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[http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/Cafe%20Break%20Set/id/963692/ Cafe Break] set with commercial snack and food displays, signs, working commercial coffee dispenser, working refrigerated display case (refrigerator) with Quick Meal option, popcorn machine, soda machine, counter, chair, table by mensure at TSR (free)
[http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/Cafe%20Break%20Set/id/963692/ Cafe Break] set with commercial snack and food displays, signs, working commercial coffee dispenser, working refrigerated display case (refrigerator) with Quick Meal option, popcorn machine, soda machine, counter, chair, table by mensure at TSR (free)
==Edible Deco Food==
See [http://www.simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3_Content_List:Game_Mods_and_Hacks#Food Food] under Game Mods and Hacks
* Bakery Shop: [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_18.shtml at ATS sandy]
* Burgers: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-burgers.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Candy Bar ($$$): [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/ at Around the Sims 3]
* Cheesecake: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-cheesecake.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Cupcakes: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/04/edible-cupcakes.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Custom Drinks: [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/function_drink_01.shtml at Around the Sims 3]
* Default pizza box replacements: Simlish and English Retro Dominos and Pizza Hut [http://www.theninthwavesims.org/apps/forums/topics/show/2530671-my-simlish-and-english-retro-dominos-and-pizza-hut-pizza-boxes-for-ts3 at The Ninth Wave Sims]
* Deli: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/06/edible-deli.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Drinkable Fruit Juice ($$$): [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_24.shtml at Around the Sims 3]
* Easter Chocolates: [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_seasonal_05.shtml at Around the Sims 3]
* Food Cart: [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_19.shtml at ATS sandy at Around the Sims 3]
* Lasagna and Tiramisu: [http://adf.ly/2036546/banner/http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-italian-food-lasagna-tiramisu.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Macarons: [http://parisiansims.blogspot.com/2012/02/macarons-ladurees-eatible.html at Parisian sims]
* Pastries: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-pastry.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Pizza: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-pizza.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Religious Laduree: [http://parisiansims.blogspot.com/2012/02/religieuses-laduree-edible.html at Parisian sims ]
* Strawberry and Mocha Cakes: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-strawberry-mocha-cakes.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Sushi: [banner/http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/04/edible-sushi.html at One Billion Pixels]
* Taco: [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_21.shtml at Around the Sims 3]
* Wedding Cakes: [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-wedding-cakes-bonus.html at One Billion Pixels]
* New fully functional birthday cake by [https://sites.google.com/site/podchacha/events/happy-birthday-dalila Podchacha]
==Deco food==
==Deco food==
* Jam jar: [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/02/requested-athena-clutter.html Elin at BYHSD]
* Barbecue: meat kebob and ketchup bottle by [http://sims3s.ru/objects-barbecue.php Severinka] at Sims3s
* Hot chocolate and loaf of bread with jam jar: [http://www.simstree.ru/od.php Sim Tree]
* Barbeque: meat kebob, ketchup bottle, and vegetables for grilling by [https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/annflower1/downloads/details/category/sims3/id/1108133/ annflower1] at TSR(free)
* Hanging meat and garlic [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/ MK Sims]
* Bread basket and sushi by [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/kitchen-clutter-conversion.html Infusorian]
* Dish of lemons [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/ by Elin] at BYHSD
* Bread basket and wedge of pie/quiche by [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects12.php VitaSims] (in Sea Surf kitchen set)
* Dish of green apples [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/11/small-update.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Breads by [http://helen-sims.blogspot.com/2011/11/bread.html Helen-sims]
* Juice boxes, ice cream [http://www.khanysims.be/set-ustensil3-3.php Khany Sims]
