MTS2:Creator Guidelines/Sims
So you've made a Sim and you want to share it on MTS2. Below are guidelines you need to follow before you can share your Sim here at MTS2 in our Downloads section. Please take the time to read through these guidelines as some key items have changed and may affect your upload. Pay close attention to what is required, and your upload will spend less time in the moderation queue and the more likely it is to get approved. Thanks!
MTS2 is committed to excellence, and thus we have high standards for uploads. Please read these guidelines carefully to make sure your sim upload is up to our standards. Uploads which do not meet MTS2 standards may be rejected.
Sims Based on a Person or Character
The following are the quality standards for any sims based on real people, celebrities, anime characters, cartoon characters, or characters from books.
Celebrity Sims
Celebrity sims are those that are modeled after real people - actors, musicians, politicians, etc.Quality Standards
Celebrity sims must bear an immediately recognizable and accurate resemblance of to who it's supposed to be or it will be rejected. We are aware of the limitations of Body Shop's sliders, but it is also possible to 3D edit sim faces to get an even more accurate sculpt. Some faces are harder to make into sims than others - if you choose a hard face to sim or you are not an experienced celebrity/character sim creator, be prepared to spend a long time working to get it just right.
Custom Content for Celebrity Sims
- Some people with more interesting faces may require you to make or to find texturing for the face to make them seem more like themselves. We do not require that all celebrity sims have masks/skins, but if they don't have an immediate likeness without a mask/skin, you will likely need to do some adjusting to the texturing to help the likeness.
- If you are making a face mask or special skintone for your celebrity so they bear a closer resemblance through texturing, please consider doing it via the Dependent Skintones Method which will greatly reduce the filesize of your upload and will reduce the amount of bloating of peoples' Downloads folders!
- Do not use someone else's mask or skintone to make a sim of the same person that they did originally - make your own skin or find one that was not originally of that same person. Using someone else's content to make the same person is rather lazy and extremely bad form, and you will find your sim rejected for it.
Anime and Cartoon Sims
Anime and cartoon sims are those from an animated series, animated movie, or cartoon. This can also include computer-generated characters.Quality Standards
Anime and cartoon sims are some of the most difficult sims to make, due to their strange faces and need for a lot of content. In many cases, it may not be possible to use existing content or utilize the regular sim face sculpting tools to create an accurate representation of an anime or cartoon sim. It may require creating a whole new set of meshes to truly do them right, especially in cases of characters that are extremely inhuman in shape. For example, see the way these sims have been done:
For anime sims, some effort should be made to give them a unique look, and to differentiate characters by more than just content. There's a lovely article on making anime sims at Bogsims which has great illustrations of how to create human-looking anime sims.
Custom Content for Anime and Cartoon Sims
- We understand that anime and cartoon sims may need quite a bit of custom content to look right (especially clothes and hair) but as with using someone else's mask/skin for making the same celebrity sim, using someone else's hair/clothing/etc. to make the same anime sim is considered very bad form. Please try to keep use of others' content for the same sim to a minimum - one or two pieces at most, and remember that all of the rest of the sim including the face sculpt must represent a unique and accurate version of the character you are trying to make.
Book or Novel Characters
These are characters from a written story or book.
Quality Standards
Depending on how the author has described their character, two people may have wildly different views of how the character looks. Therefore it is important that you:
- Post a short excerpt from the text of the book or novel with the author describing their character's physical appearance and personality OR if you don't have a copy of the text handy or cannot find a concise description, post a short description of how the character was described in the book in your own words. The character's personality should be something that comes through in their face - a determined set of the jaw, a compassionate look in the eyes, etc.
- If the book has been made into a movie, please make sure to specify that you are creating the book version of the character and it is not meant to resemble the celebrity which played the character in the movie.
- Make a distinct effort to make the character look like a unique person. Please read the information below for the "Other" category - in addition to the points above, book and novel characters will be judged based on the standards for "Other" sims.
"Other" Sims
These are sims which do not fit into the above categories - random sims you have made yourself that are not based on anyone real or any existing characters. The "other" section is generally the most difficult to get your sims accepted to, so please make sure you have read and fully understand all of the guidelines below before submitting to that section.
MOST sims uploaded to that category get rejected for quality reasons - with literally thousands of "Other" sims already uploaded, we only accept the very best of the best, sims that represent a unique overall look as well as an interesting face.
