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*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/164/start-finish-accessory-mesh-beginners Start to Finish Accessory Mesh Tutorial for Beginners By orangemittens at S4S]  [[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]] This is a 5 star beginner tutorial.  It has important meshing and blender UV mapping info that applies to any mesh creation.
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/10/tutorial-using-sims-studio-accessory Using Sims 4 Studio to Add a Custom Accessory]
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/17/sims-studio-video-tutorial-playlist Sims 4 Studio  Video Tutorial: New Earring Accessory - Mesh by brujah236]
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/17/sims-studio-video-tutorial-playlist 2 Video Tutorials: Standalone Accessory Recolor with Multiple Swatches by brujah236]
*[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/how-to-make-earrings-with-milkshape.html How to make earrings with Milkshape]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1466/tutorial-converting-accessorys-glass Converting an Accessory's Look to Glass by untraditionalnerd at S4S]
* [http://starrynitesims.blogspot.co.at/2014/08/the-sims-4-beginners-tutorial-custom.html Beginner's Tutorial - Custom Recolor and T-Shirt Design by StarryNiteSims]
* [https://www.platinumsimmers.com/articles/simple-retexturing-for-the-sims-4/ Simple Retexturing for the Sims 4 by PlatinumSimmers]
====CAS Cloner Tutorials====
====Blender CAS Tutorials====
*[http://llazyneiph.tumblr.com/post/175169468248/ok-hi-im-neiph-and-today-im-gonna-show-u-few A few Blender tips for CAS items by llazyneiph at Tumblr]
*[https://www.tumblr.com/reblog/179514418988/kkviYTr6 SEB's Comprehensive Clothing Guide by llazyneiph]
====Caster Tutorials====
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/81/weight-transfer-blender?page=1 Weight Transfer in Blender by Brujah at S4S] [[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]] This is how you transfer (copy) vertex weight values from game meshes to your new mesh parts in Blender. ''(Older Sims versions called them '''Bone Assignments'''.)''  It's way easier than the old bone assignments in Milkshape because instead of configuring each vertex by itself, you select the game piece, then your 'new mesh' piece and transfer the vertex weights all at once.  The new mesh vertexes will pick up the vertex weights based on it's proximity to vertexes in the active game mesh you selected, even if the vertexes have different weights.
* [http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/775235/tutorial-creating-custom-content-using-caster#latest Making Custom content Using CASTER by Zerbu]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2-FfB9kRmE&list=PLyelx0TsmSpdSoVNlkGo7LAk3mhfxbMhd&index=1 Blender mapping 1 of 4 by Darrin Lile - You Tube video]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42XCrtxvhyM&list=PLyelx0TsmSpdSoVNlkGo7LAk3mhfxbMhd&index=2 Blender mapping 2 of 4 by Darrin Lile - You Tube video]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXyIhYcYmoo&list=PLyelx0TsmSpdSoVNlkGo7LAk3mhfxbMhd&index=3 Blender mapping 3 of 4 by Darrin Lile - You Tube video]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1DHPEHleTQ&list=PLyelx0TsmSpdSoVNlkGo7LAk3mhfxbMhd&index=4 Blender mapping 4 of 4 by Darrin Lile - You Tube video]
====ColorMagic Tutorials====
====Caster Tutorials====
*[http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/775235/tutorial-creating-custom-content-using-caster#latest Making Custom content Using CASTER by Zerbu]
* [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8&sid=ef5719860767138d2f2c9febed4bf5d8 Color Magic INstructions by Srikandi]
====CASTools Tutorials====
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=560283 TS4 CASTools: Recolouring (plasticbox)]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=560292 TS4 CASTools: Flag edits | Gender, randomness, categories, etc (plasticbox)]
*[http://nyloa.tumblr.com/post/114254537090/for-this-tutorial-you-need-s4cas-tools-by-cmar Editing CASP Flags with TS4 CASTools (nyloa on tumblr)]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=582340 Convert a TS3 Dress to TS4 using CAS Tools, Milkshape and GIMP]
====GIMP tutorials====
====GIMP tutorials====
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLcPhkIeCxQ Video Tutorial: Making Custom Textures for Sims 4 Clothing using GIMP by brujah236 on YouTube]
<!--*[http://sims4.the-prof.net/?topic=tutorial-using-gimp-with-color-magic-to-make-custom-textured-sims-4-clothing Simple Retexturing for Colormagic using GIMP by Sydney Grey at Sims4 Stuff N Things] MISSINg link  -->
<!-- *[http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14 Making Custom Textured Clothing using GIMP by Sydney Grey]  MISSING LINK
*[http://eder.se/vera/?page_id=307 How to make CC for Sims 4 using GIMP by Vera] MISSING -->
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=569409 Introducing shine in Sims 4 clothing by editing specular images with GIMP 2.8.16]
