WORD WORD WORD WORD - Size of the Index
--Index WORD - Section 1 Count WORD - Section 2 Count WORD - Section 3 Count WORD - Section 4 (Table) Count DWORD - Section 1 Offset DWORD - Section 2 Offset DWORD - Section 3 Offset DWORD - Section 4 Offset
--Section 1 (24 bytes each) (Repeating) DWORD DWORD WORD WORD DWORD WORD WORD WORD WORD
--Section 2 (16 bytes each) (Repeating) WORD WORD DWORD WORD WORD WORD WORD
--Section 3 (32 bytes Each) (Repeating) DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD
--Section 4 (Tables - first 2 are 1024 bytes, Third is 484) (Repeating) DWORD x 256 (for first 2) or DWORD x 121 (for the third)
--Section 4 (Aftertables) (Section 4 repeat times) DWORD DWORD (I Count++)
--Section 4 (I Counts) (Add up the value of all I Counts from the aftertables to get the count of DWORDS here) DWORD x ICount