Quality Standards
Anyone can make a pretty sim with some nice content. It takes true effort and skill to make a unique, interesting face. "Other" sim uploads don't have to be pretty - in fact, sims that look more like real people - not so much pretty or interesting - are greatly preferred to yet another "hot model" type sim. Your sim's face sculpt should not resemble any of the Maxis faces whatsoever, and even without custom content should be obviously unique.There is no reason for anyone to download a random sim that they could have made themselves with a few minutes and the same content - and there is no reason for MTS2 to host this sort of sim, as we already have about 2000 "other" sims on the site. Please make a real effort to make interesting, unique faces that not just anyone could put together.
Creators of sims are highly encouraged to strip their sims down to all non-defaults (take out your default replacement eyes and skin), no makeup, and all Maxis content... and see if the sim really has an interesting, unique face... or if they just look special because of the content they're wearing.
To the right are two illustrative comparisons (male and female) of what we are looking for in unique faces (please click for larger versions):
- Sim 1: An attractive sim, with all custom parts, and an interesting, unique facial sculpt that took a lot of tweaking and playing with to create. This is a good example of what we are looking for in terms of a unique face, and assuming all other guidelines were followed, a sim like this would likely be accepted.
- Sim 2: An attractive sim, with all custom parts, with a face that is mostly Maxis, with a little tweaking here and there. Anyone could make this sim with the same content and a few minutes in Body Shop. Even if the other guidelines were followed, a sim like this would likely be rejected.
- Sim 3: Sim 1, but with all Maxis parts and no makeup. Perhaps not as attractive as Sim 1 or Sim 2, but still quite interesting. With a little makeup and a custom part here and there and the rest of the guidelines followed, this sim is still unique in facial shape and would likely be accepted.
- Sim 4: Sim 2, but with all Maxis parts and no makeup. Just... a sim. All the custom content on Sim 2 doesn't make this sim acceptable, as the face shape is very plain and not unique.
Tips for Creating Unique Sims
We've compiled a guide with tips from many simmers on how they create unique, interesting sims. See: Game Help: Creating Sims.
Custom Content for "Other" Sims
Sims uploaded to the "Other" category must not only have an interesting face, but represent a unique overall look in their custom content.This means you will need to create some custom content for your sim. You may use some existing custom content made by others, but some of the custom content on your sim must be made by you. This doesn't mean to just recolour a set of eyes or blush in hopes of getting your sim accepted, but to make some items which truly add to your sim. If you could switch out the item for any other and have basically the same sim, it's not yet unique enough.
- For great examples of what we mean by this, see Kamikitten's fantastic Robert Hawkwood and Emily or Zombiejill's Jill, which all have several pieces of content made by the sim creator especially for those sims (as well as nice unique face sculpts too). These are the kind of "Other" sims we are looking for on MTS2 - not just a pretty face, not just some nice content, but an excellent combination of the two.
Quality of Your Custom Content
If you have made your own content for your sims (for any category), please make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the Body Shop Creator Guidelines as the included custom content you have made is expected to follow the same guidelines and be up to the same quality standards as if you had uploaded it separately, not on a sim.
Use Creator Feedback
Please utilize our Creator Feedback Forum for great tips on how to get your sim looking perfect. Note that using the Creator Feedback Forum is not a guarantee of acceptance, but it is helpful to have other people offer tips and suggestions.
In addition to overall quality standards, you will need to show pics of your sim so people know what they're downloading. Here's what we're looking for:
Screenshot Basics
For instructions on:
- Taking large, clear pictures (bigger than the game will allow)
- Changing your in-game settings for best graphics quality
- Camera controls
See: Screenshot Basics
You need to make sure you have nice big, clear pictures that show off what you've made. They can't be too blurry or pixellated, and you need to know how to use the game's camera controls properly, so make sure you review the information on that link thoroughly before continuing.
Required Screenshots
These screenshots are a requirement when uploading sims and you will not get your upload accepted without them!
Neutral Face Closeup (Required for All Sims!)
Show a close-up of your sim's face with a neutral expression. While it may look a little boring, sims' faces distort quite a lot when they make expressions so having a good idea of what your sim actually looks like normally is necessary. Extreme facial expressions like big smiles, open mouthed animated talking, laughter, etc., can distort the face and can make an interesting sim just look like another goofy sim.If your sim normally wears a mask, veil, or other item that covers their face, please remove it for the required face closeup shot.