* Breads by [http://simsteria.tumblr.com/post/16854790655/another-conversion-from-me-this-time-a-whole-set To Sleep in a Nightmare]
* Hot cocoa mug with whipped cream [http://www.customsims3.com/forum1/YaBB.pl?num=1257326023 at Custom Sims 3]
* Breakfast: bacon/eggs/toast, breads, butter, cereal bowl, cereal box, smoked turkey breast, and provolone cheese by [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/dl/htmlsobj/kitchen2.html Simcredible](free)
* Bag of Oreo cookies, bag of Ritz Bits, basket of bagels [http://forums.sim-oasis.com/index.php?topic=1451.0 by Jasumi] at Sim Oasis
* Breakfast: bread slices, croissant, hot cocoa, and yogurt by [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/breakfast-clutter-conversion.html Infusorian]
* Bottle of Perrier and dressed cracker [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/drink-snack-notepad-pen.html by Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Breakfast: croissants and coffee by [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=25826&page=2 Elenka] at Prosims
* Teapot and tea boxes, ice cream and doughnuts, soda, juice [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/different-clutter.html by Infusorian]
* Brunch by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5512 Tinkle] at BPS
* Plat-vide-poches ("junk dish"; holds candy and spare change): [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/t%C3%A9l%C3%A9chargements-downloads/d%C3%A9co/| Crea Sims 3]
* Candy dish by [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/t%C3%A9l%C3%A9chargements-downloads/d%C3%A9co/| Crea Sims 3] (Coupelle vide-poches)
* Breakfast clutter [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/breakfast-clutter-conversion.html by Infusorian]
* CoffeeMate, tureen, cup of soup, and cutting board with sausage and cheese by [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=25826&page=6 Elenka] at Prosims
* Honey bowl, tea bags, bowl of pears, bowl of lemons [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/ by Infusorian]
* Dessert: cherry tarts, meat pies, meat rolls and chips, French macaroons, strawberry tarts, bread basket, muffins, big cake, ice cream, banana split sundae [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/03/bon-appetit-to-your-sims.html by Black Sweety] at One More Sim
* Bowl of eggs, mushrooms on a cutting board, mortar and pestle [http://www.simstrastos.com/obcocina/cocinauna.htm at Sims Trastos]
* Dessert: chocolate cake by [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/03/cake-conversion.html BlackSweety]
* Bowl of popcorn; drink in glass with straw [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-livingroom/title/Home%20Theater%20Set/id/952737/ by mensure] (TSR) (free)
* Dessert: cookies on cookie rack by [http://www.modthesims.info/d/432060 Lisen801] at MTS
* Lemons, tomatoes, pan of fried eggs: [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_09.html Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Dessert: cupcakes by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2011/11/cupcake-set.html NewOne] at OBP
* Food packaging [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/11/conversions.html by Infusorian]
* Dessert: soda cupcakes by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5123 Tinkle] at BPS
* Doughnuts, peaches [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/11/peach-cushions-and-baking-clutter.html by Infusorian]
* Dessert: sundae (deco) by [http://helen-sims.blogspot.com/2010/06/girls-room.html Helen-sims] (in Gir's Room set)
* Pastry set (board, rolling pin, flour, milk, eggs, sugar bowl) [http://www.customsims3.com/forum1/YaBB.pl?num=1257230476 at Custom Sims 3]
* Dessert: sweets by [http://helen-sims.blogspot.com/2011/04/sweets.html Helen]
* Basket of bread [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/kitchen-clutter-conversion.html by Infusorian]
* Doughnuts, cookies, and peaches by [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/11/peach-cushions-and-baking-clutter.html Infusorian]
* Food trash, drink, milk [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=364791 by Lemoncandy] at MTS
* Edible: bagel, sub, quiche by [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_18.shtml Around the Sims 3]
* Garden Lunch Set for Sims 3 (bagel sandwiches and picnic basket) [http://niaolong.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=lpfk0ac2h49i90172sj7rbip27&topic=743.0 at Easter Egg]
* Edible: deli tray foods by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/06/edible-deli.html NewOne] at OBP
* "Mystic" set includes box of chocolates [http://elenka-myblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_23.html By Elenka]
* Edible: Dessert: cake sices (strawberry and mocha) by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-strawberry-mocha-cakes.html NewOne] at OBP
