Tutorials:Creating A World That Doesn't Suck Planning
Planning Your World
Before you even open CAW, it is recommended that you have at least some idea of what your world is going to be, even if it's just "Desert," "Remote," "Small," or "Quaint Town". This will allow you to choose your world's size and map type easily.
The first thing you need to decide is the size of your map. Sunset Valley, Twinbrook and Bridgeport are all Large maps, though they use up a lot of space around the edges in inaccessible hills. Do you want a small, cozy neighborhood that's just big enough to fit everything, or a bustling urban landscape with houses and businesses everywhere - or maybe a small town surrounded by wilderness? Once you get past terrain sculpting, you won't be able to easily re-size your world without losing work, so be sure of the scale!
What kind of landscaping do you want? What trees do you want to use to compliment this? What kind if climate do you want? What sort of vibe? All these questions need to be asked when altering terrain. The way you sculpt your map will depend on what kind of area you are trying to portray. Some examples could be long flowing cliffs and hills or jagged, pointed mountains surrounded by desolate desert. The climate you are trying to show will also be reliant on what trees and architectural styles you want. Another thing to consider when on these things is the weather. Will it be a cold place or will it be heated? These are all factors in deciding foliage.
This is one that is absolutely vital. Your landscaping can look absolutely gorgeous, but when it comes down to it, your world needs to have a good layout and nice buildings. To do this, you should have at least a small idea of what kind of street template you want. This might mean, for a city, you want close knit streets that intersect all the time, creating a sort of grid look. Conversely, it could mean you want one road running through your town with a few side streets running away from that.
Special Features
These are fun little nooks and crannies that you can put into your world for sims to explore and have fun with. For instance, there is a mine area in Sunset Valley and an old warehouse area with train tracks running through it in Twinbrook. This could mean you would like a little harbor area or a waterfall with a river running through your world. You need to have some good ideas for this, if you want your world to be interesting.
Distant Terrain
If you are going to make a world that is large, you might want to consider using "Distant Terrain." It becomes increasingly difficult to add these to your world in a natural-looking way if you have already sculpted your world. If you decide that your world needs distant terrain before you start it, you can make the land on the edges of your world meet up with the distant terrain to create a nice, flowing landscape.
Compatibility of Worlds
There are/will be many expansion and stuff packs for TS3 and with that comes issues of compatibility with worlds. As of right now, the only way to create a completely base-game world(that works) while you have other expansion packs installed is to use the Any Game Starter by johna from MTS.info.
Put simply, this tool tricks the game into only processing the expansion packs that you select. You can install sims3packs and .package files that will only be used in the selected profile and you can also use AGS to test your worlds and lots.
Creating a Base-Game Compatible World
First things first, you need to download Any Game Starter by johna from MTS.info. Once downloaded, open it and install it.
- Next, open the program and click the button in the top left corner of the window labeled 'New Profile'.
- Rename your profile's name 'Base-Game' so that if you have a lot of profiles, it is easily distinguishable.
- Click 'OK' and double click on the new profile that is under the 'Custom Profiles' heading. This will open up your game except you will notice the loading screen is the original screen from base-game.
- Minimize The Sims 3 by pressing alt + tab and start Create a World.
- Once Create a World is loaded, maximize your game and close it.
Now you can start a new world or work on an old one with only base-game objects. The same kind of steps work for an Ambitions world or a Late Night world as well, you just select those when you are creating a profile.
Beta Testing a Base-Game Compatible World
Per a request I got, here are some words that are used through this material that need to be explained.
- Fallout is the softness of the brush edges in CAW. If fallout is set to 100, you will get an absolute circle with no gradual fading around it at all. If fallout is set to 0, the edge of your brush will fade with a sort of opacity into the rest of the terrain.
- Opacity is used in conjunction with Fallout. It is the same sort of concept but involves the entire circle rather than the edges. If opacity is set to 100, your brush will be completely visible and will not blend at all. When it is set to a lower number it becomes easier to blend and becomes semi-transparent. If you have opacity set to 0, your brush will have absolutely no effect when you click.
- Conform is used with the Lots section of this guide. Put simply, conform means to match/comply with laws, rules or in this case, terrain.