Body Shot (Required for All Sims!)
Show a further-away shot of your sim from a distance. This can be from at least their hips and up or you can show the sim from head to toe. If you have made the sim's outfit, make sure to show them head to toe, to show off the outfit you've made.
Comparison Pic (Required for Celebrity/Character Sims!)
If your sim is based on a celebrity, anime character, cartoon character, game character, etc., then you need to include at least one picture of the original person or character for comparison purposes.
Please provide at least one plain basic comparison pic of the character or celebrity - just a photo of them. Simmerized (combining the sim's face with a photo in Photoshop) or divided pics (left side is sim face, right side is real face split down the nose) provided for comparison are not acceptable. You can, however, put two pics side-by-side like the below example with similar poses and expressions as this will best show how close your likeness is.
Adult Comparison (Required for Child Sims!)
If your sim is younger than a teen (that is, a child or toddler) please include one picture of your child sim as an adult. This is simply so downloaders know what to expect when the child sim grows up - sometimes adorable children and toddlers become hideous adults. A child sim that becomes a hideous adult is not a disqualification for approval - it merely lets people know that they probably shouldn't let your child sim age. :)
Big Enough
Your pics should be large enough to see the detail of what you've made. Remember, MTS2 allows images up to 1280x1024 pixels and 195 kilobytes so you should be able to upload nice big pictures. See the information above under "Screenshot Basics" for info on taking larger pics than the game will normally allow.
And please don't take smaller pics and just make them larger in your graphics program - this just gives you a blurry pic that's bigger in dimensions with no additional detail.
Close Enough
Make sure your screenshots are taken nice and close - your sim should fill up most of the picture, without a lot of space on the sides. Pictures taken close-up show your sim much better than ones taken from far away.
In order to see what your creation looks like in-game, we require in-game screenshots. You must actually load the game and take your screenshots there. We do not accept Body Shop pics, texture pics, SimPose, 3D program pics, etc., without the required in-game pics too. Please don't try to cut out backgrounds or fake in-game pics. We can definitely tell the difference.For best results, put your item on a sim on a lot. Create-a-Sim screenshots are acceptable, but the lighting in CAS is pretty bright and you may not be able to get detail pics and that sort of thing, too.
Enough Light
Don't take your pics at night or in a dark room! Take your sim outside in the sunlight (make sure they're facing the sun - light comes from a certain direction on the lot!) or put them in a well-lit room. At the same time, make sure you don't use too much light: Create-a-Sim screenshots can sometimes be too bright.
Inline/Attached Screenshots
When posting images that appear in the text of the thread (these are called inline screenshots), please make sure to limit these images to no larger than 800x600 pixels (so it doesn't create a horizontal scroll on the page for people on lower resolutions).
Please also do not post more than 4 inline screenshots - having a lot of images that have to load on the thread makes browsing downloads very slow and can make the thread jump around as they keep loading.
You may host your inline screenshots elsewhere like - however, these screenshots hosted elsewhere must be additional screenshots, and you must make sure to actually attach your required screenshots to the thread itself. If your Photobucket account runs out of bandwidth or you delete the pics, people still need to be able to get the required screenshots on your thread.
You can attach up to 8 screenshots to the thread itself, with the 4 additional inline screenshots hosted elsewhere (or attached) for a total of 12 possible screenshots. This should be plenty to show what you've made, even for fairly large sets. Remember, you can always collage several different images together into one image if you have a bunch of stuff to show off.
No Pay Content
Do not use pay content in your screenshots! Do not use pay hair in your screenshots!
You MUST use free or Maxis hair in your screenshots! MTS2 promotes and supports free content, and using pay content in screenshots is basically like free advertisement for paysites. This includes pay content you found elsewhere for free - if it was pay originally, it's still promoting pay content.
As of 21 July 2007, MTS2 no longer allows the use of pay content in screenshots. This includes (but is not limited to) hairstyles. You must use free or Maxis hairstyles on your sims! Do not use pay or donation hairstyles on your sims when uploading here. For more information, please see the Site News article on the subject.
MTS2 has an extensive collection of free hairstyles in our Downloads section, and you can look in the Sims2Wiki Hair Gallery for more free hairstyles. You'll be able to find something you like.
Packaging Your Sim
Credits for Included or Pictured Content
Credits for Included or Pictured Content