MTS2:Creator Guidelines/Sims
Creator Guidelines - Sims
So you've made a Sim and you want to share it on MTS2. Below are guidelines you need to follow before you can share your Sim here at MTS2 in our Downloads section.
As a site primarily devoted to learning how to mod the game, MTS2 is committed to excellence in uploads - we have certain standards for your submission to be accepted to this site. Please read these guidelines carefully to make sure your sim upload is up to MTS2 standards. Uploads which do not meet our standards may be rejected.
Celebrity/Character Sims
Celebrity Sims/Sims modeled after real people or characters from games/anime/etc. must bear enough of a resemblance so that they are immediately recognizable as who it's supposed to be. If your sim is off by more than one feature (ex. eyes, nose, lips, shape of face) then it will be rejected. Please utilize our Creator Feedback forum for great tips on how to get your sim looking perfect.
Making a Skin or Mask for Your Celeb? If you are making a face mask or special skintone for your celebrity so they bear a closer resemblance through texturing, please consider doing it via the Dependent Skintones Method which will greatly reduce the filesize of your upload and will reduce the amount of bloating of peoples' Downloads folders!
Unique Faces for the "Other" Category
When it comes to sims, having a pretty sim or one with nice content is not enough. Anyone can take a Maxis face with a few tweaks here and there, add some pretty content, and make an attractive sim - we're looking for unique, interesting sims with unusual facial features. We would rather see sims that look more like real people - not so pretty but interesting - than another "hot model" type sim with a bland face that anyone could make.
There is no reason for anyone to download a random sim that they could have made themselves with a few minutes and the same content. Please make a real effort to make interesting, unique faces that not just anyone could put together. This includes anime/cartoon sims, and some effort should be made to give them a unique look, and to differentiate characters by more than just content.

- Sim 1: An attractive sim, with all custom parts, and an interesting, unique facial sculpt that took a lot of tweaking and playing with to create. This is a good example of what we are looking for in terms of uniqueness, and assuming all other guidelines were followed, a sim like this would likely be accepted.
- Sim 2: An attractive sim, with all custom parts, with a face that is mostly Maxis, with a little tweaking here and there. Anyone could make this sim with the same content and a few minutes in Body Shop. Even if the other guidelines were followed, a sim like this would likely be rejected.
- Sim 3: Sim 1, but with all Maxis parts and no makeup. Perhaps not as attractive as Sim 1 or Sim 2, but still quite interesting. With a little makeup and a custom part here and there and the rest of the guidelines followed, this sim is still unique in facial shape and would likely be accepted.
- Sim 4: Sim 2, but with all Maxis parts and no makeup. Just... a sim. All the custom content on Sim 2 doesn't make this sim acceptable, as the face shape is very plain and not unique.
Creators of sims are highly encouraged to strip your sims down to all non-defaults (take out your default replacement eyes and skin), no makeup, and Maxis content... and see if the sim you created really has an interesting, unique face... or if they just look special because of the content they're wearing.
Make Your Own Content for Your "Other" Sims!
Please do not be offended if your sim uploaded to the Other category gets rejected for not being unique enough. MOST sims uploaded to that category get rejected for that reason. With literally thousands of "Other" sims already uploaded, we only accept the very best of the best, sims that represent a unique overall look as well as an interesting face.
If you like making sims, we strongly encourage you to branch out into creating Celebrity or Character sims or to try making some content for your sims yourself "Other" sims which have new, unique content created for that sim have a much greater likelihood of getting accepted - anyone can tweak some sliders in Body Shop to make a sim face and slap on some ready-made content and give them a name. This of course does not mean that you should just make random content just to get your sims accepted, but that the content you make should improve on the overall look and feel of what you were going for in the first place.
- For great examples of what we mean by this, see Kamikitten's fantastic Robert Hawkwood and Emily or Zombiejill's Jill, which all have several pieces of content made by the sim creator especially for those sims (as well as nice unique face sculpts too). These are the kind of "Other" sims we are looking for on MTS2.
Quality of Included Content
If you have made your own content for your sims, please make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the Body Shop Creator Guidelines as the included custom content you have made is expected to follow the same guidelines and be up to the same quality standards as if you had uploaded it separately, not on a sim.