* [http://sims4.the-prof.net/?topic=tutorial-using-gimp-with-color-magic-to-make-custom-textured-sims-4-clothing Simple Retexturing for Colormagic using GIMP by Sydney Grey at Sims4 Stuff N Things]
====Paint.net Tutorials====
* [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14 Making Custom Textured Clothing using GIMP by Sydney Grey]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLcPhkIeCxQ Video Tutorial: Making Custom Textures for Sims 4 Clothing using Paint.net by brujah236 on YouTube]
* [http://eder.se/vera/?page_id=307 How to make CC for Sims 4 using GIMP by Vera]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=560074 Multi-channel image editing (RLES, shadows etc) with Paint.net and friends]
====Photoshop Tutorials====
====Photoshop Tutorials====
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLcPhkIeCxQ Video Tutorial: Making Custom Textures for Sims 4 Clothing using Photoshop by brujah236 on YouTube]
*[http://starrynitesims.blogspot.co.at/2014/08/the-sims-4-beginners-tutorial-custom.html Beginner's Tutorial - Custom Recolor and T-Shirt Design by StarryNiteSims]
*[https://www.platinumsimmers.com/articles/simple-retexturing-for-the-sims-4/ Simple Retexturing for the Sims 4 by PlatinumSimmers]
*[http://jsboutique.tumblr.com/post/95875949953/my-first-ever-tutorial-phew-that-turned-out-a-lot Photoshop recoloring tutorial by JSBoutique]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97GXwDddEQg Seamless pattern tutorial for Photoshop on YouTube by RockChick/Neen]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/13638/create-own-seamless-patterns-photoshop Create your own seamless patterns in Photoshop. by Noir_noir at S4S]
* [http://jsboutique.tumblr.com/post/95875949953/my-first-ever-tutorial-phew-that-turned-
====s4pe Tutorials====
out-a-lot Photoshop recoloring tutorial by JSBoutique]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=539130 How to change age and gender flags in s4pe by CmarNYC]
* [https://www.platinumsimmers.com/articles/simple-retexturing-for-the-sims-4/ Simple Retexturing for Colormagic using Photoshop by Black Garden at Platinum Simmers]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=540210 How to make the make up layer over skin overlays]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=537053 Sort CC swatches how-to]
====Sims 4 Studio Tutorials ====
====Sims 4 Studio Tutorials ====
=====CAS Tutorials=====
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/4324/tutorial-detailed-guide-create-clothing A Very Detailed Tutorial about How to Create High-End clothing From Start to End Correctly. by eviltiptip at S4S] This is a good one for beginners.
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/3309/make-default-replacement-infant-clothing How to Make Default Replacement Infant Clothing by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/281/make-sims-clothing-recolor-transparency How to Make A Sims 4 Clothing Recolor With Transparency by Orangemittens]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/12/tutorial-standalone-recolor-custom-thumbnails How to Make a Standalone Recolor with Custom Thumbnails by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/3215/video-tutorial-image-clothing-bakie How to Place an Image on Clothing by Bakie at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/305/create-item-new-joint-assignment?page=1 Create an Item With a New Joint Assignment by orangemittens at S4S.]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJygODXdRB8&feature=youtu.be How to add Dynamic Light to Clothing by Bakie] Glowing or blinking light on clothing. shine.
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/12/tutorial-standalone-recolor-custom-thumbnails S4S Tutorial: Standalone Recolor With Custom Thumbnails by Orangemittens]
<!-- *[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/129/mini-tutorial-recolor-screen-nutshell Mini-Tutorial: The CAS Recolor Screen in a Nutshell by Orangemittens] MISSING -->
*[http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/606/editing-shadows Editing Clothing Shadow Images by Simista & MisterS]
*[http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/566/shorten-mesh-blender Edit a Clothing Mesh to Make It Shorter by MisterS]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1722/tutorial-basic-guide-specular-editing Want shiny clothing or trim? Edit the CAS specular in Sims 4 using S4S by orangemittens]
*[http://blogsimplesimmer.tumblr.com/post/151197981280/an-anon-sent-me-a-message-asking-if-i-could-make Child Conversion Tutorial by blogsimplesimmer]
*[http://theslyd.tumblr.com/post/145955896221/tutorial-how-to-bake-shadow-for-clothing-i How to bake a shadow for clothing by theslyd]
*[http://deetron-sims.tumblr.com/frankenmesh Frankenmeshing tutorial by deetron-sims]  No longer at the site.  Does anyone know the new location?
