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Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting.Attempting to understand SimAntics a bit while working on a few projects.
Individual Freewill : Enables you to keep total control of how ever many sims you want while the rest remain with full autonomy.
DNA Cloning Station : Using the Biolab, Fingerprint gun and a vial I am hoping to get a complete cloning center up and running, a sim will use the gun to get DNA from a selected sim, if successful a vial will appear in the hand of the scanner with a name like 'Vial of DNA - Name'. You would then be able to take the vial to the Cloning station and have it produce a clone of the person you scanned. The fun part is there is a skill table, if the scanner has low skill some DNA could be a bit odd so there may be some problems with the clone.