In addition to overall quality standards, you will need to show pics of your sim so people know what they're downloading. Here's what we're looking for:
Screenshot Basics
For instructions on:
- Taking large, clear pictures (bigger than the game will allow)
- Changing your in-game settings for best graphics quality
- Camera controls
See: Screenshot Basics
You need to make sure you have nice big, clear pictures that show off what you've made. They can't be too blurry or pixellated, and you need to know how to use the game's camera controls properly, so make sure you review the information on that link thoroughly before continuing.
Required Screenshots
These screenshots are a requirement when uploading sims and you will not get your upload accepted without them!
Neutral Face Closeup (Required for All Sims!)
Show a close-up of your sim's face with a neutral expression. While it may look a little boring, sims' faces distort quite a lot when they make expressions so having a good idea of what your sim actually looks like normally is necessary. Extreme facial expressions like big smiles, open mouthed animated talking, laughter, etc., can distort the face and can make an interesting sim just look like another goofy sim.
Body Shot (Required for All Sims!)
Show a further-away shot of your sim from a distance. This can be from at least their hips and up or you can show the sim from head to toe. If you have made the sim's outfit, make sure to show them head to toe, to show off the outfit you've made.
Comparison Pic (Required for Celebrity/Character Sims!)
If your sim is based on a celebrity, anime character, cartoon character, game character, etc., then you need to include at least one picture of the original person or character for comparison purposes.
Please provide at least one plain basic comparison pic of the character or celebrity - just a photo of them. Simmerized (combining the sim's face with a photo in Photoshop) or divided pics (left side is sim face, right side is real face split down the nose) provided for comparison are not acceptable. You can, however, put two pics side-by-side like the below example with similar poses and expressions as this will best show how close your likeness is.
Big Enough
Your pics should be large enough to see the detail of what you've made. Remember, MTS2 allows images up to 1280x1024 pixels and 195 kilobytes so you should be able to upload nice big pictures. See the information above under "Screenshot Basics" for info on taking larger pics than the game will normally allow.
And please don't take smaller pics and just make them larger in your graphics program - this just gives you a blurry pic that's bigger in dimensions with no additional detail.
In order to see what your creation looks like in-game, we require in-game screenshots. You must actually load the game and take your screenshots there. We do not accept Body Shop pics, texture pics, SimPose, 3D program pics, etc., without the required in-game pics too. Please don't try to cut out backgrounds or fake in-game pics. We can definitely tell the difference.For best results, put your item on a sim on a lot. Create-a-Sim screenshots are acceptable, but the lighting in CAS is pretty bright and you may not be able to get detail pics and that sort of thing, too.
Enough Light
Don't take your pics at night or in a dark room! Take your sim outside in the sunlight (make sure they're facing the sun - light comes from a certain direction on the lot!) or put them in a well-lit room. At the same time, make sure you don't use too much light: Create-a-Sim screenshots can sometimes be too bright.
Inline/Attached Screenshots
When posting images that appear in the text of the thread (these are called inline screenshots), please make sure to limit these images to no larger than 800x600 pixels (so it doesn't create a horizontal scroll on the page for people on lower resolutions).
Please also do not post more than 4 inline screenshots - having a lot of images that have to load on the thread makes browsing downloads very slow and can make the thread jump around as they keep loading.
You may host your inline screenshots elsewhere like - however, these screenshots hosted elsewhere must be additional screenshots, and you must make sure to actually attach your required screenshots to the thread itself. If your Photobucket account runs out of bandwidth or you delete the pics, people still need to be able to get the required screenshots on your thread.
You can attach up to 8 screenshots to the thread itself, with the 4 additional inline screenshots hosted elsewhere (or attached) for a total of 12 possible screenshots. This should be plenty to show what you've made, even for fairly large sets. Remember, you can always collage several different images together into one image if you have a bunch of stuff to show off.
No Pay Content
Do not use pay content in your screenshots! Do not use pay hair in your screenshots!
You MUST use free or Maxis hair in your screenshots! MTS2 promotes and supports free content, and using pay content in screenshots is basically like free advertisement for paysites. This includes pay content you found elsewhere for free - if it was pay originally, it's still promoting pay content.
As of 21 July 2007, MTS2 no longer allows the use of pay content in screenshots. This includes (but is not limited to) hairstyles. You must use free or Maxis hairstyles on your sims! Do not use pay or donation hairstyles on your sims when uploading here. For more information, please see the Site News article on the subject.
MTS2 has an extensive collection of free hairstyles in our Downloads section, and you can look in the Sims2Wiki Hair Gallery for more free hairstyles. You'll be able to find something you like.