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1469/tutorial-create-transparent-skirt How to Create a Transparent Skirt by untraditionalnerd at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/10/tutorial-using-sims-studio-accessory Using Sims 4 Studio to Add an Accessory by orangemittens at S4S]
* [http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php?topic=3228.0 Sims 4 Studio - Make a Standalone recolor by orangemittens at Simlogical]
=====Object Tutorials=====
* [http://astraea-never.livejournal.com/3635.html TS4 Female to Male hair conversion by astraea_never @ The Path Of Nevermore ]
* [http://b-eatris.tumblr.com/post/96013371170/retexturing-hair-for-ts4-tutorial Retexturing Hair for TS4 by Forget-Me-Not]
====Cas Cloner====
=====Pose Tutorials=====
*[http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/466/blender-create-sims-absolute-beginners Pose tutorial for absolute beginners]
*[http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/442/make-sims-pose-using-studio Basic Pose tutorial]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=532269 Recoloring Hair with CAS Cloner by Kiara24]
====UV Maps====
*[https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/spectacledchic-sims4/164853363090 UV Body Template - Adult female body template UV map by spectacledchic] 
**[https://imgur.com/21NjwYw Here's the download for the template]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/62/fix-uv-map-template  CAS Part UV template by brujah at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/243/sim-body-texture-templates?page=1 Sims 4 body texture templates by orangemittens at S4S]
===Makeup & Genetics===
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/134/mini-tutorial-sims-hair-components Sims 4 Hair Mesh Components by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/386/add-swatch-existing-hair-beginners Add a Swatch to an Existing Hair Mesh For Beginners] - Learn to add a new color to your favorite hair mesh.
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/134/mini-tutorial-basic-components-meshes Understanding the Components of Sims 4 Hair by Orangemittens] - People new to meshing Sims 4 Hair should start here.
<!-- *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKpoMc4kqaE#t=207 The Sims4: How To Make Hair <!-- *[http://soloriya.tumblr.com/post/107432887990/soloriya-female-hair-for-male-1-open-in Convert TS4 Hair, Male to Female and Back] Shows how to change the sex of hairstyles. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the male versus female head size so this shows you how to change the sex flags - Uses S4PE  MISSING -->
*[http://astraea-never.livejournal.com/3635.html TS4 Female to Male hair conversion by astraea_never @ The Path Of Nevermore]  (older and more difficult way to convert hair sexes)
*[http://b-eatris.tumblr.com/post/96013371170/retexturing-hair-for-ts4-tutorial Retexturing Hair for TS4 by Forget-Me-Not]
*[https://app.box.com/shared/5ey3dglxevqsernrx5dr Pooklet's psds & textures] Pooklet's hair textures and psd files on BOX. Scroll down to the ''pooklet-psds & textures folder''.
*[http://simfileshare.net/download/23877/ Extracted Maxis hair textures by ddeathflower on Sim File Share]
<!-- *[http://mystufforigin.blogspot.de/p/blog-page_77.html Recoloring Hair with CAS Cloner / Photoshop by Kiara24]  -->
<!-- *[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/how-to-join-2-hairs-in-blender.html How to join 2 hairs in Blender by Kiara24] -->
<!-- *[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/how-to-modify-hair-in-blender-video.html How to modify a hair in Blender by Kiara24]  WARNING HAZARDOUS SITE - BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU CLICK ON. -->
<!-- *[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/how-to-convert-adult-hair-to-children.html How to convert adult hair for children by Kiara24]  HAZARDOUS SITE -->
<!-- *[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/how-to-convert-sims-2-hair-for-sims-4.html How to convert a Sims 2 hair for Sims 4 by Kiara24] Hazardous site -->
*[http://ddeathflower.tumblr.com/post/131614460665/clayifying-hair-tutorial-technical-version How to clayify hair by ddeathflower]
*[http://ddeathflower.tumblr.com/post/131744818205/how-to-re-texture-hair-in-ts4-using-sims4studio How to retexture hair using S4S by ddeathflower]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FkRN7FxAow Clayifying tutorial by burritosims]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/3857/most-transparency-issues-alpha-glass Fixing Transparency Issues with Alpha/Glass Hair by laracroftfan1 at S4S]
==Makeup & Genetics==
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=540210 How to make the make up layer over skin overlays]
*[https://sims4studio.com/post/22523/thread Discussion on correcting Composition layers and Sort numbers for Skin Details and how they overwrite or blend with other skin details/makeup etc. by Brujah and Feyona and others at Sims4Studio]
====Eye Shadow====
