Sims 3:0x01D0E6FB

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Vertex Buffer - VBUF
TypeID:0x01D0E6FB 0x0229684B
Game Version:The Sims 3


This is a Sims 3:RCOL chunk found embedded in MODL and MLOD resources.

DWORD			// 00000101
DWORD			// 0
DWORD SwizzleInfo	// RCOL reference of a Swizzle Info block(no tag, TGI:0x0000000-0x00000000-0x0000000000000000)
{data}			// Data format is described by the VRTF description
			// If VRTF is not present, then it is a 16 byte vertex size, or 8 byte if the type for this VBUF is 0x00005003

Swizzle Info

Unnamed block referenced only by vertex buffers

DWORD segmentCount //1 for each group that uses the VBUF
    DWORD VertexSize // size in bytes of this entry
    DWORD VertexCount// number of verts used in the group
    DWORD ByteOffset// offset into VBUF in bytes
         DWORD SwizzleCommand

Swizzle Commands

Type ID Name Description
0x00000000 None
0x00000001 Swizzle32
0x00000002 Swizzle16x2

Based on contributions from delphy, karybdis and atavera

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

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