How to Package Your Sim
Born-in-Game Sims
If you have created your sim in Create a Sim or if your sim was born in-game you will need to follow these instructions on how to extract your sim using SimPE, so they are accessible to you in Body Shop. Do that before you go any further, then come back to these instructions.
Packaging with Body Shop
Run Body Shop
Body Shop is a utility that comes with your game, used for creating and packaging sims (among other things). You already have Body Shop on your computer. To run Body Shop, click Start - Programs - EA Games - The Sims 2 (or the newest expansion you have installed) - The Sims 2 Body Shop.
- If you are having trouble with Body Shop not loading, crashing when loading, or other related issues, please see: Game Help:Body Shop
Ready the Sim for Packaging
If you have just extracted your sim using SimPE, you will first need to clone the sim to make sure all of its content comes along with it properly. Click Build Sims, then Build or Clone Sims. Look for sim you packaged from the game in the list of sims - they may not be first in the list, so you may have to scroll to find them. Click the button toward the bottom to Clone Selected Sim, then click the checkmark (Done Building Sim) to make a copy of the sim.
If you have created your sim in Body Shop, you do not need to clone the sim. Just click Done Building Sim to save the sim how you want them.
Package Your Sim
You should be back looking at a bunch of sims. Click the X at the bottom to Close Sim Bin. Now click on Package Sims. You'll be seeing another sim bin. Find your sim here and select them. If you have just cloned your sim or made multiple copies of the sim, it will be the first one in the list. Click the little box icon at the bottom to Package Sim to File. You'll now be at a different screen, where you can type the filename for your sim and enter a description. You can put custom content credits here, a description of your sim, your name, your web address, whatever.
When you have your filename and text written in, click the checkbox at the bottom to Accept and save your sim as a sims2pack file.
You'll get a message saying that your sim was saved to your desktop with the filename you gave it.
Check the Contents
You've got your sim packaged, but now you need to take a look inside that .sims2pack file to see what got included, so you can collect credits for all the parts. For that, you will need Clean Installer. Click here to go to the Clean Installer website, where you can download it for free. There is also a Quick Start Guide, FAQ, and Manual at the Clean Installer site to help you get started using it.
Once you install Clean Installer, it should associate itself with sims2pack files, so when you double-click on any one of them to open it, Clean Installer will come up and tell you what is inside.
Go to your Desktop. You should find a new file there, with the same name that you gave your sim in Body Shop when packaging. It should have an icon like the one shown. Right-click on this file and choose Open.
Clean Installer will open and you will see a list of the contents of the sims2pack file, including what tooltips are used.
Custom Content Links/Credits
Now you need to figure out what everything inside is, and track down who made it so you can give them credit for their creation, and a link back to their site, their profile, or the original thread where you downloaded the item.
If there are any special meshes that the clothing, hair, or accessories use, you need to provide links for that, too.
You also need to check everyone's terms of use and make sure that you can indeed share their work in sim uploads.
Start a text file on your Desktop where you can type everything out as you locate the parts. This can be the hardest part, depending on how descriptive the original creators were in their tooltips and filenames. They are generally good clues, though.
You can check the filename for a particular item by floating your cursor over it:
Use the tooltips and file names to track down where you found the items originally to check the policies and provide credits and links, and in some cases, to see whether a mesh is needed. There are many ways to do this.
Search MTS2
First, MTS2 has four different search types that may be of use to you:
- Downloads search, which will search download titles and keywords.
- Google search, which will use Google to search MTS2 text.
- Advanced search, which can search particular forums and uses a different way to search to find different results.
- Member search, to search for usernames.
Second, go to Google and try searching there with the clues you've gotten from the filenames and tooltips.
Content List
Third, the Table of Custom Contents, the Content List on the Sims2Wiki, can be extremely useful in finding content, especially if it's in a particular theme.
Where Can I Find?
Last, if all your searching fails and you can't find the item on your own, try the Where Can I Find Forum at You can search that particular forum, which is a great resource of previously asked-for content, and if you can't find what you're looking for, you can post asking if someone knows where it came from. Give as much information as possible, like a screenshot, the tooltip, filename, and any more info you can to help people help you track it down. You will need to register separately from MTS2 to post there.
Removing Content from the Sims2pack
In checking the file for contents and locating all the parts, you may come across some pieces that cannot be redistributed. Creators have a right to say what can and can't be done with their custom content, and if they say you cannot upload it with full sims, please respect their wishes and remove that content.