*[http://www.sims4studio.com/thread/513/eyeshadow-tutorial-using-photoshop-sims4studio Eyeshadow Tutorial using Sims 4 Studio by laracroftfan1]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/720/make-standalone-eye-recolor How to Make a Standalone Eye Recolor by Orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=531494 PSD for custom eyes and eye recolor tutorial by LoonehWannabe]
*[http://thepathofnevermore.tumblr.com/post/95214814239/tutorial-eye-defaults-for-ts4-just-a-quick-little Eye Default Replacement Tutorial by Astraea Nevermore]
*[http://modthesims.info/m/showthread.php?t=535207 Proper genetics for non default eyes by Helianthea]
*[http://lilleputtu.tumblr.com/post/135196489994/geneticizing-sims-4-custom-eyecolours Geneticizing Sims 4 Eye Colours by lilleputtu]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=531494 PSD for suctom eyes and eye recolor tutorial by LoonehWannabe]  
====Face Paint====
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2845/video-tutorial-custom-paint-bakie How to Make a Facepaint by Bakie at S4S]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag_C5M6PSoM&feature=youtu.be Quick Lipstick Tutorialon YouTube by imaorney]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag_C5M6PSoM&feature=youtu.be Quick Lipstick Tutorialon YouTube by imaorney]
====Sims Creation====
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztTnv7hQrjY How to Make Him! A Comprehensive Face Slider Tutorial ?Sims 4?CAS by KatsCorner at YouTube] This is a great visual aid that helps you learn how to manipulate the face sliders that come with the Sims4 game.
*[http://sims-sala-bim.tumblr.com/post/98901020847/this-is-the-newest-version-of-my-tutorial How to Make a Custom Tattoo for The Sims 4] by Simssalabim
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=532269 How to Make Sims 4 Tattoos by ShinyStar (Video on YouTube)]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=532269 How to Make Sims 4 Tattoos by ShinyStar (Video on YouTube)]
==Meshing Tutorials==
* [http://sims-sala-bim.tumblr.com/post/95253664437/more-first-of-all-there-are-some-things How to make a custom Tattoo for Sims 4 by simssalabim]
====Blender Tutorials====
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/11/tutorial-check-accessory-assignments-blender Checking bone assignments in Blender by Orangemittens]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/81/weight-transfer-blender?page=1 Weight Transfer in Blender by Brujah at S4S] [[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]][[Image:Gold_star-25pixels.jpg|25x25px]] This is how you transfer (copy) vertex weight values from game meshes to your new mesh parts in Blender. ''(Older Sims versions called them '''Bone Assignments'''.)''  It's way easier than the old bone assignments in Milkshape because instead of configuring each vertex by itself, you select the game piece, then your 'new mesh' piece and transfer the vertex weights all at once.  The new mesh vertexes will pick up the vertex weights based on it's proximity to vertexes in the active game mesh you selected, even if the vertexes have different weights.
*[http://www.instructables.com/id/Beginners-Guide-to-Blender/ Blender's Guide to Blender]
*[http://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/ Blender Basics ]
*[http://teanmoon.tumblr.com/post/178885571665/troubleshooting-black-pixels-on-your-bake-black Troubleshooting Black Pixels on Your Bake by Teanmoon]
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====S4PE Tutorials====
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/104/mini-tutorial-change-shader-using How to Change a Mesh's Shader with s4pe by Orangemittens]
<!-- *[http://sintiklia.tumblr.com/post/93699589685/tutorial-how-to-export-meshes-from-s4pe-sims-4 How to export meshes from s4pe by Sintiklia] MISSING -->
<!--*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KmmGiBiW55NWevwWOp4MR8Mue9uIHFUikyJxEmu2vn0/edit?pli=1 Editing Meshes in Sims 4 by lumialoversims] MISSING -->
==Pose & Animation Tutorials==
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=572515 Editing the CLIP resource using s4pe]
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/466/blender-create-sims-absolute-beginners Sims 4 Pose Tutorial for Absolute Beginners] Those new to Sims 4 poses should start here.
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/442/make-sims-pose-using-studio Sims 4 Pose Tutorial using Sims4Studio] Tutorial for Posing Sims using Sims 4 Studio.
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2930/create-pose-pack-works-mod?page=1 How to Create a Pose Pack That Works with the Pose Pack by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2617/andrews-studio  Andrew's Pose Player Mod by Andrew at S4S]
**[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2631/use-pose-player How to Use the Pose Player Mod. by Andrew at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1797/create-controller-eyes-blender-animation How to Create a Controller so Both Eyes Move With the Head in Blender Animations by brujah at S4S]
===Resources for CAS/Posing===