* Snack tray [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/03/clutter-and-hospital.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Edible: Dessert: cookie, brownie, cupcake, and Black Forest cake by [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_18.shtml Around the Sims 3]
* Sweet Chocolate set (teapot, cup of tea/hot chocolate/cappucino, spoon, trays of sweets) [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=105 by cassandre] at Black Pearl Sims
* Edible: Dessert: cupcakes by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/04/edible-cupcakes.html NewOne] at OBP
* Fruit bowl [http://www.poppysims.com/index.html by Susan] at Poppy Sims
* Edible: Dessert: pastries and macaroon by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-pastry.html NewOne] at OBP
* Chocolate cake [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/03/cake-conversion.html by BlackSweety]
* Edible: Dessert: pastries and tarts by [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_17.shtml Around the Sims 3]
* Fruit and vegetables, packaged food, market basket [http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/Sims3/deco3.html at Einfach Simlisch]
* Edible: lasagna and tiramisu by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-italian-food-lasagna-tiramisu.html NewOne] at OBP
* Edible: Picnic: hamburger and hot dog by [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_19.shtml Around the Sims 3]
* Edible: Picnic: hamburger and to-go box by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-burgers.html NewOne] at OBP
* Edible: pizza slice by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/05/edible-pizza.html NewOne] at OBP
* Edible: sushi by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/04/edible-sushi.html NewOne] at OBP
* Food conversions from TS2 by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5257 RD] at BPS
* Food trash, drink, and milk by [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=364791 Lemoncandy] at MTS
* Fruit and vegetables, packaged food, and market basket by [http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/Sims3/deco3.html Einfach Simlisch]
* Fruit bowl by [http://www.poppysims.com/index.html by Susan] at Poppy Sims
* Fruit bowls with limes, oranges, or apples by [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/index.html at Simcredible Designs]
* Fruit plate and dish of ice cream by [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_26.html Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Green apples by [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/11/small-update.html Elin] at BYHSD
* Hanging meat and garlic by [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/ MK Sims]
* Hanging sausage and leg of meat, picnic basket with fruit, bowl of peaches [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=23815&page=4 by MK2382] at Prosims
* Hanging sausage and leg of meat, picnic basket with fruit, bowl of peaches [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=23815&page=4 by MK2382] at Prosims
* CoffeeMate, tureen and cup of soup, cutting board with sausage and cheese [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=25826&page=6 by Elenka] at Prosims
* Honey bowl, tea bags, bowl of pears, and bowl of lemons by [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/ Infusorian]
* Croissants and coffee [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=25826&page=2 by Elenka] at Prosims
* Hot chocolate and loaf of bread with jam jar by [http://www.simstree.ru/od.php Sim Tree]
* Bread in wicker basket; wedge of pie/quiche [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects12.php at Vita Sims] in Sea Surf kitchen set
* Jam jar by [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/02/requested-athena-clutter.html Elin] at BYHSD
* Donation kitchen set [http://www.simstree.ru/gifts.php at Sims Tree] Toast and honey; coffee pot, cups and sugar; salami and wedge of cheese; pan of fried eggs; cake and teapot; dish of orange slices ($$$)
* Lemonade pitcher/glasses - with pink recolor by [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-set.html Desdren] (in Spring set)
* Savories and sweets: cherry tarts, meat pies, meat rolls and chips, French macarons, strawberry tarts, bread basket, muffins, big cake, ice cream, banana split sundae [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/03/bon-appetit-to-your-sims.html by Black Sweety] at One More Sim
* Juice boxes and ice cream by [http://www.khanysims.be/set-ustensil3-3.php Khany Sims]
* Glass jar of honey in breakfast set [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/ at Around the Sims]
* Lemons by [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/ Elin] at BYHSD
* Jug of lemonade (with pink lemonade recolor) [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-set.html in Spring Set] patio set by Desdren