If you just cannot locate a link for a piece of content after searching and searching, or if the particular item cannot be redistributed, then REMOVE that content from the file, or repackage your sim using items you can track down/can share. If you have a link for a file that the creator has asked that you not distribute, you can provide that link to downloaders and say that the item was not included - if they download it separately and install it along with your sim, it will properly show up on your sim.
For instructions on how to remove unwanted content from a sims2pack, including content that cannot be redistributed and meshes, please see this mini-tutorial by Tiggerypum. The tutorial explains how to remove unwanted meshes if you have the Pets expansion, but the exact same method works for removing all content from a sims2pack file.
Meshes: If you have the Pets expansion (or any later expansions), the version of Body Shop that comes with Pets and later expansions will also include meshes for any custom hair and clothing in the sims2pack file. Please do not include these meshes with your full sim upload unless:
- They are your own meshes which you have made yourself. In this case, please include a numeric poly count for your mesh somewhere in the post.
- You have recoloured the item the mesh is required for yourself, and if the creator allows redistribution of their meshes with recolours.
Please do not include meshes that are uploaded on MTS2, even if the creator says it's okay - this creates redundant uploads.
Do not include meshes that the creator says not to include, or if the creator doesn't say. If you get special permission to include a mesh that normally cannot be included (or the creator's policies don't say anything) please say in the text of your upload post that you have permission - we can't read your mind!
If you do include the mesh, make sure you include a credit and link in the text of your post - and make sure you state that the mesh is included!
Adult Content/Nudity
MTS2 is not an adult site. We do have an adult site affiliated with MTS2, Sexy Sims 2 where adult content may be uploaded. But because MTS2 is a PG-13 site, no adult content may be uploaded to MTS2 itself.
Skintones uploaded to MTS2 must be completely "barbie" below the waist. That is, you cannot include genitals or pubic hair for either gender. Skintones uploaded to MTS2 may include female nipples, or you may leave them off if you prefer, for a Maxis-like skintone that is completely "barbie."
You must obscure your skintones even if they are completely "barbie." Please see the section above under Screenshots, ("Obscured Skintones") for exact details on what you must obscure, and how to do so.
Other Adult Content
Content with swear/curse words or sexually suggestive themes may not be uploaded to MTS2. Please upload these items to the adult site instead.
Items relating to illegal drugs do not belong on MTS2. You -may- post items relating to prescription and over-the-counter drugs, as well as alcohol and tobacco on MTS2, but items related to illegal drugs should go on our adult site.
"Nude clothing" uploads are not allowed on MTS2 - that sort of thing needs to go on the adult site.
For more information and a further list of items we do not allow on MTS2, see: Uploads Not Allowed on MTS2.
Right Info/Right Files
Right Files
Make sure your sim is a .sims2pack file, packaged from Body Shop. Please follow the instructions above under Packaging Your Sim for instructions. We do NOT accept sims packaged on lots.
You will need to put your .sims2pack file(s) into a RAR or ZIP file to upload here. Please see here for instructions on doing so. Please do not include both a ZIP and RAR with the same contents - just choose one.
Please do not double-compress your files - you should not have a ZIP inside a ZIP or a RAR inside a RAR. Q-Xpress will not properly unpack these files, and it makes extra unnecessary steps for downloaders.
Upload in Sets
If you have created several sims in a set, or similar sims in the same sort of theme at the same time, please upload these together in a single set, all on one thread (instead of all separately, one by one, on different threads). This is easier for everyone: on our upload moderators, as they only have one thread to review rather than several... on you, as submitting a single thread is much quicker and easier than several... and on downloaders, as they can get everything they want all in one place rather than having to hunt around.
Meshes Needed/Included?
Do you need a mesh? If you are including a recolour of a hair, clothing, or accessory, downloaders may need a custom mesh for the sim's content to work right. If you don't know whether a custom mesh is required, it's very easy to check: cut and paste the contents of your Downloads folder somewhere else temporarily. Then put in only your sim and its associated files (just double-click on the sims2pack file to install it to your game, just as if you had downloaded it), and load the game or Body Shop. If it shows up correctly, you don't need a custom mesh. If it doesn't show up correctly and shows a Maxis default instead, you do need a custom mesh, and you'll need to figure out what one it is. This can be tricky if you have a lot of meshes - best way is to make sure you know what mesh is required before you go and put an item on a sim!
Once you've identified what mesh it is, you need to check back with the original creator on their site or forum and see what they say about that - look for a FAQ or policies page to see what they have to say about including their meshes. They may not want you to include their mesh, or they may only be okay with it if you include their readme file as well.
