Game Help:Sims 3 Skills/Gardening

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Sims 3 Skills/Gardening

Plant Quality

Degrees of Quality [From Worst to Best] - Horrifying, Putrid, Foul, Bad, Normal, Nice, Very Nice, Great, Excellent, Outstanding, Perfect

The quality of the plants that your sims plant will determine the quality of the food (harvestable) that it produces. For example, a Very Nice Lettuce Vine will produce Very Nice Lettuce.

If your sim has purchased the Lifetime Reward Super Green Thumb, whatever your sim plants will have one level of quality higher than the seed or fruit they planted. For example, if Corey plants a Normal Lettuce Seed, the plant he plants will be a Nice Lettuce Vine.

If your sim has the Green Thumb personality trait, then the sim now has an interaction called Talk To Plant which they can use on their plants to increase the quality of their produce.

Icu2Richelo's Tip: To produce a Perfect Quality plant fastest, search around town for higher quality seeds to plant. Then, every harvest, dispose of the plant and plant its produce in its stead. Use this technique every harvest to obtain a Perfect Quality plant. This technique will produce a Perfect plant from a Normal Seed/fruit in just Six harvests!

Plant Rarity

Degrees of Rarity [From Most Common to Rarest] - Common, Uncommon, Rare, Special

Rarity is paired with quality in terms of how "good" a plant is. For example, a Perfect Quality Special Plant is the most profittable and will yield the most fruit every harvest.

List of Special Plants:

Icon Plant Name Description Found
Money Tree Bears Money Bags, worth several hundred to several thousand dollars worth of simoleons every harvest Seeds found around Science Facility, and around more mature Money Trees that will drop seeds.
Life Plant Bears Life Fruit - Eat one to gain 1 extra day in lifespan, or prepare Ambrosia with Life Fruit and Deathfish and eat to gain several weeks of lifespan Seeds found around Science Facility
Death Bush Bears 1 Death Flower, then dies [Can be revived once if you have the Super Green Thumb Lifetime Reward Having the Death Flower in your inventory will save you from the Grim Reaper if your player should die Seeds found around Graveyard
Flame Fruit Vine Bears Flame Fruit. Having Flame Fruit in inventory will give your sim a moodlet of "Cozy Fire" adding +5

to mood.

Plant is found on some neighbor's lots.
Omni Plant Feed this plant fruits, fish, and even books and it will grow them once A Wild Omni Plant can be found at the Science Facility - Refer to the Unlockable Plants section for

information about obtaining the ability to plant this

List of Rare Plants

Icon Moodlet Name Description Found
Bell Pepper Plant Bears Bell Peppers. Bell Pepper plants can be found around the Waterfall
Garlic Vine Bears Garlic. Garlic can be used as bait for Vampire Fish Garlic can be purchased from the grocery store.

List of Uncommon Plants

Icon Plant Name Description Found
Watermelon Vine Bears Watermelon. Eating Watermelon during preganancy increases the possibility of the child being Female. Watermelon can be purchased from the Grocery Store.
Potatoe Vine Bears Potatoes. I love potatoes. Enough said. Potatoes can be purchased from the Grocery Store.
Onion Vine Bears Onions Onion Plants can be found at the Outstanding Citizen Corp. Warehouse
Lime Tree Bears Limes. Limes can be purchased from the Grocery Store.

List of Common Plants

Icon Plant Name Description Found
Apple Tree Bears Apples. Eating Apples during preganancy increases the possibility of the child being Male. Apples can be purchased from the Grocery Store. Seeds can be found around Central Park.
Lettuce Vine Bears Lettuce. Lettuce can be used at bait for Goldfish Lettuce can be purchased from the Grocery Store. Seeds can be found around Central Park.
Tomato Plant Bears Tomatoes Tomatoes can be purchased from the Grocery Store. Seeds can be found around Central Park
Grape Vine Bears Grapes. Grapes can be purchased from the Grocery Store. Seeds can be found around Central Park.


Fruits as well as Fish can be used to fertilize your plants. The quality of your fertilizer is important, because a better quality fertilizer will increase the potential of your plants bearing better quality produce.

It is also important to keep this in mind: Plants with higher degrees of rarity require fertilizer of the same degree of rarity. For example, I always fertilize my Life Plant with either a Perfect Life Fruit, or a Perfect Lobster.

Suggested Fertilizers for Common Plants

Fruit: Any fruit Fish: Any fish

Suggested Fertilizers for Uncommon Plants

Fruit: Uncommon Fruit and above Fish: Rarity level 3 and above [Fish Rarity can be found in your Skill Journal]

Suggested Fertilizers for Rare Plants

Fruit: Rare Fruit and above Fish: Rarity level 6 and above [Fish Rarity can be found in your Skill Journal]

Suggested Fertilizers for Special Plants

Fruit: Special Fruit and above Fish: Lobster or Vampire Fish

Unlockable Plants

It's been said that you can plant Eggs and Cheese once you recieve a certain Opportunity. This is helpful, of course, because you no longer have to purchase these from the Grocery Store. > Once completing the Egg and Cheese Opportunity, you can get another Opportunity to plant meats, such as Steaks, Suasages, and Hamburger Patties. Once completing this Opportunity you are able to order the Omni Plant Seed by mail order.

Other Tips

To keep your gardening sim in a good mood, it's suggested that you upgrade your Home stereo to reroute the speakers through the entire house. This lets your sims hear music no matter where they are on the lot, even when gardening! They'll get a +30 moodlet if it's playing their favorite style of music. It's been said that this also helps plants grow.

Purchasing the sprinkler from the Appliances section in Buy Mode will make watering your plants easier. Much like the sprinkler in the Sims 2, you can water your plants all at once, even when you're away from the house by clicking "Turn On." You can even upgrade the sprinkler if you have a high enough Handling Skill to Water Automatically. This way you'll never have to water your plants again!

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