* Lemons, tomatoes, pan of fried eggs by [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_09.html Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Low glass bowls with limes, oranges, or apples [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/index.html at Simcredible Designs]
* McDonalds' deco food by [http://helen-sims.blogspot.com/2011/04/mcdonalds-deco-food-set.html Helen]
* Plate of fruit and dish of ice cream in outdoor set [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_26.html at Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Marmelade jars [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/ at Around the Sims]
* Tropical drink and ?bowl of sherbet? in Tupelo patio set [http://3dheaven2hell.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=192&s=bb46459dfbb057df452bd395948c2520df064b1f at 3D Heaven 2 Hell
* Meats (butcher stop style) by [https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/riccinumbers/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/**free**-butcher-shop/id/1087921/ riccinumbers] at TSR(free)
* Milk bottle with glass and plated dinner rolls by [http://sims3s.ru/objects-milk.php Severinka]
* Nutella, chocolates, and jelly bean bags by [http://elenka-myblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_23.html Elenka]
* Perrier and dressed cracker by [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/drink-snack-notepad-pen.html Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Picnic: bagel sandwiches and picnic basket by [http://niaolong.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=lpfk0ac2h49i90172sj7rbip27&topic=743.0 Easter Egg]
* Picnic: fruit kebobs by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5356 Tinkle] at BPS
* Picnic: popsicle, waffle ice cream sundae, and watermelon salad by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5120 Tinkle] at BPS
* Pocky set by [http://one-billion-pixels.blogspot.com/2012/01/pocky-set.html OBP]
* Salad bowls by [http://3dheaven2hell.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=192&s=bb46459dfbb057df452bd395948c2520df064b1f 3D Heaven 2 Hell] (in Tupelo Patio set)
* Salads (exotic) by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/showthread.php?44867-September-2011-Exotic-Locales-Sims-3-Downloads Tinkle] at BPS  (post number 2)
* Sandwich (The Breakfast Club) by [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=5416 Tinkle] at BPS
* Snack tray by [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/03/clutter-and-hospital.html Elin] at BYHSD
* Snacks: bag of Oreo cookies, bag of Ritz Bits, and basket of bagels by [http://forums.sim-oasis.com/index.php?topic=1451.0 Jasumi] at Sim Oasis
* Snacks: food packaging by [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/11/conversions.html Infusorian]
* Snacks: [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-miscellaneous/title/home-theater-set_popcorn/id/952716/ popcorn bowl] and [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-miscellaneous/title/home-theater-set_soft-drink-/id/952719/ beverage glass with ice and straw] by mensure at TSR(free)
* Sushi by [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/08/requested-stuff.html BlackSweety]
* Sushi on plates with chopsticks and sauce bowls by [http://sims3s.ru/objects-kotatsu.php Severinka]
* Teapot and tea boxes, ice cream and doughnuts, soda, juice [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/different-clutter.html by Infusorian]
* Toast and honey, salami, cheese wedge, pan of fried eggs, cake, and dish of orange slices by [http://www.simstree.ru/gifts.php Sims Tree]($$$)
* Tray with pitcher, wine glasses, peaches by [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects15.php at VitaSims] (in Rattan Outdoor set)
* Tropical drink and bowl of sherbet by [http://3dheaven2hell.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=192&s=bb46459dfbb057df452bd395948c2520df064b1f 3D Heaven 2 Hell] (in Tupelo patio set)
* Vintage foods by [https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/riccinumbers/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-kitchen/title/vintage-fifties-food/id/1078207/ riccinumbers] at TSR(free)
* Bowl of eggs, mushrooms on a cutting board, mortar and pestle [http://www.simstrastos.com/obcocina/cocinauna.htm at Sims Trastos] INVALID LINK
* Breakfast: eggs in a frying pan, toast, and tart by [http://www.simstree.ru/od2.php SimsTree] INVALID LINK
See also [http://www.simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3_Content_List:Decorating_Themes#Kitchen_Clutter Kitchen Clutter] for beverage items and for kitchen clutter packs containing packaged and fresh food.
See also [http://www.simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3_Content_List:Decorating_Themes#Kitchen_Clutter Kitchen Clutter] for beverage items and for kitchen clutter packs containing packaged and fresh food.

