches) rather than apparent brightness at source
	--insert Light type-dependent data, to remainder of 31 floats

--repetition Count56 56-byte Section:
	DWORD Occluder Type	// type of occluder
	FLOAT[3] Origin
	FLOAT[3] Normal
	FLOAT[3] XAxis
	FLOAT[3] YAxis
	FLOAT    PairOffset

[edit] 128-byte Sections

[edit] Light Types

Type Name
0x00000001 Ambient (unused)
0x00000002 Directional (unused)
0x00000003 Point
0x00000004 Spot
0x00000005 LampShade
0x00000006 TubeLight
0x00000007 SquareWindow
0x00000008 CircularWindow
0x00000009 SquareAreaLight
0x0000000A DiscAreaLight
0x0000000B WorldLight

[edit] Light Type-dependent data

[edit] Point

FLOAT[24]         	// No additional parameters

[edit] Spot

FLOAT[3] At          	// 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    FalloffAngle	// In degrees
FLOAT    BlurScale

[edit] LampShade

FLOAT[3] At          	// 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    FalloffAngle	// In degrees
FLOAT    ShadeLightRigMultiplier
FLOAT    BottomAngle	// In degrees
FLOAT[3] ShadeColor	// RGB

[edit] TubeLight

FLOAT[3] At          	// 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT    TubeLength
FLOAT    BlurScale

[edit] SquareAreaLight

Also used for SquareWindow.

FLOAT[3] At          	// 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT[3] Right       	// 3D vector
FLOAT    Width
FLOAT    Height
FLOAT    FalloffAngle	// In degrees
FLOAT    WindowTopBottomAngle

[edit] DiscAreaLight

Also used for CircularWindow.

FLOAT[3] At          	// 3D vector for the direction of the light
FLOAT[3] Right       	// 3D vector
FLOAT    Radius

[edit] WorldLight

FLOAT[24]          	// No additional parameters

[edit] 56-byte Sections

[edit] Occluder Types

This controls the shape of the shadow thrown by the object.

Type Name
0x00000000 Disc
0x00000001 Rectangle
Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

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