List of Sims 2 Formats by Name
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List of Formats by Name
This is a list of all resources by their common name.
Name | Hex Code | Description |
RCOL | xxxxxxxx | Scenegraph format for many of the object/building/sim files used in the game |
PSET | xxxxxxxx | PropertySet format. A general property format used in the game. |
WDB | xxxxxxxx | WorldDB format for many of the lot files used in the game. |
WDB 2ARY | 6B943B43 | 2D Array |
WDB 3ARY | 2A51171B | 3D Array |
RCOL 5DS | AC06A676 | Lighting (Draw State Light) (Extension - 5ds) |
RCOL 5EL | 6A97042F | Lighting (Environment Cube Light) (Extension - 5el) |
RCOL 5LF | AC06A66F | Lighting (Linear Fog Light) (Extension - 5lf) |
RCOL 5SC | 25232B11 | Scene Node (Extension - 5sc) |
RCOL ANIM | FB00791E | Animation Resource (Extension - 6an / 5an) |
BCON | 42434F4E | Simantics Behaviour Constant |
BHAV | 42484156 | Simantics Behaviour Script |
BMP | 856DDBAC | Bitmaps (Extension - bmp) |
BMP | 424D505F | Bitmaps |
CATS | 43415453 | Catalog String |
CIGE | 43494745 | Image Link (CIGE is the typecode) |
RCOL CINE | 4D51F042 | Cinematic Scenes (Such as first kiss, moving in, etc) (Extension - 5cs) |
CREG | CDB467B8 | Content Registry |
RCOL CRES | E519C933 | Resource Node (CRES (cResourceNode)) (Base Object file) (Extension - 5cr) |
STR CTSS | 43545353 | Catalog String Set (name and description) |
DGRP | 44475250 | Drawgroup |
DIR | E86B1EEF | DBDF Directory (part of DBPF format used for fast loads) (.dir/.bin used currently) |
FACE | 46414345 | Face Properties |
FAMh | 46414D68 | Family Data |
FAMI | 46414D49 | Family Information |
FAMt | 8C870743 | Family Ties |
FCNS | 46434E53 | Global Tuning Values |
WDB FPL | AB4BA572 | Fence Post Layer |
FWAV | 46574156 | Audio Reference |
FX | EA5118B0 | Effects Resource Tree (Extension - fx) |
GLOB | 474C4F42 | Semi-Globals (references global files) |
GMDC | AC4F8687 | Geometric Data Container (Extension - 5gd) |
RCOL GMND | 7BA3838C | Geometric Node (Extension - 5gn) |
HLS | 7B1ACFCD | Hitlist (new) |
HOUS | 484F5553 | House Data |
JFIF | 0C7E9A76 | JPEG/JFIF Image (Extension - jfif) |
JFIF | 4D533EDD | JPEG/JFIF Image |
JFIF | 8C3CE95A | JPEG/JFIF Image |
LDEF | 0BF999E7 | Lot or Tutorial Description (formerly DESC) |
RCOL LGHT | C9C81B9B | Lighting (Ambient Light) (Extension - 5al) |
RCOL LGHT | C9C81BA3 | Lighting (Directional Light) (Extension - 5dl) |
RCOL LGHT | C9C81BA9 | Lighting (Point Light) (Extension - 5pl) |
RCOL LGHT | C9C81BAD | Lighting (Spot Light) (Extension - 5sl) |
LIFO | ED534136 | Level Information (Large mipmaps) (Extension - 6li) |
LOT | 6C589723 | Lot Definition |
LSCP | ABCB5DA4 | Landscape |
LxNR | CCCEF852 | Facial Structure |
MATSHAD | CD7FE87A | Maxis Material Shader (Extension - matshad) |
MP3 | 2026960B | MP3 Audio (Extension - mp3) |
NGBH | 4E474248 | Neighborhood Data |
NID | AC8A7A2E | Neighbourhood ID |
NMAP | 4E6D6150 | Name Map |
NREF | 4E524546 | Name Reference |
OBJD | 4F424A44 | Object Data |
OBJf | 4F424A66 | Object Functions |
ObjM | 4F626A4D | Object Metadata |
OBMI | 4F626A4D | Object Metadata Imposter |
Mobjt | 6F626A74 | Main Lot Objects |
WDB objt | FA1C39F7 | Singular Lot Object |
PALT | 50414C54 | Image Color Palette |
PDAT | AACE2EFB | Person Data (Formerly SDSC/SINF/SDAT) |
PERS | 50455253 | Person Status |
PMAP | 8CC0A14B | Predictive Map |
PNG | 856DDBAC | PNG Image (Extension - png) |
POSI | 504F5349 | Edith Positional Information (deprecated, precursor to TREE) |
PTBP | 50544250 | Package Toolkit |
STXR | ACE46235 | Surface Texture |
SFX | 8DB5E4C2 | Sound Effects |
RCOL SHPE | FC6EB1F7 | Shape (Extension - 5sh) |
SIMI | 53494D49 | Sim Information? |
SKIN | AC506764 | Sim Outfits |
SLOT | 534C4F54 | Object Slot |
WDB SMAP | CAC4FC40 | String Map |
SPR2 | 53505232 | Sprites |
SPX1 | 2026960B | SPX Speech |
SREL | CC364C2A | Sim Relations |
STR STR# | 53545223 | Text String |
TATT | 54415454 | Tree Attributes |
TGA | 856DDBAC | Targa Image (Extension - tga) |
TMAP | 4B58975B | Lot or Terrain Texture Map |
TPRP | 54505250 | Tree Properties (labels for locals) |
TRCN | 5452434E | Tree Constants (labels for BCON) |
TREE | 54524545 | Tree Data (flowchart data) |
WDB TSSG | BA353CE1 | The Sims SG System |
TTAB | 54544142 | Pie Menu Functions (Tree Table) |
STR TTAs | 54544173 | Pie Menu Strings (Tree Table Strings) |
RCOL TXMT | 49596978 | Material Definitions (Formerly MATD) (Extension - 5tm) |
RCOL TXTR | 1C4A276C | Texture (Extension - 6tx) |
UI | 00000000 | User Interface (Extension - uiScript) |
WDB VERT | CB4387A1 | Vertex Layer |
WFR | CD95548E | Wants and Fears |
WDB WGRA | 0A284D0B | Wall Graph |
WDB WLL | 8A84D7B0 | Wall Layer |
WDB WRLD | 49FF7D76 | World Database |
XA | 2026960B | XA Audio (Extension - xa) |
XMTO | 584D544F | Material Object Class Dump |
XOBJ | 584F424A | Object Class Dump (same literal format as above) |
TAB | xxxxxxxx | Accelerator Table (Extension - accelerator) |
FSC | xxxxxxxx | Freshness Score (Extension - fsc) |
SCR | xxxxxxxx | Sound Script |
INI | xxxxxxxx | Initialization script (Extension - ini) |
HIT | xxxxxxxx | Hitlist (old format) (Extension - hit) |
UNKN | 0C900FDB | Unknown (These are all in lot packages) |
UNKN | 2C310F46 | Unknown |
UNKN | 8B0C79D6 | Unknown |
UNKN | 9D796DB4 | Unknown |
UNKN | AB9406AA | Unknown |
UNKN | ABD0DC63 | Unknown |
UNKN | CC2A6A34 | Unknown |
UNKN | CC8A6A69 | Unknown |
UNKN | EC44BDDC | Unknown |
UNKN | 0F9F0C21 | Unknown (from Nightlife) |