Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: Gimp does not recognize my .dds images.
Answer: Verify that the dds.exe plug-ins are extracted to the plug-ins folder of your GIMP installation. Mine is at C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins.
FAQ: I've been riddled! Why do my textures appear as question marks?
Answer: The texture or material is not applied properly or is missing. When I recolored some stairs, the texture was in a separate .package file. When I remove the test packages from my ModTest folder because it needs rework, re-entered my game, the game defaulted the stairs to the riddler textures. Funnily enough, the same texture having been applied to my fence recolor was not riddled – I guess the fence retain its texture and material definition in the MLOD and got reimported into the package (thus making fences non-CaST-able).
custom pattern .package in-game
custom pattern .package removed
fences not affected (pre-1.8 patch)
FAQ: My new object does not appear! (no thumbnail and footprint indicator)
Answer: 1. Did you put the package in a folder that the resource.cfg will recognize? Sometimes a removal of a combination of the *Cache.package and/or *Thumbnails.package from your <user> Documents is needed (depending on what your CC is) . This is especially needed if you have other CC installed via the launcher, because it maintains the DCCache folder of one big lump of stuff
FAQ: My new object does not appear! (no thumbnail and footprint indicator)
Answer: 2. If you cloned a non-buyable object and make it buyable (e.g. a plate, a knife, clutter stuff etc), you need to change the flag from 0x60 to 0x61. You can make the changes in s3pe as shown below.
source: post#4 from lemoncandy
FAQ: My new object is Shiny!
Answer: 1. You have to make a completely black alpha channel for the specular texture (the white one, which controls the shininess of the object) moves, the shadow changes, whereas the dropshadow stays the same.
source: Norbi's post#3
FAQ: My new object is Shiny!
Answer: 2. edit specular line in .mtlsrc files to 0s
source: cmomoney's post#9
FAQ: My new object is Shiny!
Answer: 3. see image below
source: WesHowe's post#12
FAQ: When recompiling, you get an error message UV Scaling overflow [0.000000:0.981817,0.000000:0,982249]. Export anyway?
Answer: You have UV Coordinates in that MLOD which are outside the footprint of the original UV mapping. The EA-made meshes have a scaling applied that expands the UV map to utilize the full map area. When UV coordinates are added beyond the right edge or below the bottom edge, these can become scaled beyond the boundaries.
The two solutions are to rework the UV coordinates so that all the points lie within the original boundaries, or to edit the mtlsrc files to change the UVScales value. The default value of 0.000030518 is appropriate for the second solution.
source: WesHowe's post#44
FAQ: My new object is invisible (has thumbnail and footprint indicator)
Answer: To summarize: the objects was not fixed properly and the instanceIDs inside the package file is a low hash value & is still referencing the old instanceID. Reclone and decompile, export the mesh you already made as .obj and merge with the imported _filebase.s3asc (delete the original groups – the mesh from your .obj will replace it)
source: WesHowe's post#7
FAQ: A question on Alpha channel
Answer: 1. When saving as .dds – choose DXT5 format to preserve the Alpha channel, otherwise it won't be saved.
2. See the following link.
source: Very basic alpha question, HP's post#2
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Questions? Problems?
- If you need help in fixing your mesh, you may want to browse through our TS3 Meshing FAQs for some of the more common Meshing issues and their fixes or
- If none of the above links provided any help, you may want to browse through the threads in MTS' Meshing Forum or even start your own thread.