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In TS2 terminology, Terrain paint == Ground cover.
This page presently forces on the general structures of a HCP-custom terrain paint package and its moddings.
<p>Commonly, a new custom terrain paint package by HCP consists of 5 contents as shown in the resource tree in simpe (the top left box).
- the Directory of Compressed Files (CLST) is to list out all the files compressed with TS2 build-in compression
- the Floor XML file is to link the text list file and the 2 texr files together for the game-engine recognition.
- the text list file is to store the UI catelogue infos (name, description, cost) equivalent to the same infos in the Floor XML file (highlit in cyan rectangle lining in the above picture Terrainpaint001-intro.png)
- the 2 texture (txtr) files named as "${texture}" and "${texture}_detail" where {texture} are the given texture names. Basically, they're graphically identical but functionally different for the terrain rendering by the terrain shader. Although LIFO files can store the mutual texture for both txtr files as suggested here
define TerrainPaintShaderVS_PS() shader -layer (($terrainMatLayer - 2) * 8) vertexFormatPred position 0 true vertexFormatPred texcoord 0 true pass fillmode $stdMatFillMode alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) alphaTest true 10 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeImposter) depthTestFunction acceptIfLessOrEqual else depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual endif shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1 bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 bindConstants 4 -bindingID immediateData -data (1/$canvasBaseTextureScale, 1/$canvasDetailTextureScale, $alphaMapScaleU, $alphaMapScaleV) shaderSource float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); float4 textureConstants : register(c4); struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; }; struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float2 txBase : TEXCOORD0; float2 txDetail: TEXCOORD1; float2 txAlpha : TEXCOORD2; }; OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex i) { OutputVertex o; o.clipPosition = mul(float4(i.position, 1), clipSpaceMatrix); o.txBase = i.texcoord * textureConstants.x; o.txDetail = i.texcoord * textureConstants.y; o.txAlpha = i.texcoord.xy * textureConstants.zw; return o; } endShaderSource end # end shader program shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 1_1 shaderSource sampler base; sampler detail; sampler alphaMap; struct cInputPixel { float2 tcBase : TEXCOORD0; float2 tcDetail : TEXCOORD1; float2 tcAlpha : TEXCOORD2; }; float4 PixelMain(cInputPixel pi) : COLOR { float4 baseColor = tex2D(base, pi.tcBase); float4 detailColor = tex2D(detail, pi.tcDetail); float4 alphaColor = tex2D(alphaMap, pi.tcAlpha); float4 result = (detailColor.a * detailColor) + ((1 - detailColor.a) * baseColor); result.a = alphaColor.a; return result; } endShaderSource end # end shader program sampler base texture $paintTexture textureAddressing tile tile end sampler detail texture "${paintTexture}_detail" textureAddressing tile tile end sampler alphaMap texture $alphaMap textureAddressing clamp clamp end end end enddef define TerrainPaintShader(addDetail) shader -layer (($terrainMatLayer - 2) * 8) vertexFormatPred position 0 true vertexFormatPred texcoord 0 true pass -fixedFunction fillmode $stdMatFillMode alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) alphaTest true 10 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeImposter) depthTestFunction acceptIfLessOrEqual else depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual endif if (&addDetail) stage texture $paintTexture textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($paintTextureScale, $paintTextureScale) -invert textureTransformType vector2 ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(outRegister) end stage texture "${paintTexture}_detail" textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($paintDetailTextureScale, $paintDetailTextureScale) -invert textureTransformType vector2 ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend lerpTextureAlpha(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) end else stage texture $paintTexture textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($paintTextureScale, $paintTextureScale) -invert textureTransformType vector2 ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(outRegister) end endif stage texture $alphaMap textureAddressing clamp clamp ffTextureMatrix -scalev ($alphaMapScaleU, $alphaMapScaleV) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(outRegister) select(texture) end end end enddef define TerrainPaint() material create DetermineHardwareSupport() if (viewerRenderType != $kRenderTypeShadowMap) if ($useHWShader1Path or $useHWShader2Path) create TerrainPaintShaderVS_PS() else create TerrainPaintShader(true) create TerrainPaintShader(false) shader end endif endif end enddef