Including Meshes: If your creation does require a custom mesh, you may be able to include it if:
- You have made the mesh yourself. In this case, please include a numeric poly count for your mesh somewhere in the post.
- You have recoloured the item the mesh is required for yourself, and if the creator allows redistribution of their meshes with recolours.
Please do not include meshes that are uploaded on MTS2, even if the creator says it's okay - this creates redundant uploads.
Do not include meshes that the creator says not to include, or if the creator doesn't say. If you get special permission to include a mesh that normally cannot be included (or the creator's policies don't say anything) please say in the text of your upload post that you have permission - we can't read your mind!
If you do include the mesh, make sure you include a credit and link in the text of your post - and make sure you state that the mesh is included!
Linking to Meshes: If you cannot include a mesh, or the mesh is hosted on MTS2, link to the mesh in the appropriate spot when uploading - when you mark your upload as a New Mesh Recolour you will get a screen asking you to link to the mesh. Please give as direct a link as possible - to the page where the mesh is, if you can. If you cannot give a direct link, or if there are a lot of meshes on the page, please give directions in the text of your post, as clear as possible... i.e. "Look under Female, Adult, Everyday, then go to Page 4, and download the black dress with the blue belt outfit - the mesh is included with it." Please do not hotlink the mesh - i.e. you want to link to the page it can be downloaded from, not the actual rar or zip file with the mesh in it - hotlinking is bad manners.
Expansion/Stuff Packs Required?
Please read this part carefully to ensure people know exactly what expansions may or may not be required for your sim.
- The Sim's face, geometry, and features sculpted in Body Shop: No expansions required under any circumstances. Your sim's facial features will work in ANY game. You probably don't need to check anything under expansions for a sim, so anyone can use it.
- Maxis hair, clothing, or accessory meshes or recolours of those from an EP: The sim may require the EP the item is from but only for that item... How crucial that piece is to your sim varies depending on the sim - someone may just not look right without their gorilla suit, and so you would mark that expansion as required for the sim. BUT... if the EP-required item could be changed without fundamentally changing your sim, you don't need to mark the expansion as required. DO make sure to tell your downloaders that the item you used was EP-required, and to remove any recolour of the EP-required mesh you may have included when installing, using Clean Installer.
Downloaders can then just change that particular part on the sim to whatever they may have that is appropriate.
- If the sim is wearing custom hair, clothing, or accessory meshes and recolours, or your recolours of custom hair, clothing, or accessory meshes, they will not require an expansion for these items.
- Custom makeup, skintones, beards textured onto the skin (not the Father Time beard), full-face makeup, brows, and eyes do not require expansions.
- Sims packaged as Young Adults will require the University expansion. Please consider packaging your sim as an Adult instead, so anyone can use it in their game. If University owners would like to create your sim as a Young Adult they can quickly and easily switch it to Young Adult using Body Shop.
- The Pets Exception: If you (or the original creator) have the Pets expansion installed and have created any custom content (recolours or meshes) for a sim in the version of Body Shop that installs with Pets, that content will require the Pets Expansion. It is strongly suggested that install the Pets Patch and then reimport your project so your content will not needlessly require Pets.
Where to Upload
Please make sure you upload to the correct category. Click here to see what forums we have for offer:
- Anime, Comic & Gaming Characters
- Celebrities and Real People
- Horror and Gothic
- Sci-Fi
- Other
Self-sims do NOT go in the Downloads forum - please do not upload sims of yourself or people you know... you may share them by email but due to the limited demand for downloading random users' self-sims, we do not allow non-staff self-sims posted in the Downloads forum.
Make sure you have carefully read everything above to make sure you understand what is required. We understand it's a bit complex, but so is creating for Sims 2, so do make sure you fully comprehend everything above.
- Your sim, packaged as a sim in sims2pack file from Body Shop, compressed inside a rar or zip file.
- At least one close-up and at least one full-body shot of your sim, in JPEG format.
- If your sim is based on a celebrity or character, at least one comparison picture showing the person your sim is based on and your sim, preferrably side by side and wearing similar expressions.
- A text file containing full links and credit for every piece of custom content used on your sim, including specific mention of any pieces you have made yourself, and links to where downloaders can get any custom meshes, if they need them.
This is a checklist of everything gone over above so you can be sure you've done everything you need to do to ensure your submission is correct. This is just for your own use - checking these boxes doesn't actually -do- anything, just is an easy way to keep yourself organized.