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2087/cas-uv-1-template-images CAS UV Template Images by Brujah at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2087/cas-uv-1-template-images UV Templates for Adult, Toddler, Male and Female]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/2310/cas-sort-layer CAS Sort Layers by brujah at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/250/joint-list-sims-sim-skeletons?page=1 Joint List for TS4 skeletons by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/243/sim-body-texture-templates?page=1 Sims 4 Body Texture Templates by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/62/fix-uv-map-template  CAS Part UV Map Placement Guide by brujah at S4S]
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*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=568713 Creating a custom skintone with TS4 Skininator]
*[http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=554779 Default Replacement Skin Tones (pentabet)]
*[[Merge Multiple .Packages|How To Merge Multiple .Packages]] Useful for combining meshes that are exactly the same except for minor 'normal' differences.
*[http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/106/tutorial-buyable-uniform-using-studio Make a buyable uniform using Sims 4 Studio and s4pe by Orangemittens]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=534638 Creating an item with it's own thumb by MaclimesZero]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=532192 Making a Mask by MaclimesZero]
*[http://starrynitesims.blogspot.co.at/2014/09/adding-custom-swatches-to-your-custom.html Add Custom Swatches to your Custom Content by Srikandi]
*[http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/771286/package-combining-for-ts4-recolors Package Combining for TS4 recolors by Srikandi]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=532192 Making a Mask by MaclimesZero]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/m/showthread.php?t=531149 Sharing Sims without the Gallery by Srikandi]
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==Toolbox Tutorials==
==Toolbox Tutorials==
*[http://sims4.the-prof.net/ Colormagic GUIDELINES FOR MODDING TOOLS DEVELOPERS at Sims4 Stuff N Things] Link doesn't work.
* [http://sims4.the-prof.net/ Colormagic GUIDELINES FOR MODDING TOOLS DEVELOPERS at Sims4 Stuff N Things]
===Tutorials from Sims 2 and Sims 3 that may help===
===Tutorials from Sims 2 and Sims 3 that may help===
Line 77: Line 190:
*[[Sims 3:DXT Compression Types|Texture Glossary and Proper DXT Compression Types]]
*[[Sims 3:DXT Compression Types|Texture Glossary and Proper DXT Compression Types]]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=140780 How to add shadows and highlights]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=140780 How to add shadows and highlights]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=424820 Texturing With the Smudge Tool]
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=424820 Texturing With the Smudge Tool]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=215485 Using Milkshape to Preview Body Shop Textures] - this tutorial is written for Sims 2. You can find Sims 3 example bodies (required for previewing skintones) [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=411795 here].
*[http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=215485 Using Milkshape to Preview Body Shop Textures] - this tutorial is written for Sims 2. You can find Sims 3 example bodies (required for previewing skintones) [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=411795 here].
* [[Tutorials:Fabric Folds in Photoshop|Creating fabric folds in Photoshop]] '''LINK BROKEN''' <!-- find where this went -->
*[[Tutorials:Fabric Folds in Photoshop|Creating fabric folds in Photoshop]] '''LINK BROKEN''' find where this went -->
===Spammy Sites - Be Careful===
!!!! WARNING - THESE SITES ARE SPAMMY AND OPEN JUNK PAGES!!!  Be Careful.  Make sure you are opening the correct links and not junkware.
*[http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Category:Modding_Tools_for_Sims_4 Visit the Sims 4 Modding Tools Page]
*[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/how-to-convert-sims-2-clothes-into-sims.html How to convert Sims 2 clothes textures to Sims 4 by Kiara24]
*[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/how-to-convert-sims-3-clothes-for-sims.html How to convert Sims 3 clothing textures to Sims 4 by Kiara24] - Part 2 [https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/how-to-convert-sims-3-clothes-for-sims_20.html here] - note: this tutorial does not teach you how to convert the mesh, just how to create or copy the textures to a similar Ts4 clothing item. 
*[https://mystufforigin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/how-to-join-top-and-skirt-in-sims-4.html How to join a top and skirt by Kiara24]
*[[:Category:Modding Tools for Sims 4|Visit the Sims 4 Modding Tools Page]]
[[Tutorials::Category:Modding_Tools_for_Sims_4|Sims 4 Modding Tools]]
[[Category:Sims 4 CAS Tutorials]]
[[Category:Sims 4 CAS Tutorials]]

