List of Sims 2 Formats by Name

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List of Formats by Name

This is a list of all resources by their common name.


Name Hex Code Description
RCOL xxxxxxxx Scenegraph format for many of the object/building/sim files used in the game
PSET xxxxxxxx PropertySet format. A general property format used in the game.
WDB xxxxxxxx WorldDB format for many of the lot files used in the game.
WDB 2ARY 6B943B43 2D Array
WDB 3ARY 2A51171B 3D Array
RCOL 5DS AC06A676 Lighting (Draw State Light) (Extension - 5ds)
RCOL 5EL 6A97042F Lighting (Environment Cube Light) (Extension - 5el)
RCOL 5LF AC06A66F Lighting (Linear Fog Light) (Extension - 5lf)
RCOL 5SC 25232B11 Scene Node (Extension - 5sc)
RCOL ANIM FB00791E Animation Resource (Extension - 6an / 5an)
BCON 42434F4E Simantics Behaviour Constant
BHAV 42484156 Simantics Behaviour Script
BMP 856DDBAC Bitmaps (Extension - bmp)
BMP 424D505F Bitmaps
CATS 43415453 Catalog String
CIGE 43494745 Image Link (CIGE is the typecode)
RCOL CINE 4D51F042 Cinematic Scenes (Such as first kiss, moving in, etc) (Extension - 5cs)
CREG CDB467B8 Content Registry
RCOL CRES E519C933 Resource Node (CRES (cResourceNode)) (Base Object file) (Extension - 5cr)
STR CTSS 43545353 Catalog String Set (name and description)
DGRP 44475250 Drawgroup
DIR E86B1EEF DBDF Directory (part of DBPF format used for fast loads) (.dir/.bin used currently)
FACE 46414345 Face Properties
FAMh 46414D68 Family Data
FAMI 46414D49 Family Information
FAMt 8C870743 Family Ties
FCNS 46434E53 Global Tuning Values
WDB FPL AB4BA572 Fence Post Layer
FWAV 46574156 Audio Reference
FX EA5118B0 Effects Resource Tree (Extension - fx)
GLOB 474C4F42 Semi-Globals (references global files)
GMDC AC4F8687 Geometric Data Container (Extension - 5gd)
RCOL GMND 7BA3838C Geometric Node (Extension - 5gn)
HLS 7B1ACFCD Hitlist (new)
HOUS 484F5553 House Data
JFIF 0C7E9A76 JPEG/JFIF Image (Extension - jfif)
LDEF 0BF999E7 Lot or Tutorial Description (formerly DESC)
RCOL LGHT C9C81B9B Lighting (Ambient Light) (Extension - 5al)
RCOL LGHT C9C81BA3 Lighting (Directional Light) (Extension - 5dl)
RCOL LGHT C9C81BA9 Lighting (Point Light) (Extension - 5pl)
RCOL LGHT C9C81BAD Lighting (Spot Light) (Extension - 5sl)
LIFO ED534136 Level Information (Large mipmaps) (Extension - 6li)
LOT 6C589723 Lot Definition
LSCP ABCB5DA4 Landscape
LxNR CCCEF852 Facial Structure
MATSHAD CD7FE87A Maxis Material Shader (Extension - matshad)
MP3 2026960B MP3 Audio (Extension - mp3)
NGBH 4E474248 Neighborhood Data
NID AC8A7A2E Neighbourhood ID
NMAP 4E6D6150 Name Map
NREF 4E524546 Name Reference
OBJD 4F424A44 Object Data
OBJf 4F424A66 Object Functions
ObjM 4F626A4D Object Metadata
OBMI 4F626A4D Object Metadata Imposter
Mobjt 6F626A74 Main Lot Objects
WDB objt FA1C39F7 Singular Lot Object
PALT 50414C54 Image Color Palette
PERS 50455253 Person Status
PMAP 8CC0A14B Predictive Map
PNG 856DDBAC PNG Image (Extension - png)
POSI 504F5349 Edith Positional Information (deprecated, precursor to TREE)
PTBP 50544250 Package Toolkit
STXR ACE46235 Surface Texture
SFX 8DB5E4C2 Sound Effects
RCOL SHPE FC6EB1F7 Shape (Extension - 5sh)
SIMI 53494D49 Sim Information?
SKIN AC506764 Sim Outfits
SLOT 534C4F54 Object Slot
WDB SMAP CAC4FC40 String Map
SPR2 53505232 Sprites
SPX1 2026960B SPX Speech
SREL CC364C2A Sim Relations
STR STR# 53545223 Text String
TATT 54415454 Tree Attributes
TGA 856DDBAC Targa Image (Extension - tga)
TMAP 4B58975B Lot or Terrain Texture Map
TPRP 54505250 Tree Properties (labels for locals)
TRCN 5452434E Tree Constants (labels for BCON)
TREE 54524545 Tree Data (flowchart data)
WDB TSSG BA353CE1 The Sims SG System
TTAB 54544142 Pie Menu Functions (Tree Table)
STR TTAs 54544173 Pie Menu Strings (Tree Table Strings)
RCOL TXMT 49596978 Material Definitions (Formerly MATD) (Extension - 5tm)
RCOL TXTR 1C4A276C Texture (Extension - 6tx)
UI 00000000 User Interface (Extension - uiScript)
WDB VERT CB4387A1 Vertex Layer
WFR CD95548E Wants and Fears
WDB WGRA 0A284D0B Wall Graph
WDB WLL 8A84D7B0 Wall Layer
WDB WRLD 49FF7D76 World Database
XA 2026960B XA Audio (Extension - xa)
XMTO 584D544F Material Object Class Dump
XOBJ 584F424A Object Class Dump (same literal format as above)
TAB xxxxxxxx Accelerator Table (Extension - accelerator)
FSC xxxxxxxx Freshness Score (Extension - fsc)
SCR xxxxxxxx Sound Script
INI xxxxxxxx Initialization script (Extension - ini)
HIT xxxxxxxx Hitlist (old format) (Extension - hit)
UNKN 0C900FDB Unknown (These are all in lot packages)
UNKN 2C310F46 Unknown
UNKN 8B0C79D6 Unknown
UNKN 9D796DB4 Unknown
UNKN AB9406AA Unknown
UNKN ABD0DC63 Unknown
UNKN CC2A6A34 Unknown
UNKN CC8A6A69 Unknown
UNKN 0F9F0C21 Unknown (from Nightlife)
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