Highlights and Shadows - Textures look realistically light and dark in the right places, and are not just a solid bucket fill.
Photoskinning - If textures are from a photo, care has been taken to choose the right source images, and adjust it so the details are in the right place.
Not Too Bright - If the creation is brightly-coloured or neon, the colours aren't truly neon in colour, but still look nice and bright in-game.
Black and White - If any part of the creation is black or white, those areas are not true, pure black or white, but shades of light or dark grey.
Crisp/Unpixellated - All textures look crisp and clear, with no blurriness or pixellation.
Bump Mapping - If you've done bump mapping, it's not just a straight desaturation of the texture, but care has been taken to adjust it to bump in the right places. If you cannot view bump maps, you have instead filled the bump map texture with 50% grey, so people who can view them won't see wrong ones.
No Simple Slider Changes - You've made an effort to create a nice new texture for your creation, rather than just slightly modifying an existing texture.
Time and Effort - Have you spent a substantial amount of time and really tried to create something nice that is worth putting your name on?
Big Enough - Your screenshots are large enough to clearly see what you have made - limits are 1280x1024 pixels and 195 kbs.
In-Game - Your screenshots are taken from within the game, and are not just pictures of your textures or taken from within Body Shop.
All Items in Set - If you are uploading a multi-item set, you have in-game screenshots of every item in the set - not just Body Shop pictures or texture swatches.
Poses - You have posed your models in a way that best shows off what you have created - simple walking/standing poses work best. No twisty-torso model walk, please.
Show the Whole Thing - Your screenshots show the entirety of what you have made - for clothing you haven't cropped out arms or feet but show the whole sim, head-to-toe.
Detail Pics - If your textures have interesting details, you've zoomed in nice and close to show off those details with additional screenshots.
Close Enough - You've shown your creation nice and close, so it fills pretty much the whole picture and can be clearly seen.
Multiple Angles - For clothing, hair, and skintones, you have made sure to show the back and sides as well as the front.
Enough Light - Screenshots taken outside are taken during daytime, with the sim facing the sun - or screenshots taken inside have the lights on, and enough of them so your creation is clearly visible.
Cut that Hair! - The hairstyles used on your models are short styles which allow your creation to be seen - not long hair that covers up what you have made.
No Over-Photoshopping - Your screenshots show the item as it appears in-game, with no additional filters applied which change the look of the image, and any added text does not cover your creation.
Obscured Skintones - If you are uploading skintones, the crotches, breasts, and butt cracks are blurred or otherwise obscured.
Try Neutral Backgrounds - The backgrounds in your shots are neutral, or do not detract from the appearance of the content you've created.
Inline/Attached Screenshots - Your inline screenshots are no more than 800x600 pixels, you don't have more than 4 of them, your required screenshots are actually attached to the thread, and you don't have more than 8 screenshots attached.
No Pay Content - You do not have any pay content in your screenshots, and your models are wearing free or Maxis hair. You have also included credits for the hair on your models in the text of your post.
Adult Content/Nudity
Skintones - If you are uploading skintones, they are "barbie" below the waist - with no hair or anatomical details.
No Adult Content - Your content doesn't have any swear words, nudity, or illegal drugs.
Right Info/Right Files
Right Files - Your files are from your SavedSims folder, not Projects, and are .package files - not a .sims2pack as part of a full sim.
ZIP or RAR - You have compressed your files into a zip or rar archive (but not both).
Upload in Sets - If you have created a set or several similar/related items, you have uploaded them all together in one thread, rather than on separate threads.
Meshes Needed/Included - You have checked to see if any meshes are needed, and if they are, you have either included them in accordance with the creator's policies (along with any needed readme) or linked to where the mesh can be found, with sufficient instructions so downloaders know which one to get. If you have included the mesh, you have stated that you have, and you have also provided a link and credit to the creator in the text of your post. If it's a mesh hosted on MTS2, you have linked to it rather than including it, regardless of the creator's policies which may allow you to include it.
Expansion/Stuff Packs Required - You know which expansions or stuff packs are required for your content, and have marked only the required one(s) as required.
Permission/Credit - If you editing someone else's creation, you have checked their policies to see if you can, and gotten permission (and stated you have permission) if needed. You have also provided credit and a link to the original creator in your post.
Good Title - You have given your creation a good, descriptive title.
Good Description - You have given your creation a nice description that makes people want to download it.