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Go To Routing Slot
Game Version:The Sims 2



This primitive provides a way to move a Sim to a location inside the simulation from SimAntics.


There is no instruction wizard for this instruction, so the following table details the meaning of each of the operands.

Operand editing
Operand Description Operand Values
0 & 1 qualifiers on the variable from operand 2, eg. Local(0xnnnn)
2 Slot 00: Param 0x0000 (see operands 0 & 1)
01: Literal 0x0000 (see operands 0 & 1)
02: global 0x0000 (see operands 0 & 1)
03: Local 0x0000 (see operands 0 & 1)
3 Unused?
4 - bit 1 Controls "no failure trees" off: False
on: True
4 - bit 2 Slot uses Temp 0x0000 (see operands 0 & 1)
Why this is not part of operand 2 I don't know
4 - bit 3 Controls "ignore dest obj footprint" off: False
on: True
4 - bit 4 Controls "allow different altitudes" off: False
on: True
5 Seen value Operand 5 = xE0 Operand 6 = x0B which appear to mean "sit down once you have routed there".|
7 - 15 Unused?

Literal Routing Slots

There are a number of literal routing slots. Here is my best guess of what they might mean.

Global Routing
Slot Number
Description Will Sim look
for place to sit down
0 In front of object, quite close Yes
1 In front of object, quite close Yes
2 In front of object, quite close Yes
4 Quite far back No

Global Routing Slots

There are a number of global routing slots. Here is my best guess of what they might mean.

Global Routing
Slot Number
Description Number of positions
before failure reported
Video Link
0 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object. 20 GR-0
1 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object. 4 GR-1
2 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object. 52 GR-2
3 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 2 is
52 GR-3
4 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 1 is
4 GR-4
5 Only the tile behind the starting point object 1 GR-5
6 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting 1 tile away from, and in front of starting point object. 48 GR-6
7 Very tight, multi-positions per tile, on the surrounding 4 tiles only. 18 GR-7
8 Many, many possible positions, not just centre of tile, in a circle around 2 tiles in diameter from the starting point object. 50 GR-8
9 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting 1 tile away from, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 6 is
48 GR-9
10 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting 1 tile away from, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 6 is
48 GR-10
11 Positions very far away from object. 24 GR-11
12 Outward spiralling (clockwise) tight pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object. 50 GR-12
13 Outward spiralling (clockwise) tight pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 12 is
50 GR-13
14 Outward spiralling (clockwise) pattern starting close to, and in front of starting point object.
Not sure what the difference between this one and number 1 is
4 GR-14
15 Only the tile to the right of the starting point object 1 GR-15
16 Only the tile to the left of the starting point object 1 GR-16
17 Only tiles to the front of the starting point object 5 GR-17

See also

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