Sims 3 Talk:0x1F886EAD/CAW/Sea
From SimsWiki
- Time scales for normal map levels 1 and 2
Level1TimeScale=0.5 Level2TimeScale=1.3
- Normal scales for levels 1 and 2
Level1NormalScale=0.35 Level2NormalScale=0.35
- Water angles (in radians) for normal map levels 1 and 2
Level1WaterAngle=2.51393 Level2WaterAngle=3.26147
- Angles (in radians) and heights for big waves
BigWave1Angle=3.5 BigWave2Angle=2.5 BigWave1Height=0.1 ;;0.2 BigWave2Height=0.15 ;;0.3
- Time and world scales for big waves
BigWave1TimeScale=7.0 BigWave2TimeScale=12.0 BigWave1WorldScale=0.05 BigWave2WorldScale=0.1
- Noise texture offset for sine wave ripples
- The noise texture itself is stored in GameData/Textures/
NoiseScaleU = 0.001; NoiseScaleV = 0.001;
- Global scaling rate for normal map scrolling for waves. MinimumTimeRate is independent of the game clock. ClockTimeScale is a
- multiple of the game clock. A MinimumTimeRate of 0 will allow the wave motion to come to a complete halt when the game is paused.
- A ClockTimeScale of 0 will make the wave animation completely independent of clock time. At least one of these needs to be nonzero
- or the waves will always be frozen. Note that this is just for sea; ponds have their own value.
MinimumTimeRate = 0.05; ClockTimeScale = 0.001;
- Sun vertical stretch factor
- Sun radius and falloff function can be adjusted by editing GameData/Textures/
- This variable is being used for the ponds as well... let Dan C know if this needs to be separated.
SunStretchFactor = 1.9;
- Depth upto which under-water terrain is visible. Under-water terrain is tinted with water color with an alpha
- that is 0 at water surface and 1 at "UnderWaterVisibilityDepth".
UnderWaterVisibilityDepth = 0.2;
- MIP selection parameters
- the water shader uses a the MIP level lookup of a dummy grayscale texture to determine
- the relative influence of the blurry+flat versus crisp+rippled effect. The texture used for this can be
- adjusted by changing Adjusting the tiling density will affect which mip levels get chosen, thus setting the
- beginning and endpoints for the MIP lookups. Higher numbers mean blurrier water.
MipLookupScaleU = 0.015; MipLookupScaleV = 0.015;
- Defines the water depth at which murkiness completely takes over. 0 is always clear(refractively) and any depth above this
- value will be dominated by the Sea Water Color defined by the weather timeline (unless it's being reflective due to fresnel).
- Lower numbers mean murkier water.
- Note that this value gets baked into the verts at geometry generation time, and currently is not getting re-applied per-frame.
WaterDepthFactor = 8.0;
- amount of difraction in the shoreline lookup
RefractionDistortionScale = 2.0;
- controls blend of shoreline depths. ShoreDepthStart cannot be zero since it is used in a division operation.
ShoreDepthStart = 2.0; ShoreDepthEnd = 0.0;