Game Help Talk:Sims 3 Transfiguration

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Revision as of 00:49, 26 December 2009 by HystericalParoxysm (Talk | contribs)

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Added an illustrative picture of some of the transfiguration results, since there were none. Is that Ok?--Lena 07:30, 13 December 2009 (CST)

Of course that's fine.  :) HystericalParoxysm 17:49, 25 December 2009 (CST)

Just some notes

Transfiguration notes - I'll organize this nicely later.

Large spire cut soulpeace 1: Spire cut tiberium 2-8: Emerald cut soulpeace

Large spire cut pink diamond 1: Emerald cut pink diamond 2: Large spire cut tiberium 3-8: Emerald cut pink diamond

Large spire cut septarian nodule 1: Polished split cut septarian nodule 2: Large spire cut tiberium 3-8: Polished split cut septarian nodule

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