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Tutorials related to modding and scripting can be found at http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorials:TS4_GeneralModding
Tutorials related to modding and scripting can be found at http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorials:TS4_GeneralModding
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* [[Sims 4:DBPF|Package file format]]
* [http://cdn-assets-ts4.pulse.ea.com/Guide/TS4_Custom_Content_Guide.zip EA Maxis Custom Content Guide zip for Sims 4]
* [[Sims 4:PackedFileTypes|Files by type code]]
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=533094 Discussion thread about the CC Guide from Maxis]
* [[Sims 4:Catalog Resource/StringTable|Catalog resource string table]]
* [http://modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=701 Sims 4 Modding Discussion Forum]
* [[Sims 4:Key table|Key table and lists of resource references]]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=533073 Sims 4 Protocol Buffers by clown] a.k.a. Python code - Game save format
* [[Sims 4:Product GUIDs|Product GUIDs]] - Used for installing/uninstalling.
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=4511236#post4511236 Decompiled TS4 scripts by gizmozow]
* [[Sims 4:Versions|Version numbers]]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=535380 CSV list of IDs, names, and tuning names of IDs of Objects by DarkWalker]
* [[Sims 4:Locales|Locales]] - Useful for finding TS4 in the Documents directory, among other things.
* [http://sims-4-files.wikia.com/wiki/Strings_ENG_US Strings ENG US part one by JADGIRL]  
* [http://sims-4-files.wikia.com/wiki/Strings_ENG_US_Part2  Strings ENG US by JADGIRL]
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=540296 Sims 4 Bones for Milkshape by Notegain]
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=534912 Extracted body skin textures and tgi's by pahtrick]
* [http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/774430/helpful-reference-unwrapped-male-skin Unwrapped male skins by maclimes]
* [http://sintiklia.tumblr.com/post/93604867990/sims-4-bodies-so-i-extracted-bodies-from-sims-4 Extracted Sims 4 body meshes by Sintiklia]  NOTE: Sintiklia's body meshes on her TUMBLR site are a.w.o.l.  If you know where they went, let us know.
* [http://i.imgur.com/mh8tQlI.png Hair overview by xox_sugarlips_xox]
* [http://www.mediafire.com/download/69xam76frj50ky3/AloyssiaGrayscaleHairTextures.zip Grayscale hair textures by xox_sugarlips_xox]
* [http://jennisimsunanuevaexperiencia.blogspot.com.br/2014/08/downloads-sims-4texturas-para.html#.VJnnzF4AAA Hair Textures by Jennisims]
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=541705 Maxis BasicWalls: PDN/DDS by plasticbox]  diffuse, bump, specular as PDN/DDS
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=538522 Simlish logo Resources. by tonicmole]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=537953 Sims 4 Icon Pack by puremorphin]
* [http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/529/object-tuning-ids Tuning Names & Tuning IDs For Objects by Andrew]
* [https://sims4studio.com/post/22523/thread CAS sort layers by Brujah at Sims4Studio]
* [https://sims4studio.com/post/50682 How/Where to change CompositionMethod layering number by Feyona at Sims4Studio]

Latest revision as of 02:59, 16 November 2020

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

Tutorials related to modding and scripting can be found at http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorials:TS4_GeneralModding

[edit] Introduction

This is all the mumbo jumbo that goes on behind the scenes, we do not recommend that if you are new to this you just jump right in here, we advise learning some of the modding tutorials first to get your head around how the game works.

[edit] Resources

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

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