Latest revision as of 02:23, 11 May 2022

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 


[edit] Accessories

[edit] Clothing

[edit] Blender CAS Tutorials

  • Weight Transfer in Blender by Brujah at S4S Gold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpg This is how you transfer (copy) vertex weight values from game meshes to your new mesh parts in Blender. (Older Sims versions called them Bone Assignments.) It's way easier than the old bone assignments in Milkshape because instead of configuring each vertex by itself, you select the game piece, then your 'new mesh' piece and transfer the vertex weights all at once. The new mesh vertexes will pick up the vertex weights based on it's proximity to vertexes in the active game mesh you selected, even if the vertexes have different weights.

[edit] Caster Tutorials

[edit] CASTools Tutorials

[edit] GIMP tutorials

[edit] Paint.net Tutorials

[edit] Photoshop Tutorials

[edit] s4pe Tutorials

[edit] Sims 4 Studio Tutorials

[edit] CAS Tutorials
[edit] Object Tutorials
[edit] Pose Tutorials

[edit] UV Maps

[edit] Hair

[edit] Makeup & Genetics

[edit] Eye Shadow

[edit] Eyes

[edit] Face Paint

[edit] Lipstick

[edit] Sims Creation

[edit] Tattoos

[edit] Meshing Tutorials

[edit] Blender Tutorials

[edit] S4PE Tutorials

[edit] Pose & Animation Tutorials

[edit] Resources for CAS/Posing

[edit] Skins

[edit] Misc

[edit] Gallery

[edit] Tutorials from Sims 2 and Sims 3 that may help

These tutorial relate to clothing, but are specific techniques, tools, and tips helpful to beginners and more experienced skinners alike, for trying something specific. Some of these tutorials may be written for Sims 2 and Sims 3, however the same techniques can be used in Sims 4.

[edit] Spammy Sites - Be Careful

!!!! WARNING - THESE SITES ARE SPAMMY AND OPEN JUNK PAGES!!! Be Careful. Make sure you are opening the correct links and not junkware.

[edit] Tools

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

Personal tools

game select