Latest revision as of 20:34, 28 March 2013

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Building and Construction  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content  | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | EA Match  | Fantasy/Sci-Fi  | Food  | Game Mods and Hacks  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Medical  | Patterns  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | Work & School  | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage


[edit] Misc

Cafe Break set with commercial snack and food displays, signs, working commercial coffee dispenser, working refrigerated display case (refrigerator) with Quick Meal option, popcorn machine, soda machine, counter, chair, table by mensure at TSR (free)

[edit] Edible Deco Food

  • New fully functional birthday cake by Podchacha

[edit] Deco food

  • Barbecue: meat kebob and ketchup bottle by Severinka at Sims3s
  • Barbeque: meat kebob, ketchup bottle, and vegetables for grilling by annflower1 at TSR(free)
  • Bread basket and sushi by Infusorian
  • Bread basket and wedge of pie/quiche by VitaSims (in Sea Surf kitchen set)
  • Breads by Helen-sims
  • Breads by To Sleep in a Nightmare
  • Breakfast: bacon/eggs/toast, breads, butter, cereal bowl, cereal box, smoked turkey breast, and provolone cheese by Simcredible(free)
  • Breakfast: bread slices, croissant, hot cocoa, and yogurt by Infusorian
  • Breakfast: croissants and coffee by Elenka at Prosims
  • Brunch by Tinkle at BPS
  • Candy dish by Crea Sims 3 (Coupelle vide-poches)
  • CoffeeMate, tureen, cup of soup, and cutting board with sausage and cheese by Elenka at Prosims
  • Dessert: cherry tarts, meat pies, meat rolls and chips, French macaroons, strawberry tarts, bread basket, muffins, big cake, ice cream, banana split sundae by Black Sweety at One More Sim
  • Dessert: chocolate cake by BlackSweety
  • Dessert: cookies on cookie rack by Lisen801 at MTS
  • Dessert: cupcakes by NewOne at OBP
  • Dessert: soda cupcakes by Tinkle at BPS
  • Dessert: sundae (deco) by Helen-sims (in Gir's Room set)
  • Dessert: sweets by Helen
  • Doughnuts, cookies, and peaches by Infusorian
  • Edible: bagel, sub, quiche by Around the Sims 3
  • Edible: deli tray foods by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: Dessert: cake sices (strawberry and mocha) by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: Dessert: cookie, brownie, cupcake, and Black Forest cake by Around the Sims 3
  • Edible: Dessert: cupcakes by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: Dessert: pastries and macaroon by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: Dessert: pastries and tarts by Around the Sims 3
  • Edible: lasagna and tiramisu by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: Picnic: hamburger and hot dog by Around the Sims 3
  • Edible: Picnic: hamburger and to-go box by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: pizza slice by NewOne at OBP
  • Edible: sushi by NewOne at OBP
  • Food conversions from TS2 by RD at BPS
  • Food trash, drink, and milk by Lemoncandy at MTS
  • Fruit and vegetables, packaged food, and market basket by Einfach Simlisch
  • Fruit bowl by by Susan at Poppy Sims
  • Fruit bowls with limes, oranges, or apples by at Simcredible Designs
  • Fruit plate and dish of ice cream by Lit Sims 3 Stuff
  • Green apples by Elin at BYHSD
  • Hanging meat and garlic by MK Sims
  • Hanging sausage and leg of meat, picnic basket with fruit, bowl of peaches by MK2382 at Prosims
  • Honey bowl, tea bags, bowl of pears, and bowl of lemons by Infusorian
  • Hot chocolate and loaf of bread with jam jar by Sim Tree
  • Jam jar by Elin at BYHSD
  • Lemonade pitcher/glasses - with pink recolor by Desdren (in Spring set)
  • Juice boxes and ice cream by Khany Sims
  • Lemons by Elin at BYHSD
  • Lemons, tomatoes, pan of fried eggs by Lit Sims 3 Stuff
  • McDonalds' deco food by Helen
  • Marmelade jars at Around the Sims
  • Meats (butcher stop style) by riccinumbers at TSR(free)
  • Milk bottle with glass and plated dinner rolls by Severinka
  • Nutella, chocolates, and jelly bean bags by Elenka
  • Perrier and dressed cracker by Elin at BYHSD's Blog
  • Picnic: bagel sandwiches and picnic basket by Easter Egg
  • Picnic: fruit kebobs by Tinkle at BPS
  • Picnic: popsicle, waffle ice cream sundae, and watermelon salad by Tinkle at BPS
  • Pocky set by OBP
  • Salad bowls by 3D Heaven 2 Hell (in Tupelo Patio set)
  • Salads (exotic) by Tinkle at BPS (post number 2)
  • Sandwich (The Breakfast Club) by Tinkle at BPS
  • Snack tray by Elin at BYHSD
  • Snacks: bag of Oreo cookies, bag of Ritz Bits, and basket of bagels by Jasumi at Sim Oasis
  • Snacks: food packaging by Infusorian
  • Snacks: popcorn bowl and beverage glass with ice and straw by mensure at TSR(free)
  • Sushi by BlackSweety
  • Sushi on plates with chopsticks and sauce bowls by Severinka
  • Teapot and tea boxes, ice cream and doughnuts, soda, juice by Infusorian
  • Toast and honey, salami, cheese wedge, pan of fried eggs, cake, and dish of orange slices by Sims Tree($$$)
  • Tray with pitcher, wine glasses, peaches by at VitaSims (in Rattan Outdoor set)
  • Tropical drink and bowl of sherbet by 3D Heaven 2 Hell (in Tupelo patio set)
  • Vintage foods by riccinumbers at TSR(free)

  • Bowl of eggs, mushrooms on a cutting board, mortar and pestle at Sims Trastos INVALID LINK
  • Breakfast: eggs in a frying pan, toast, and tart by SimsTree INVALID LINK

See also Kitchen Clutter for beverage items and for kitchen clutter packs containing packaged and fresh food.

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